Who doesn’t know about Game of Thrones? It is one of the most beloved shows by viewers worldwide. It has created a huge fanbase with its blockbuster seasons and storyline. The creators have done a great job with the directions for the show. People still watch it over and over again and can never get tired of it. Everyone has their fair share of love for both the multiple heroes and even the villains.
The casting of this show also deserves huge appreciation; the show’s execution has made a great impact on people. Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama streaming on HBO since April 17, 2011, and the show was concluded after the release of 73 episodes which run through eight seasons on May 19, 2019.
When it comes to despicably cruel characters in any series, it’s normal for one or two characters to come to mind for all the wrong reasons, but in Game of Thrones, however, it would not be easy to narrow down the characters who were just complete monsters.
Ramsay Bolton is one such character who was unanimously voted as one of the cruelest and most gruesome monsters of Game of Thrones. His character was known for being emotionless, sadistic, and psychopathic. He was so horrible in the show that people genuinely hated his character and were scared of him.
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What happened to the Monster Ramsay Bolton?
Ramsay Bolton’s death was one of the most awaited and anticipated death of the whole series. He faced a pretty disgusting end during the sixth season of 9th episode left had one of the highest ratings of the whole show. Ramsey has committed so many horrific crimes and atrocities that the only thing more disgusting than the acts is the amount of joy he feels when he’s doing them.
He was born as a product of rape between Roose Bolton and Miller’s wife after Roose decided to illicit Lee’s practice brand tradition of the first night. Where the lord had the right to bed the commoner’s bride, Miller was hanged, his wife was raped under his handing body, and a year later, Ramsay was born. Who would have guessed the greatest battle of Game of Thrones, ‘The Battle of Bastards,” would be the end of Ramsay Bolton’s cruelty?

After the blond king passed away, Ramsay Bolton effectively replaced Joffrey Baratheon as the most hated villain in Game of Thrones. This is because he raped Sansa on their wedding night under Theon’s watch, killed his father, cut off Theon’s penis, fed his stepmother and baby brother to his dogs, and many other things.
In The Battle of Bastards, Jon Snow finally faces the villain called Ramsay and is determined to end him from the face of the earth. The battle results in an ocean of dead bodies and bloodshed that would make any man cry. Many would say Ramsay’s death was in the making for three years. He did not leave any reason why he should be spared from death.
Despite all this, he was a fierce and strong warrior, it was not easy for Jon to defeat him, and Jon was losing until Sansa brought the men of the House of Arya with her to defeat her husband. Ramsay was most cruel to Sansa, and she was just counting the days until she could return all the atrocities she faced with an interest. Sansa’s men chased away the army of Ramsay, and he was left all alone. This time Jon beats the shit out of Ramsay until he is unrecognizable to anyone.

Everyone would agree that his death should be in the hands of Sansa, and that’s what happened. When Ramsay woke up, he found himself inside a prison cell. Even on his deathbed, he was trying to buy his way out like a fool. He found himself surrounded by his hounds staring into his eyes, and he looked at Sansa and said that he believed in his dogs.
They are very loyal to him, so her plan is bound to fail. Sansa laughs at his ego and says he hasn’t fed them in the last seven days, and they are just waiting for Sansa to sign to attack him. As soon as Sansa leaves the prison, the hounds are so hungry that they can’t resist their owner’s freshly beaten flesh. They started eating him starting from his face, and everyone could hear him screaming his guts out.
Cruelty is ended by cruelty. What’s a better and more poetic end than this? Ramsay Bolton, played by Iwan Rheon, was acknowledged worldwide for his extraordinary performance and for stealing the thunder of the entire season. Game of Thrones is known for its versatile actors, who did a tremendous job at making this show a huge hit.
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