Bernard Lowe and his voyage to the Sublime are the focus of “Annees Folles,” the third episode of HBO’s science fiction series “Westworld” season 4. Bernard understands that he has a task to complete after entering the paradise-like world. He encounters a new group of individuals who are vaguely related to Westworld after coming to this realization.
Maeve Millay and Caleb Nichols search for William, also known as the Man in Black, who has been posing a threat to their lives, after arriving at Delos’s new theme park. The viewers must be intrigued by the cliffhanger since the episode ends. Here, let us express our opinion on the conclusion.

Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 Recap
Bernard enters the Sublime using the key Dolores left behind before she passed away. To determine which alternate future is best for the survival of the world, he explores a number of them. When Akecheta approaches him and inquires about what he had seen, Bernard responds that he dies in every version. Bernard returns to the real world to prevent the end of the world, despite Akecheta’s invitation for him to remain in the Sublime. He shares with his friend Ashley Stubbs that he has discovered a way to save the world, but that in order to do so, he must permit certain events to take place.
Unknown woman with curly hair is introduced to Bernard and Ashley. After convincing her that they are not a threat, the former exhibits to her the image of Westworld’s maze and requests to accompany them to her group. The woman leads them to a secret spot in the middle of a desert that is shielded by lasers. Bernard says he will help them locate the weapon that is buried in the sands after the group leader questions his motives. Carver assists Uwade and Frankie with packing up their apartment after receiving instructions from Caleb. However, the host version attempts to murder Caleb’s family while the real Carver is killed. Even so, Uwade and Frankie succeed in getting away from him.
Maeve tells Caleb that the plots and characters are the same when they get to the new theme park. As soon as they enter an administrative building, Maeve realizes that it is a scene from the new park’s story. Nevertheless, they manage to enter an unapproved area of the structure where they come across several hosts studying what appear to be parasites. Additionally, Maeve and Caleb discover a device that emits a particularly unsettling and significant sound. Caleb notices his daughter Frankie holding a gun in one of the cabins.
Westworld Season 4 Trailer
Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 Review
As Maeve and Caleb fell deeper into the rabbit hole and into Hale and William’s grasp, “Annees Folles” traveled to a new cyborg theme park called The Golden Age, a Roaring ’20s reskinning of Westworld. It was the most thrilling and cunning Season 4 episode so far, coming very close to the big reveal of this new plot, which involves robots manipulating humans as though they were machines.
Fair enough, we’ve already witnessed this with William’s flies. We’ve seen how the black nano-goop being created in the park’s lower levels has turned people into A.I. toys. We just need to possibly broaden our focus a little bit. Consider the entire world when thinking broadly. Additionally, to this end—and “Annees Folles” appeared to be about to reveal this—the use of real people in theme parks and video games. Although we didn’t receive definitive confirmation, it sure seemed as though we were about to learn that the hosts in The Golden Age were real humans—humans who are shot and then replaced by new humans. There is a dark poetic justice at work here, which is consistent with what Hale said last week, where people would be intentionally killing one another while believing it to be part of the show in a theme park.
It’s Just Starting
“Annees Folles” was enjoyable and evil, frolicking and cruel. As Westworld moves closer to a final act involving human enslavement — a crueler version of The Matrix where people most probably won’t be given an immersive experience within which to live blissfully ignorant — we came very close to learning the truth about Hale and William’s evil plan and were given enough pieces in the meantime to form most of the puzzle. This late in the series, there aren’t many natural ways of introducing new theme parks into the plot, but The Golden Age, which appears to be a component of the villains’ evil plans, worked well and felt like a good fit.
Also Read: Where Is Westworld Filmed? All About The Known Locations