Marvel just dropped The Marvels Trailer. There’s a lot bunch of references and Easter eggs and references, so we’ll break it all down.
The big thing in this movie is they’re actually going to start paying off some of the bigger Avengers 5 Kang D.ynasty references like the Incursions. They don’t really get to that during the Marvels Trailer footage, but that’s one of the big things that they’re getting into. They use the Beastie Boys’ song “Intergalactic” because it is a very intergalactic, space-based movie.
The whole idea is that there are swapping places because of Ms. Marvel‘s Bangle. They teased that during the Ms. Marvel Post-Credits scene. Captain Marvel literally swaps places with Ms. Marvel like their body swap places.
They have a couple of funny jokes about that through the Marvels Trailer where they don’t know what’s going on. They’ll just keep swapping places, especially in the middle of their big fights.
The Marvels Trailer Breakdown: Why Is The Movie Called “The Marvels”?
One of the reasons why the title of the movie is called “The Marvels” instead of just calling it Captain Marvel 2 is because all three of the characters have the Captain Marvel name or have had it at one point.
It’s a bit of a play on the idea that Monica Rambeau in the comics was the original female Captain Marvel. She actually had the Captain Marvel name way before, like many, many years before the Carol Danvers character ever started using the Captain Marvel name.
And Ms. Marvel literally has that name in her title like she is Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel. Ms. Marvel was also a name that Carol Danvers went by originally in the comics too, but they kind of skipped that in the MCU.
A lot of people now wondering if the Blue Marvel is going to have a cameo scene during this, because we all thought that he was going to show up during the WandaVision series with all the Sword stuff. If they were going to introduce him in the MCU any time soon in any different property or any different series or movie, I do believe it would be through the Captain Marvel storyline.
Kang Made Ms. Marvel’s Bangles?
During the movie, we’re supposed to see an actual Incursion start to happen. It has something to do with the power of Ms. Marvel’s Bangles, the two different bangles which we see Dar-Benn wielding the other bangle.
For a long time, people are wondering if Kamala Khan’s other bangles that they’ve been looking for all these years, that her mother and her people have been looking for, were actually Shang Chi‘s ten rings of power. This confirms that that’s not the case. The other bangle just looks like her one bangle, like they both look the exact same.
This just confirms that the Bangles are a version of the Kree Nega bands. There might be some more connections to Kang’s The Conqueror because the rings on his device during Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania look similar. But in order for that connection to be made, they would have to say the Kang made the Kree Nega bands.

We might also get some mutants in X-Men Easter Eggs too because they just canonized Ms. Marvel as a mutant in the MCU. They use the X-Men, the animated series theme song when they were talking about that at the end of Ms. Marvel. And during WandaVision Darcy referenced Monica Rambeau’s DNA being mutated as if she was becoming a mutant.
SWORD Space Station
They start The Trailer on Nick Fury‘s Space Station. You notice the texture says S.A.B.E.R Space Station like a Sword, as in Saber. I think what they’re saying here is that Tyler Hayward during WandaVision was only a part of Sword doing something really shady.
Nick Fury had been in charge of Sword the whole time a lot of us had assumed. But they get into it way more during the movie. They just tease at the end of Spider-Man Far From Home. It will probably get a little teaser for it during Marvel’s Secret Invasion series. That’s the next big series, it’s a big Nick Fury series. Obviously, they’re going to use that to promote the Marvels movie. There’ll be some connection to what’s happening during the Marvels.
Also, the whole idea that the Kree and the Skrulls are so endemic to Captain Marvel’s story in the MCU. Nick Fury’s story, Of course, there is some connection with The Marvels movie.
Monica Rambeau Angry At Captain Marvel
Only some of the story is supposed to take place on Earth. Like you see a couple of scenes with them at Kamala Khan’s house trying to figure out what’s going on, some of the scenes of them on the space station trying to get ready for a big Kree attack. But it seems like most of the footage actually takes place in Kree Scrull’s Space, like on the other side of the galaxy. That’s basically where Captain Marvel has been this whole time.

During the movie, they’ll explain why Carol Danvers hasn’t come back more often just. Because there are so many references and Easter eggs. Like Ms. Marvel is supposed to be a big fangirl of her character, even though she was barely around doing Avengers Endgame and hasn’t been around on Earth publicly in a long time.
Monica Rambeau had the whole subplot during WandaVision where she was really pissed off at Captain Marvel, but they never explained why. The whole idea is that she thinks that she didn’t come back to support her mother when her mother was dying of cancer during the whole blip, The five-year time jump.
I believe the movie’s supposed to explain that Captain Marvel really did come back and visit, it was just on the DL and Monica Rambeau will start to understand what was really going on. Because a big part of the trailer, like the message during the Marvels Trailer, when they say “Teaming up changes everything and everyone”.
Ms. Marvel Geeking Out Like Spider-Man
During the movie, they’ll be forced to team up against their will. Like Monica Rambeau, Captain Marvel seem in the Trailer like they had nothing to do with it. Like, “No, no, no. We’re not a team. Forget about this”. But Ms. Marvel is acting kind of like Spider-Man with Iron Man the whole time. That’s meant to be the vibe of her character. This is them treating her a little bit like Spider-Man was when he was nerding out on The Avengers with Iron Man’s character and Iron Man couldn’t stand it like.
Ms. Marvel is meant to be an Avengers fangirl just like that. Like she’s so excited when Nick Fury shows up with Monica Rambeau. “Oh my God, Is this an audition for the Avengers? Do I get to be on The Avengers now?”

Monica Rambeau At The Jump Point
But they start the Marvels Trailer at the peak with Nick Fury wondering where Monica Rambeau is. She’s in a space station looking at one of the jump points nearby. Those are the jump points that everybody uses in the Marvel Universe.
They don’t have the Bifrost ability like Thor with Stormbreaker to just open up wormholes at will. They had a big joke about that during Guardians of Galaxy 2, where they plotted a route through too many wormholes and it just messed them up big time.
As Monica’s touching the jump gate this near Earth, she swaps places with Ms. Marvel and they have a joke about her seeing Nick Fury wondering if this Avengers test is like, “Are you trying to test me to see if I get to join The Avengers?” And the whole idea is that Nick Fury hasn’t got around to assembling a new Avengers team yet. They’ll probably reference that during the movie too.
Monica Rambeau Working With Nick Fury
You notice Monica Rambeau getting ready to detach the jump point. The physical jump point here is meant to be a callback to WandaVision where she was touching the hex. You see almost a similar-looking type of energy given off when she starts to touch it, but then switches with Ms. Marvel because of the bangle and you get that purple energy that comes off of Ms. Marvel’s bangle every time she uses it. The energy of the power looks like Ms. Marvel’s powers.

You remember at the end of WandaVision, one of the Post-Credits scenes was for Monica Rambeau, where the scroll came to take her to Nick Fury to become more important in his inner circle within Sword. The whole idea is that she’s been working for Sword on the space station ever since then. And you notice, too, when Nick Fury is watching Kamala Khan show up he was like “What the hell is going on here?”
On his desk, you actually see Captain Marvel’s souped-up space pager. You also notice that he’s still wearing his eyepatch. He wasn’t wearing it during the Secret Invasion series.
I think the reason they’re doing that daring Secret Invasion is that one of the Skrulls, one of the evil Skrulls, the different sects will actually walk around with his eyepatch pretending to be Nick Fury so that when you see him on screen, you know which one is the real Nick Fury. He’ll be the one without the eyepatch. You also notice that Kamala Khan knows exactly who Nick Fury is when she sees him, even though he has no idea who she is.
Monica Rambeau Powers
When they switch places, you notice that Monica Rambeau winds up switching with Carol Danvers and winds up on this alien planet in a different part of space, dropping out of this wormhole. Like they all rotate down the line to different places. But that’s where we get to Kree Scrull Space because that’s where Carol Danvers was, which is how they pull the story back to that part of the galaxy.
Monica Rambeau sees that Captain Marvel was in the middle of a fight with his Kree army here. You see a couple of pink skin, Kree with the naturally colored Kree too. And you see her use her power to repel them. Like she tells Ms. Marvel and her parent during The Marvels Trailer, she manipulates light energy.

When she’s explaining her powers, the whole idea is that in the comics she can actually manipulate any type of energy that she can understand. She can turn herself into pure light energy too. She can also absorb and redirect any kind of energy. She does that with Scarlet Witch‘s hex energy, too.
So theoretically, if she could figure out how to understand how Infinity Stone Energy works, if someone tried to soak her with a full blast of all six infinity stones, the Infinity gantlet, she could actually redirect that infinity stone energy at them.
But the way they balance the power out is by saying that she has to fully understand how that power works. And there are just too many questions about Infinity Stone energy, and they don’t fully understand it yet. So it’s not like she can actually do that tomorrow. It seems that they actually turned her down.
Easter Eggs In Kamala’s Room
This scene of Captain Marvel switching with Ms. Marvel is literally just the Ms. Marvel Post-Credits scene. It’s the exact same footage. They actually said that the crew that was filming the Marvels movie filmed that Post-Credits scene for the series last year. She came out of the closet and starts looking around Ms. Marvel’s room, “What the hell is going on here?” She thinks she’s stepped into some stalker’s room.
Carol starts seeing all the fanart of her with Ms. Marvel, like “Kamala Khan and Captain Marvel working together”. A lot of the art in the background is literally just taken from comic book art as comic book covers.

You notice on her desk Kamala has a model of Iron Man’s helmet. There’s an Iron Man figure on the desk on the other side here too. That’s because just in general, she is an Avengers fan girl. But also in real life, the actress who plays Ms. Marvel is an Iron Man fan girl. Her favorite film of all time is the First Iron Man film, naturally, because it’s a great film.
One of the funny things about the Ms. Marvel series is they say that there were too many Iron Man references during it because she was such a fangirl when she was filming Ms. Marvel. She kept trying to make Iron Man references and Kevin Feige, he’s like, “No, please stop referencing Iron Man so much. This is more about Captain Marvel. You’re supposed to be a Captain Marvel fan girl”.
You notice the sloth references, that’s a reference to her YouTube channel, Sloth Baby Productions, where she makes Avengers fan films. Like she’s got the page open to one of her Avengers fan pages, the Sloth Baby pages. Then there is a piece of comic book art but done to look like Brie Larson.
Some of these posters of Captain Marvel are actually literally real-life posters taken from the first movie. They actually also did that during Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania, where the little Kid’s backpack was just one of the posters from the very first movie.
New Marvel Logo
They gave The Marvels a brand new Marvel Studios intro logo as they do with every single movie updating it with is the most recent stuff that has come out. Like you see both She-Hulk and Moon Knight in this. They cut the logo a little bit quickly here before the full thing reveals. But Ms. Marvel is also part of this logo too along with Kang the Conqueror.

And you notice in the Marvels logo for the movie, the “S” is represented by Kamala Khan’s “S”, but the logo itself is meant to represent all three characters. The star in the middle of the A represents Monica Rambeau. The rest of it represents Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel’s character.
As I said, I am holding out hope for another Marvel to show up in the movie are some Easter eggs for that with a Blue Marvel character. But I’m not going to hold my breath on it.
Flerken The Cat Back
When Kamala jumps to the Kree ship in the middle of the fight with The Flerken. That looks like it’s meant to be the same cat from the first movie. Basically using the same joke that they used during the very first Captain Marvel movie where all the human characters were learning about Flerkens for the first time. And just opens up with its tentacles and takes down all the soldiers freaking Ms. Marvel out.
They have a joke about an army of Flerken kittens. Like a bunch of kittens running down, but they’re Flerkens and not actual kittens. So they’re super dangerous, like an army of really dangerous creatures.
Fury And Rambeau Travel To Kamala’s House
Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau travel to Jersey City to Kamala Khan’s house to talk to her parents and figure out what’s going on with her. She nerds out on The Avengers again “Like, Oh my God, are you here to take me to the Avengers? This is going to be amazing.”

The t-shirt Kamala’s wearing here actually has Captain Marvel comic book covers from real life on it. You also notice that Monica Rambeau’s uniform looks a lot like her photon uniform from the comics. But all the people working for Sword wear uniforms like this like they all wear this costume. I believe she will be going by the Photon name during the movie.
When Kamala’s family is talking to Monica about what’s actually going on, you see her looking at a little dossier there, the energy. And you see this wreckage on the floor. It looks like Carol Danvers gets into a fight when she swaps places. Like Captain Marvel winds up fighting a Kree who’s tied up there sitting in a chair in the same scene. So it looks like when she came downstairs after swapping places with Ms. Marvel, she wound up destroying a part of the house.
They had the joke about her, showing them her power again, causing them to switch again with Captain Marvel showing up in the house like “Oh, Nick Fury, what’s going on?” And they have the joke about “Where did our daughter travel to if you swapped places with her?”
Planet Aldana And Prince Yan
This foreign planet that they all wind up traveling to is on Captain Marvel’s ship. This is meant to be the Captain Marvel ship that she’s used for the past many, many years and she’s been in Kree-Scrull space.
This place is meant to be Planet Aldana and is ruled by Prince Yan. I believe, is just meant to be part of Kree-Scrull space and Captain Marvel has visited there before, so he has like a preexisting history here. And there are some jokes about her relationship with Prince Yan in the comics.

During the comics, she accidentally wound up getting married to him because of some cultural misunderstanding that their people had. Like you see all the dancers here dancing that looks kind of like a traditional Indian dance like Kamala Khan would have done.
I believe in the comics they also communicate on this planet by singing. I don’t know if they’re going to do it that way in the movie, though. The movie itself isn’t meant to be a musical, but I believe there will be some singing from the characters during the movie.
Marvels Teaming Up
You see all three of them on Captain Marvel’s ship getting excited about going to the planet. This is after they come around to the idea of teaming up. You see them travel through one of the jump gates, just like the Guardians of the Galaxy do in their movies.
The Trailer jump cut a couple of different scenes of them fighting and then swapping places with the message “Teaming up changes everything and everyone” like it makes them better as people learning to be a team together.
With Monica Rambeau using her power and Ms. Marvel using her power on one of the cruise ships. And because Ms. Marvel and Monica Rambeau can’t naturally fly in the MCU, they have a joke about them swapping places a couple of different times in falling through the air. Because when they’re swapping places, Captain Marvel had been flying.

You see all three of them teaming up in outer space. And then you see them in a fight with Dar-Benn who’s wielding the other Bengal. Like Bengal versus Bengal as they’re all swapping places, three on one fight. With them all using their superpowers at the same time too, in addition to the power of the Bengal itself.
And they have another Spider-Man Iron Man type of Avengers joke where Ms. Marvel is nerding out about them being a team together and the older members like Monica Rambeau and Captain Marvel don’t have anything to do with that. Iron Man was really tired of all of Spider-Man’s pop culture references, like “Take it easy kid, just calm down”. Until eventually he came around and came very close to Spider-Man.
The whole idea in this movie is they’re meant to go through the same type of arc where initially only Ms. Marvel is excited about having to team up together, and eventually, they all come around and they start to feel kind of like sisters by the end of the film.
Zawe Ashton’s Dar-Benn
Then there is this Zawe Ashton’s Dar-Benn character. She’s meant to be ruling the Kree because the whole idea is that when this movie picks up, the Kree believe that Carol Danvers’s character actually killed the Supreme Intelligence. So they view her as a huge villain to their race. They think of her as this terrible person that will go to destroy all of them.

I believe during the movie, their name for Carol Danvers is actually the Annihilator. And that’s meant to be a big Annihilus Easter egg for those people that want to see Annihilus show up in the MCU as a big villain. He’s actually from the negative zone, that’s the big Fantastic Four place. Maybe we’ll see Annihilus after they do Fantastic Four.
But you notice that her character is actually wielding Ronan The Accuser’s hammer, and you see Ronan The Accuser back behind her walking. So he’s making good on his threat to Carol Danvers in the first movie, “I will return”.
Also Read: Secret Invasion Trailer Breakdown: Nick Fury Is A Skrull?