Moon Knight concluded its debut season with a mid-credits scene that presented a character named Jake Lockley. What is the secret of Jake Lockley? He’s the third personality hidden inside Marc Spector’s tormented mind. Bear in mind —pun intended— that within the realms of Spector’s head lives Steven Grant and his original self. What a mess!
If you’re not familiar with Moon Knight, it is Marvel Studio’s latest series for Disney+. And it dropped with great fanfare and a massive following on that platform. The series just concluded. And if you want to binge-watch it, you can do it. And we suggest you do it if you’re new to the series because this article contains massive spoilers. So reader, beware. Now that we got these warnings out of the way. Without further ado, let’s unravel the mystery behind Jakke Lockley.

Moon Knight: The Secret of Jake Lockley Explained
The credits scene of Moon Knight discloses a truth that the show has been holding since the second installment: Marc and Steven are not the only persons in their heads. Jake Lockley is a third personality that none of them are aware of. Marc Spector’s head has belonged to various characters throughout Marvel Comics’ history, including Spider-Man, Captain America, and Wolverine in 2011’s Moon Knight book by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev.
However, in the character’s early appearances, he only possessed three personalities: Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley. Moon Knight/Marc Spector as the skilled commando went vigilante; Steven Grant as the billionaire who funded all of this; and salt-of-the-earth taxi driver Jake Lockley as the ears and eyes of the criminal world.
Moon Knight Trailer
Three Guys: One Mind
Moon Knight has been suggesting the possibility of a third persona since the beginning of the series, peppering the plot with instances where both Steven and Marc experienced the blackouts that normally meant the other was taking over. Director and executive producer Mohamed Diab incorporated multiple views of a terrifying black sarcophagus standing upright and trembling from side to side as if someone was trapped inside it in Steven’s asylum-like mindscape. Now we know who was there: Jake Lockley from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
At the moment, we don’t know anything about him. Jake speaks Spanish, whilst Marc speaks English with an American accent and Steven with a British accent. Driving a limousine around reflects the character’s comic origins as a cabbie. Still, he’s best renowned for building Moon Knight’s network of criminal informants, not for being the most at ease with killing people. However, the show’s Steven is a far cry from the comic’s sophisticated billionaire. At present, no new Moon Knight projects have been confirmed by Marvel, so it’s uncertain when we’ll learn further about Jake.
Who Is Khonshu?
Khonshu is a mainstay of Moon Knight novels, and he appears just as nice in person as he does on the page. However, when Jake kills Harrow (with Ammit within him), completing Khonshu’s goal to slay his rival goddess, the ending doesn’t reveal much about his new deity status.
Have those gods admitted that Khonshu was correct regarding Ammit? Are they appreciative of his intercession? Or was he angry because he escaped confinement? Nobody knows what the answers are. Even though he’s riding about in a sharp suit and a limousine, he appears to be moving up in the world.

What Is The Scarab?
The scarab taken by Moon Knight/Marc Spector/Steven Grant belongs to the deity he worships, according to Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), the leader of the Ammit sect. Ammit exemplifies the complexities of her pantheon. She is a demon as well as a deity. She is the entity who devours the heart of the dead if it is heavier than the feather of Ma’at, the goddess of truth.
She is generally connected with Anubis, the god of the dead, and the Scales of Justice. Despite — or maybe because of — her function in the pantheon, the ancient Egyptians considered her a force of order, reminding people to stay on the path of Ma’at. We conclude our coverage of The Secret of Jake Lockley with this intel. Thanks for reading our article and please navigate to our main page to check out what’s new in the entertainment world.
Also Read: Moon Knight Season 2: Release Date, Cast, And Everything You Need To Know