Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy obviously want us to be thinking about everything as we get ready for Westworld season 4 episode 3. In episode 2, the show again swung hard, initially avoiding Christina before digging into her mystery. What in the world is happening with Peter right now? How could a man who recently passed away have a full wing dedicated to him?
Of course, all of this still has a center, a central focus that will be ringed and further examined. That might be Hale based on what we’ve seen in Westworld Season 4 Episode 3. She is currently using William to serve as a public face for the park, someone who can boast about its success and rejoice in everything that it may bring. But don’t misunderstand: She’s the one controlling everything behind the scenes. One of the big benefits of this season will be understanding Christina completely and learning more about her ultimate endgame here.
Westworld Season 4 Episode 2 Recap
Before diving into Westworld Season 4 Episode 3, let’s quickly do a recap of the previous Episode. In Episode 2, Episode 2 begins with a confrontation between William and Clementine that is typical of a Western; the Man in Black is determined to find Maeve and will stop at nothing to do so. In episode 2, the game is all about killing. But it soon becomes apparent what he’s up to; He’s attempting to revive the ashes of both Westworld the theme park and the former city of Delos. Yes, the American administration is strongly opposed to it. However, it appears that corporate interests cannot be controlled, much like in our own real world. Particularly when these interests are supported by armies of hosts and human/host hybrids that are willing to do anything to carry out William and Charlotte Hale’s schemes.

Tessa Thompson’s character is back. She may look a little worse for wear, but her Dolores insight is still brutal. She is in control of the situation here, having constructed a William to serve as the focal point of her strategy as she attempts to, like Dolores once did, build a world suitable for hosts. To protect those she wants to let walk freely in this new world, all she needs to do first is declaw those jackals. What might get in the way of them? Of course, Maeve and Caleb.
When it comes to Maeve and Caleb: They eventually wind up…well, you know where exactly they end up: on the train to Westworld as they gradually learn about William’s (and Charlotte’s) scheme. But it couldn’t be Westworld, can it? Due to the fact that we have moved past the Western genre and are now in “the Golden Age,” also known as the Roaring Twenties, or “Welcome To Temperance,” as the billboard at this new park informs us. It’s obvious that, just like it was the last time, this is only a ploy, a front for more evil things to happen now that our wry host and our handy companion are visitors at William’s renovated amusement park. Now we will discuss when will Episode 3 of Westworld Season 4 will release and what will happen in it.

Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 Release Date & Preview
Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 will release on 10 July 2022 on HBO. What will Caleb and Maeve learn as they travel through their own fresh interpretation of Westworld? It is clear at this time that the conflict between hosts and humans is still going on and getting worse, and many parties are going to try to find solutions. Although the promo for episode 3 didn’t really reveal much, we do know that episode 3 will include some time exploring this new Roaring Twenties universal.
Westworld Season 4 Episode 3 Release Time & Where To Watch
Episode 3 of Westworld Season 4 will air at 9 pm ET on HBO. New episodes of the show Westworld are released every Sunday. If you have HBO on your TV then you could just watch at the above-mentioned time. But, if for some reason you just missed episode 3 while it was airing live or you prefer streaming Westworld then there are some streaming options available. In the US you can stream Westworld S4 E3 on HBO Max with a subscription. HBO Max subscription will cost you $9.99 for a month with advertisements and $14.99 without advertisements with 4k included. In Canada Westworld S4 E3 will air on the same day and time as the US on Crave. Canadians can also stream the episode on the platform.
Also Read: Westworld Season 4 Episode 2 Explained: Well Enough Alone