Troll is a Netflix movie based on Norse Mythology. Norse mythology is very popular and intriguing, and a lot of watchable content based on Thor, Odin, Loki, Ragnarok, and the Giants is available on the internet. You might have watched many of these, and Troll talks about the essence of Norse Mythology. Roar Uthaug directs the movie.
The movie isn’t exactly a hit, with a six on IMDb, but for some invested in mythology, it could prove a good one. The cast included Ine Marie Wilmann as Nora Tidemann, Kim Falck as Andreas Isaksen, Mads Sjogard Pettersen as Kaptein Kristoffer Holm, Gard B. Eidsvold as Tobias Tidemann, and Dennis Storhoi as General Sverre Lunde.
Indeed, since it was a mythology-based movie, many things could have been better; there were more than just a few goofs. Besides, scenes in the film seem to be inspired by all the rampaging movies, and there wasn’t anything new or exciting to watch other than the ending.

Troll: Plot
The movie starts with Tobias and Nora rock climbing to see The Troll Peaks. Upon reaching the top, they start talking about the fairy tale behind the mountain, 13 trolls who lost track of time and ended up in sunlight, turning them into rocks. Nora doesn’t believe it and says they are just mountains. In the present time, Nora is a paleontologist and is digging for “things.” Meanwhile, a blast inside the hill of Dovre breaks the deep slumber of a creature that no one has ever faced.
The seismic activity leads to the Prime Minister’s surveillance team sending a reconnaissance aircraft to the Dovre Mountain. The Prime Minister is informed when the plane sends images of the scene. Special advisor Isaksen says they almost look like footprints, but they all take that as a joke. A team of “Ologists” is assembled, and Nora is a part of the team.

They all convene in the special room, and everyone keeps their views, but no one wants to believe it could be a footprint. Nora is appointed as the scientific advisor, and with Andreas, she visits the scene and inquires about the footprints. But since they don’t get an acceptable answer, she visits her father, Tobias, for more insights. After learning the facts, Tobias insists that this was a troll’s work, which they all deny.
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Along with Tobias, Nora and the team get back to see the place where the tracks disappear. While Tobias is examining the scene, Nora walks up to talk to him, and they see the “creature” open its eyes. They run towards the helicopter and almost save themselves. It turns out to be a troll, but even then, they won’t believe Tobias, not even Nora; she asks him not to say “Troll” in front of the committee. The inner circle decides to perform military action and kill the thing because of lack of time.

As it happens, the military operation fails, and Tobias dies, not before mentioning “Home, The Palace, King” to Nora. Nora experiments using the Church bells; as per the mythology, trolls used to destroy churches because of the bells. The Troll suffers, but the mission fails. A proposal to use a “missile,” probably nuclear level, is presented to the Prime Minister when the Troll starts moving towards Oslo.
Troll: Ending Explained
The City is alerted and evacuated, and Nora realizes that Tobias was talking about the Royal Palace before his death. Upon visiting, she is received by Sinding, who was expecting someone but not a Tidemann. He reveals the findings of Tobias twelve years ago, the Home of the Troll King beneath The Royal Palace. Amazed by what they saw, Nora and Andreas listened to what Sinding said next.

The Christianization of Norway was a significant event in Norse Mythology; Sinding says that Olav the Holy got rid of anything that got in the process, trolls included. So he devised a plan and trapped the trolls in the cave, letting them die, rot, and return to dust. The Troll King was coming back to his home. Accidently Nora finds that UV rays turned the troll bodies to dust, confirming that Trolls were afraid of sunlight and could kill them.
With the help of Sigrid, they delay the missile strike, and Captain Kriss prepares the UV rays with the help of his friends in the Home Guard. Nora and Andreas draw the Troll away from Oslo, towards the point, with a skull at the back of a pickup truck. Though they successfully trap the Troll in the midst of the UV lights, Nora turns it off and tells him to return to the mountains.
As the Troll is about to move, the rays of the Sun appear and turn it into a rock named “Tobias Boulder.” Towards the end scenes, a vibration appears underneath the blast site, hinting that it’s not over and nature will revert back. This is what Tobias said much before anyone realized the reality.
Troll: Streaming Guide
Troll is available to watch on Netflix with an active subscription. It was released on December 1st, 2022.