Fans are excited for the next chapter of Juvenile Offender Chapter 14 to release. The previous chapter ended on a cliffhanger as Changsoo finally found Yoosung after he betrayed him with false information. Even though we all know how it is going to end, we are still eager to read it for ourselves in the next installation of the series.
Juvenile Offender is a suspense and psychological thriller Manhwa focused on Yoosung as he gets his revenge on his bullies. He robs a jewelry store and then misbehaves in court upon receiving 200 hours of social service as punishment, all to land himself in the same Juvenile Detention center as the bullies so that he can take his revenge in peace.
This Manhwa is not shy of showing gruesome scenes involving blood and decapitation and seems to utilize those elements in its own unique way, portraying the revenge scenes as quite well deserving when we get to know what the criminals did in the past.
Chapter 14 of Juvenile Offender is soon to be released. Meanwhile, we will keep you updated about its release date and time according to various time zones, any potential spoilers as well as where you can read the next chapter as soon as it releases. But first, let’s have a quick recap of the previous chapter and get your memory refreshed.
Juvenile Offender Chapter 13: Recap
Changsoo reached the place written on paper given to him by Yoosung and asked them about the fake news posted via their IP address. Upon receiving no brain responses from them, he realizes he has been set up and that Yoosung has betrayed them, and he sets out to look for him after beating everyone around him to a pulp.

Here Yeongbeom is getting tense as his automatic diffuser with a hidden camera has been caught in the men’s bathroom by the Ethics teacher. As they are shouting to call the police, Yeongbeom is assured that there is no evidence connecting it to him, so he can simply get away with saying that he knows nothing.
His thought soon crumbles into pieces as the teacher mentions doing digital forensics on the camera, and if that still doesn’t work, he will search the camera model and find the date and purchase location. That day, for the first time in his life, Yeongbeom felt the fear of becoming a sexual offender in Korea.
Seeing no way out of this alone, he finally decides to take the help of Yoosung, who had called him to report his daily schedule. Just as he instructed, Yoosung successfully brought him the diffuser from the Ethics Teacher’s drawer, and just as he took a sigh of relief, he realized that he had been trapped. The diffuser had a tracker attached to it.
The next moment, the Ethics teacher was right next to him in his car. He instantly broke the diffuser and ran away. After the game of tag lasts for a while, he manages to hide in a good spot and breaks the sim card, but he finally ends up getting caught by the sound of his phone. The chapter ends with Changsoo finding Yoosung, determined to teach him a lesson for the betrayal.
Juvenile Offender Chapter 14: Release Date and Time
Chapter 14 of Juvenile Offender is set to release on 31 May 2023 at 12 AM KST. The release schedule according to various time zones is provided below for your ease.
- Japanese standard time: 12:00 AM on Wednesday, May 31, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory: 01:30 AM on Wednesday, May 31, 2023
- Eastern Indonesian Time: 12:00 AM on Wednesday, May 31, 2023
- Korean standard time: 12:00 AM on Wednesday, May 31, 2023
- Singapore Standard Time: 11:00 PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Pacific time: 07:00 AM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Eastern European Time: 05:00 PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Philippines Standard Time: 11:00 PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Indian Standard Time: 8:30 PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Central European Time: 04:00 PM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- New York: 10:00 AM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023