John Davidson is not an easy man to find on the internet. The guy has a net worth of $2 Million, and yet there is virtually nothing about him. John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies was no easy task. We had to dig deep to get info on the man who was at his prime in the ’70s and went quiet as time went by. The man is more known for his TV shows more than anything, but given his sporadic roles, one can only wonder if they were good.
Although the movies aren’t on par with today’s culture, they are worth a watch. Movies of the past are packages of the world we were never part of or could be. But these consequences affect the present day. Not to mention the guy was quite a looker in his younger days, which he has preserved well even in his old age. You can see how good the man looked in John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies.
John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies: An Actor of Bygone Era
Honestly, it feels awkward to make this kind of list. The man is more known for his hosting skills as well as singing. Though, the two alone could lead to one end up being in a flick no matter how you pack it. And it comes as no surprise that the actor has been in a few Musicals as well. Coincidence? Not a Chance. Now without further ado, we present to you John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies.
10) The Pixar Story
Though Davidson doesn’t give much in the Documentary, it’s still worth watching for the insight he displays in the movie flick. Although, a few might object to this being in John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies. We are picking flicks that have been highly rated by fans. But given this movie had a higher rating than most on the list, you may know why it’s low. The reason being is simple, he didn’t play a big or prominent role in the movie.

9) Edward Scissorhands
Davidson didn’t play a big role in this movie. It is very much a Johny Depp movie, no caps. However, the little role he does play is done with grace and sincerity. So we believe the actor deserves a spot in here for this one. Speaking of Johnny Depp, Would you be interested in his top 10 movies?

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8) The Carpenters…Space Encounters
As we mentioned earlier, Davidson is someone with acting as well as singing skills. And this entry on the list focuses on that. A musical movie by The Carpenters duo performing songs for Aliens and reminiscing about their good old. Davidson is the alien who takes them to the alien world. He also has an arc where he learns to sing, going against his lack of musical aptitude in the movie. Just in the movie, though, his actual singing is really good.

7) The Concorde… Airport ’79
This is where the article gets a little serious about mentions in John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies. Here the plot is serious with the lives on the line. Though Davidson plays a support role, it has been encapsulated well into the movie. We will say one thing, though, the movie has not aged well thus, many modern movie-goers might pass on it or not enjoy it. But hey, that is how it is entertainment. You either like something, or you don’t.

6) The Squeeze
Okay, okay. This one is a Michale Keaton film. Yeah, the very man who has played Batman, Bird Man, and The vulture. What’s with him taking on so many wing-creature roles? Anyways, he doesn’t do anything in that regard in this one. Instead, he is just a Conman /artist on the run who was deprived of attention. Worth being in John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies. Oh, wait… Davidson gets overshadowed in this one…

5) Shell Game
Finally! A movie where Davidson gets to be the host! We mean acting lead. Another story of a con man, but this time our lead is on the way to expose the charity that uses the money for their needs. And this one mostly has acted on his part. A good movie that easily deserves this spot in John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies. And no, it’s not because he is the main lead here.

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4) Coffee, Tea or Me?
We are out of Con artist’s territory and into the love triangle. However, it is not exactly a story. A stewardess has an affair with two people as she flies from one place to another. A revolutionary take during its time, the story stood out. looking at how topics like these took place in the past acts as a good lens that we don’t get to see often. A must-have entry from John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies.

3) The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band
The movie is just like it sounds. A musical and a family mesh together, bringing happiness to the people. But, the movie was political for its time, and the modern audience will not take lightly to it. We don’t have the value system as boomers, we are far from removed from their reality and their viewpoints. But at the time it came out, the movie gained good traction, and hence it is on the list.

2) The Happiest Millionaire
Disney movies have stuff like these. We were surprised to learn about it, just as you are now. The title alone should tell you what the movie was about and what the problems of the characters might be. If we have to add one thing, it is this. The performance by Davidson is as good as any. It holds up today, making it a good pick for John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies.

1) Bob Hope: Laughing With the Presidents
Eh, the top one on the list is the one where Davidson is a part of the cast rather than the main lead? I think it’s high time we accept movies weren’t his fort. His fortune and fame came from talk shows and his singing. The reasons that he was popular in the past and remembered now. But given the ratings, it takes the spot in John Davidson’s Top 10 Movies.

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