We are back with our most awaited tear list article today, and we will help you to decide the 29 Strongest One Piece Characters Ranked in 2022. As most of us already know, Eiichiro Oda‘s One Piece is one the most popular anime and manga franchises in the world, with a solely deserving spot in Big Three. The manga series recently completed its longest-running arc, The Wano Country Arc, with some extraordinary fight scenes, different awakenings, powerups, and mindblowing twists.
One Piece is that kind of Anime where we see a wide range of strength and powers. No one can predict who will awaken his hidden power and who will defeat whom. Here, the protagonist is not the most powerful person that can defeat anyone easily, but there are some characters who have the ability to defeat the protagonist with ease.
This does not mean that our protagonist, Luffy is weak. Actually, he is tremendously strong with his willpower, which helps him to overcome some of the most impossible conditions and pains.
Considering that if Luffy, who is the protagonist of the franchise, is not the strongest one, then who do you think will rank at the highest position in our tier list? Until the recent Wano City Arc, we have witnessed thousands of characters so far, which forces you to wonder, how a person can continuously make new plots and characters along with unique and amazing powers. Who is your favorite character in the One Piece franchise? Is your character strong enough to make his place in the 29 Strongest One Piece Characters Ranked in 2022?
29. King
King serves as a right hand to the Emperor of the Sea, Kaido. He is one of the three All-Stars of the crew of Kaido, the Beast Pirates. He is one of the people of the Lunarian Race, a nearly extinct race of the Red Line. Because of his looks and powers, he is also one of the most respectable members of the Beast Pirates.

28. Vinsmoke Sanji
Vinsmoke Sanji is one of the fastest characters in the World of One Piece. In addition to being one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hats crew, he also serves as a Cook.

Sanji was born as Prince of Germa Kingdom, but he ran away from his house at a very young age. After he disowned his family, he grows under the care of Zeff and became a sous chef of the Baratie.
27. Eustass “Captain” Kid
Eustass “Captain” Kid or simply Kid, is one of the pirates of the Worst Generation. Along with his right hand, Killer, he is the Captain of Kid Pirates. In a battle against one of the four Emperor of the seam Shanks, he lost one of his arms, during the time skip.

26. Charlotte Katakuri
Charlotte Katakuri is one of three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom’s Pirate group. He is the third child and second son of the Emperor of the Sea, Big Mom. Because of his immense power and unique abilities, he was the second antagonist of the second half of the Whole Cake arc.

Katakuri is considered to be the strongest of all the three Sweet Commanders. With his powers, he has the ability to through jelly, just like they work as bullets.
25. Roronoa Zoro
The man with the dream of becoming the Greatest Swordman in the World after defeating Mihawk, the Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro, is the first person, Luffy recruited to his crew.

Zoro is the master of Nitoryu, a three-sword style technique, that he has learned during his training in Shimotsuki Village. Along with Luffy and Sanji, Zoro is one of the three most powerful Straw Hats. In addition to this, Zoro is also one of the twelve pirates of the Worst Generation.
24. Marco the Phoenix
The former commander of the First Division of Whitebeard Pirates, Marco has eaten a Zoan Type devil fruit, Tori Tori no mi. The powers of the devil fruit allow him to transform into a Pheonix.

In addition to some extraordinary speed and attacks, he can also heal himself and others. He was the closest crewmate to the Whitebeard and served as his right hand. He also fought against one of the Emperors of the Sea, Big Mom, in one-on-one combat, during his arrival on Onigashima.
23. Trafalgar D. Water Law
Trafalgar D. Water Law, or simply Law, is one of the twelve pirates of the Worst Generation. In addition to being the captain of Heart Pirates, Law is also a doctor. Law during the two-year time skip also got the position of a Warlord of the Sea, but when the Marines heard the news of his alliance with Monkey D. Luffy, they revoked his position.

Everything Law has gone through in his past life creates one of the most heart-touching and overwhelming stories in the world of One Piece. He was the only survivor of Amber Lead Syndrome from Flevance. As the disease was spreading at a very high rate, their neighborhood country destroyed them and now the only survivor left was Law.
22. Yamato
The only son but daughter of the Yonko of the sea, Kaido, Yamato, is obsessed with Kozuki Oden. She has chosen to become a replica of Oden, by following his skills and adapting his mannerisms. As Oden was a man and Yamato is a girl, she decided to become a man and preferred to be identified as the ‘son’ of Kaido.

As Oden was the enemy of his father, the idea of following Oden his only daughter, was unacceptable to him, that is the reason why Yamato spent most of his time imprisoned on Onigashima. During the visit to Ace to Onigashima, she got friendly with Ace and waited a long time for his return. Although after hearing the news of Ace’s death, she then waited for the arrival of Ace’s sworn brother, Luffy.
Even though Yamato wanted to be one of the members of Straw Hats, she preferred to stay on Wano, but still have the intention to join them in the future.
21. Sabo
Sabo is the adopted brother of Luffy, he along with Ace and Luffy, makes the iconic trio. Currently, he is the Number 2 of the Revolutionary Army and only outranked by the commander of the organization, Monkey D. Dragon.

He was raised Nobel by birth by his parents, Outlook III and Didit, in the Goa Kingdom of Dawn Island. In order to become a pirate and to complete his book of adventure, write a book about his travels, and reunite with his brothers, Ace and Luffy, he ran away at the age of ten, during his time as a vagabond in Gray terminal.
20. Borsalino aka Kizaru
Borsalino who you might have been familiar with by his alias name Kizaru is one of the Marine’s Admiral. To maintain his status as an Admiral, the physical power he holds is insane. One time he fought Rayleigh only by using his raw powers. He also fought against the Whitebeard in the Summit War of Marineford.

Generally, Kizaru’s melee attack style emphasizes incredibly heavy kicks via his ability to move at the speed of light, which allows him to easily demolish an entire building and incapacitate pirates with noticeable skill with a single blow.
The goggled Admiral ate the pika pika no mi, which is a Logia Type devil fruit with the help of which he can create, control, and transform his body into light. He is also able to perform kicks at the speed of light, shoot laser beams and blind his opponents.
During the Summit War of Marineford, he fought several strong pirates with equal footing. However, in this arc, Whitebeard and the first captain of Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, were the only pirates that prompted the Admirals to fight seriously.
19. Kuzan aka Aokiji
The first ever Admiral that was revealed in the manga was Kuzan, also known by his nickname Aokiji, but now, he no longer is part of the Marine, by any means. He also fought against Akainu, the current Fleet Admiral of Marines. In the battle between them, Aokiji managed to match his extremely strong adversary for around ten days, but in the end, got defeated by him.

In addition to this, he also has a noticeable attack speed, which you can take a look at in the Marineford arc itself when he manages to sprint to the Whitebeard when his Naginata is in mid-air only. The same goes with Doflamingo when he manages to sneak up on him, with a fast and stealthy enough move, and takes his back, unnoticed by the Warlord Doflamingo, he later prevented Mingo from killing Smoker, by using his icing technique, which was as fast as that Mingo could move his hand while leaving Smoker untouched.
Before his battle with Akainu, Aokiji was the strongest Admiral of the Marines, but as he lost the battle, he is ranking lower.
18. Kozuki Oden
Oden was the heir of the Kozuki clan. When he was only nine, he learned some amazing skills with his sword. He was so skilled that he waged war against the whole Yakuza and was able to fight against them only on his own. When he hit ten, he got arrested for almost murdering a person.

When he grew up, he meets Whitebeard, from whom he got a heavy punch right on his face, and even was fine after that. After that, he held the chains of Whitebeard’s ship and faced many dangers and climates that were also in the ocean of the New World, without any protection for about three days, before eventually letting go.
In his past time, he also met the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger, and got hit by his Devine Departure, and he gets up the next second with only minor injuries.
In the Anime, Oden fights against Kaido, he gets hit by the Blast Breath of Kaido’s dragon form, and not only just once but twice, empowered through them both times.
When Kaido sentenced him to death, by boiling him alive in hot oil along with his retainers. Oden managed to hold up all nine of his retainers on a wooden plank, while his lower half was submerged in a giant pot of boiling oil for about an hour. This act of his even empressed the Yonko of the Sea, Kaido.
17. Silvers Rayleigh
Silvers Rayleigh also famous by his nickname Dark King is a retired pirate from the crew of the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. According to Shakuyaku, the wife and business partner of Rayleigh, he is even stronger than all of the twelve pirates in the Worst Generation, but this was when they all landed on Sabaody Park.

The tremendous powers of Rayleigh help him to prevent Admiral Kizaru from attacking the members of Mugiwara Pirates. As Rayleigh got old and not as young as he used to be, he gets tired in the battle, which means that he must be much more powerful than today in his prime time.
It is not clear that Rayleigh is more powerful than Oden, but as he is the official member of Roger Pirate, he deserves a higher ranking on our list.
16. Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom
Charlotte Linlin, solely known by her nickname Big Mom, is the captain of Big Mom Pirates. She is one of the four Yonko of the Sea and is considered one of the strongest pirates in the world.
When another Yonko, Kaido, threatened to kill her, she simply came over to his land. Not only this, even the Straw Hat Pirates believe that she could crush them easily and quickly if they fought with her without any strategy.

Big Mom acquires his powers by eating soru soru no mi, after eating Carmel, the previous owner of the Devil Fruit. This case was the one and only case so far in the franchise, where the person acquired the devil fruit power after eating its previous owner.
With the help of the Devil Fruit’s powers, she can manifest people’s souls as an ethereal substance that she can grab and pull off from the person’s body, but this is only until the person feels fear. She can asl steal the soul of a person, which result in taking away their life span by the amount she chooses. Once Linlin, got a soul, she can use it to make the none living things alive, which she called Homies, and they act as her servants. She can become stronger and more powerful by consuming her own soul.
15. Marshall D. Teach
Marshall D. Teach or call him Blackbeard if you want, is currently one of the four Yonko of the Sea. He is also the captain trait admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates. He is the only person so far in the whole One Piece franchise, that had wielded the powers of two Devil Fruits at the same time, by some completely unknown method.

With the Yami Yami no mi or The Power of Darkness and the Gora Gora no mi or The Power of Earthquakes which he got after the death of Whitebeard, Blackbeard claims he is the strongest man alive in the Pirate World. In addition to this, Blackbeard possesses some extraordinary physical strength, which we can see when he left some serious injuries to Luffy and Ace, in just one hit.
In the anime, he also smashes Whitebeard in the way that all the other crewmates of Whitebeard Pirates were in tremendous shock. When Sengoku in his Buddha form hits him with some tremendous strength, he only got some minor injuries.
14. Monkey D. Dragon
Monkey D. Dragon is the father of our future Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy. He is the leader and founder of the Revolutionary Army, a group of rebels who are not by any means under the control of the fox moral regime of the World Government.
Dragon is also the World’s Worst Criminal. The main motive of the Monkey D. Dragon is to bring true freedom to the world, by stopping the Celestial Dragons.

For the very first time in the story, Dragon appeared in Loguetown, where he stopped Captain Smoker to go after Luffy. Unlike his father Garp and son Luffy, Dragon is more serious in personality and very focused on his goal of creating a new world without Celestial Dragons.
Luffy’s adopted brother, Sabo, got saved and trained by the Dragon after he got badly injured by a Celestial Dragon. This also shows, how dangerous Dragon could be after training a fairly ordinary child until he deserved the position of Second in Command and one of the deadliest men in all the seas.
13. Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk is currently the Strongest Swordsman in the World. He was the formal rival of Yonko Shanks. He is an extremely skilled combatant. He easily manages to destroy the whole fleet of Don Krieg along with fifty ships and five thousand men, only by himself.
Although he does not have power from any Devil Fruit, after seeing his powers, Don Krieg even accused him of having the Devil Fruit’s powers.

You can predict Mihawk’s abilities by knowing that his bounty after the Seven Warlords of Seas was abolished, raised to 3,590,000,000 Bellies. One of the highest bounty that is even more than the current Emperors of the Sea.
His strength and powers were proven one another time when Buggy became a Yonko, only because the Marine thought that Mihawk is serving under Buggy. In his past time, he was also known as the Marine Hunter.
Zoro also admitted that, even though he trained alongside Mihawk, he is still not near the level of Swordsmanship Mihawk has. He also possesses some extraordinary skills in Kenbunshoku Haki, this is also the reason why they called him “Hawk Eye”.
12. Monkey D. Luffy
Even at a young age, Luffy is currently one of the four Emperor of the Sea. He had proven his physical strength time and time again having developed some significant level of strength to match some of the most powerful characters.
With the help of his Gomu Gomu no mi, he has utilized his gears transformation techniques to increase his physical and devil fruit power tremendously.

During the fight at Onigashima, Luffy manages to awaken the powers of his Devil Fruit. This awakening gave him the ability to transform into the Sun God, Luffy demonstrates many new abilities, for example, now he can easily manipulate the shape and size of his whole body. He also now fights in a more cartoonish way, being able to grant the environment around him the same properties as a rubber.
Luffy is one of the only two people who not only can use all forms of all three Haki but also knows how to use them on an advanced level. By fighting against different strong Haki users in the New World, he manages to master all forms of it in only a year and a half.
As Luffy didn’t master his new abilities yet, we cannot place him any higher than this in our ranking. After mastering Gear Fifth, he will definitely surpass the characters above him in the future for sure.
11. Sakazuki aka Akainu
Similar to other Admirals, Sakazuki or you know him by his nickname Akainu, has immense physical powers. In the Summit War, Akainu was the one who killed Ace and hit a fatal attack on the Whitebeard, the strongest man in the World, this was all because of Sakazuki’s vast durability and endurance.
Not even two quick punches by the Whitebeard were enough to take down Akainu, even though the second one was strong enough that its side effects manages to split the island of Marineford into two.

Sakazuki has eaten a Logia Type Devil Fruit called Magu Magu no mi, it allows him to create, control, and transform his body into Magma. The magma he emits or produces is not only extremely hot but also explosive. With the help of his power, Sakazuki can burn, melt, and destroy anything in his path.
As stated in the One Piece Vivre Card Edition, because of the powers of his devil fruit, Akainu has the most powerful attack among all other devil fruits. The common way, Akainu fights is by transforming both of his upper limbs into a burning magma that can easily penetrate any human body. He is also able to enlarge his arms drastically in order to throw forward giant balls of magma, to reach enemies at a distance.
An entire fandom is waiting for the clash between Luffy and Akainu, let us see if it happens or not. At this moment, it is really hard to say which one of them is more powerful.
10. Sengoku the Buddha
Sengoku the Buddha is on the list of one of the most underrated characters in the world of One Piece. Sengoku has dedicated his whole life to serving the Marines. He is also quite an intelligent man, he always tries to protect the lives of innocent and remove the evil piracy in the world.

In addition to his power from Hito Hito no mi, a Zone Type Devil Fruit, Sengoku is also good at using Haki. His devil powers allow him to transform into the giant golden statue of Buddha. In his past life, along with his pal, Garp, they were the only ones who could stand a chance against the pirate king, Gol D. Roger. This makes Sengoku one of the strongest forms of offense in the World Government against the World’s Strongest Pirate.
9. Shiki the Golden Lion
Shiki is one of the most dangerous and noteworthy captains in all four seas. He is the captain of Golden Pirates. Shiki is among the greatest rivals of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, of course, after Whitebeard. He battled the Pirate King many times in his prime time.
At one point, Shiki even tried to form an alliance between Roger Pirates and Golden Pirates, but not surprisingly, Roger refused because of their different ideals. This rejection angers Shiki, and as a result, he attacks, with the aid of his 51 commanding divisions on Roger Pirates, the battle which is now known by the name “Edd War”.

When he gets the news that Roger got captured by the Marines, he doesn’t believe it and single-handedly goes to the Marine Front Yard with his demand that he wants to see Roger. While his visit to Maine, he got engaged to Garp and Sengoku, where he eventually tasted defeat and was sent to the Impel Down. Shiki is the first person who successfully manages to break out from Impel Down, but he losses both of his legs in escaping. But because most of the achievements Shiki has is non-canon, we are not really sure which rank surely he deserved.
8. Kaido of the Beasts
Having the title of One of the Strongest Creatures in the World of One Piece, Kaido was one of the former four Yonko of the Sea. He is also on the list of one of the most powerful pirates as a Captain of Beast Pirates. Kaido has a bounty of 4,611,100,000 Bellies, which is, of course, the highest Bounty any pirate in the New World had, even greater than the legends like the Pirate King Gol D. Roger and Whitebeard.

Simply by swinging his Kanabo, he can send a normal size man flying into a considerable distance. In the past, he easily managed to break Luffy’s tremendous defensive power of Gear Fourth. Kaido has pretty tough skin. In fact, with the addition of the powers of Bushoshoku Haki, a person cannot damage him because of the tough skin.
Even after taking hits from the Gear Fourth of Luffy, he didn’t even get any scratches and only became sober and felt no more than an annoyance. In addition to his intense physical powers, Kaido also has the powers of Uo Uo no mi, a mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit of the Seiruyu Model. The powers of his devil fruit allow him to turn into a giant Dragon.
As he can turn into a dragon, he possesses all the abilities a dragon has, including the release of devastating blasts of fire from his mouth that can completely destroy large structures, such as a whole mountain, along with the castle that stood on it.
Kaido has mastered the powers of his Uo Uo no mi to the extent that now he can use its abilities without transforming into a dragon, for example, he can generate flame clouds to levitate Onigashima. The reason why Kaido is ranked above Luffy is that he fought a bunch of other characters before his fight with Luffy. It is still unclear if Luffy could defeat him in his full power.
7. Red-Haired Shanks
Shanks also known by his nickname Red-Haired, is the captain of Red-Haired Pirates. He is currently one of the four Yonko of the Sea that rule all over the New World. As he was the rival of the Strongest Swordman in the World, Mihawk, Shanks had some immense physical powers.
Shanks is the guy from whom our protagonist Luffy, got the inspiration to become a pirate and then eventually the Pirate King. He lost one hand in his attempt to save Luffy from the Sea Monster when he was young.

Even with a single hand, he easily matched the powers of Whitebeard, wielding a sword with immense power. In addition to his physical strength, Shanks, with the help of his Haoshoku Haki, could defend against the extremely destructive magma of the Fleet Admiral, Akainu.
Shanks have mastered the use of Haoshoku Haki, a rare type of Haki that only one among the several million people in the One Piece World can use. You can witness his power when he walks through the plank of Whitebeard’s ship, knocking dozen of his men unconscious, many of whom were strong pirates that survived in the New World. Other than that, the ship itself got damaged because of the sheer force of his presence.
One of the true testaments of his mastery over Haki is can be witnessed during the recent arc when he managed to paralyze Ryokugyu, even from miles away outside Wano Country.
6. Monkey D. Garp
Monkey D. Garp or simply Garp, is the grandfather of Luffy and father of Dragon. He is the highly famous and powerful voice admiral of the Marines. To see his grandchildren Luffy and Ace becoming admirals of the Marine was his dream, but it turns out…Well, you know the rest!
In his prime time, he has managed to corner Pirate King Gol D. Roger, not once but many times. He is one the only character that is capable of matching the power of Roger in a fight. In fact, Roger himself said that he and Garp many times almost killed each other in battles.

One of Garp’s true testaments includes when he fought against Rocks Pirates with the help of Roger, who was the most powerful crew of pirates in the history of the franchise and later got the title of the “Hero of the Marines”. In addition to this, Garp almost killed Chinjao, whose bounty was over 500,000,000 Bellies, and who was said to be having powers to split a continent with a headbutt, which helped him to earn the title of “Garp the Fist”.
Even at the age of 76, he was able to give a brutal hit to take down Marco the Pheonix, even with his Zoan Type activated at the time. This was something that both Akainu and Kizaru seemed unable to do, considering this, we can not put him even lower than number six.
5. Edward Newgate
Edward Newgate, or the Whitebeard, was the strongest man in the world. He was the Captain of a huge Whitebeard Pirates. In his prime time, Whitebeard was able to fight Pirate King Gol D. Roger in one-on-one combat.
Even in his old days and suffering from a deadly disease, he was able to defeat Ace without much effort, not once but a hundred times. Not only that, one time, he was even able to counter-attack and hit ace while he was sleeping.
During the Summit War in Marineford, despite being in critical condition because of his disease, he manages to engage with all three Admirals, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu, at even terms. In addition to that, he was able to knock down Blackbeard with two blows, even on the verge of death.

To fight against Newgate and Whitebeard Pirates, the Marines practically prepared almost their entire force, and not only that, plus the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Even though Sengoku was not sure that they would defeat Whitebeard with his overwhelming powers.
Whitebeard got his powers from the Gura Gura no mi, a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit that gives him the ability to generate powerful shock waves. You too, loved those pretty satisfying sound effects there, didn’t you? Gura Gura no mi is considered the strongest devil fruit in the Paramecia Class.
According to Sengoku, Whitebeard can destroy the whole planet by creating quakes that can result in the alteration of the surrounding landscape. He can also grab his surrounding atmosphere and tiled it, as we saw during the Summit Mar in Marinford.
Similar to Garp, Whitebeard was among the biggest rivals of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.
4. Gol D. Roger
The Pirate Era was started by Gol D. Roger when he, during his execution, announced that he had hidden all of his treasure at a place and called it One Piece. He was the legendary pirate of the One Piece world. Being the captain of Roger Pirates, he held the title of the Pirate King.
Roger was one of the Strongest Pirates of all time, if not “the” Strongest, he was nearly unstoppable in battle. In the history of One Piece, Roger had the highest bounty of over 5,500,000,000 Bellies.

In the past, he also fought against the Whitebeard many times. One of their fights lasted about three days and three nights until it ended as a draw. Even while his body was suffering from a fatal and incurable disease, he managed to conquer the Grand Line in not more than Three Years. This shows how the immense level of endurance and vitality he had.
Pirate King at Fourth Place!! This is so exciting, isn’t it?
3. Rocks D. Xebec
Rocks D. Xebec or simply Rocks, along with Roger, was one of the Strongest Pirates of that era. Although his face was only shown in the silhouette and not revealed yet, we can see that he had long and spiky hair and that he used to wear a sailor’s coat.
According to different stories about him, Rocks was ambitious to rule the world by becoming the King and wanted to possess all the powers. He was so dangerous that he used to be known everywhere in the world for his credulity and the chaos he caused everywhere he went.

He was one of the prime targets of the World Government because he always tried to uncover different secretes of them and also was the biggest threat to the Celestial Dragons.
If this was not enough for you, three of the four past Yonkos were the crew members of the Rock Pirates including Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido, who served under him. The “D” in his name and his different accomplishments made him so dangerous that Marines had to make an alliance between Monkey D. Garp with the Rogers to take him down, for everyone’s sake. Kaido even pictured him alongside other legendary pirates, including Oden, Shanks, Whitebeard, and Roger.
It is not wrong to say that Rock was arguably the strongest and Most Dangerous Pirate to ever live. He was the greatest rival of the Pirate King and was taken down because of the alliance between two powerful men.
2. Im or Imu
The World of One Piece is primarily under the command of the resourceful and powerful ‘World Government.’ Even the marines are under their direct orders and bring the law all across the world. Publicly ‘Gorosei’ are the rulers of the World Government, but actually, they secretly report to Imu.
Imu is the main puppet master and the governor of the whole world, and he operates and rules from the shadows. He might have hidden from the entire world, and he knows everything that is happening outside and gets all the information he needs with the help of Gorosei and, of course, the newspapers.

During his first appearance in the story, we see that he cut off the photos of Luffy, Vivi, Shirahoshi, and Blackbeard, because, according to him, they are the biggest threat to the World Government, well, unknowingly to them, he clearly wants them to be destroyed.
It is almost clear that Imu already knows all the secrets of the One Piece world, including all the events that occurred in the Void Century. This might also be the reason why he erased everything from the history books and also ordered the destruction of the Ohara.
Recently in Chapter 1060 of the manga, we got to see some of the powers Imu possesses. We saw that while he visited Lulusia islands, immediately after he left, the island got destroyed because of the blast from the sky.
Fans of the series even have the theory that Emu might be in possession of one of the ancient weapons, Uranus. If this is true, Imu will become one of the most dangerous people in the whole One Piece franchise.
1. Joy Boy
One of the biggest mysteries of the One Piece world end with the name Joy Boy. He is one of the legends whose name was very first time introduced during the Arc of Fishman Island. After seeing Robin reading the apology he carved on one of Fishman Island’s Poneglyph, Neptune talked to Robin about Joy Boy.
It appears that Joy Boy has been around the events that happened in the Void Century. He also made a promise to the former princess of Fishman Island and their people, but because of some reason, which until now is not revealed, he failed to fulfill it.

Joy Boy is the actual person who discovered Raftel and placed the ultimate treasure of his, One Piece, there. Although how Joy Boy really looks is unknown, fans of One Piece have imagined him as a giant laughing man who could wear a straw hat similar to Luffy. This is because of the recent awakening of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no mi and the reveal that it is actually a mythical Zoan Type, it is might be possible that Joy Boy was the previous owner of Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no mi, which allows its user to gain the power they desired.
With the help of his ability, ‘The Voice of all Things,” he uses to communicate with the island-sized elephant, Zunesha, who is the companion of the Joy Boy.
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