Holey Moley made its debut in 2019. This is how the world was introduced to the beautifully insane concept: miniature golf titans would compete against progressively annoying obstacles during their episode, and the winners would face off in a $250K finale. Season 2 adds even more rococo courses (created by the same people who provide similar challenges for American Ninja Warrior and Titan Games) and recurring humor to the show’s ingenuity. But people are curious to know where is Holey Moley filmed?
You don’t expect to see the hosts wrapped up in their winter coats when you turn on a summer premiere show. Every year, though, Holey Moley commentators Joe Tessitore and Rob Riggle battle chattering teeth to do their roles. Holey Moley 3D in 2D, the third season, premiered on June 17, 2021, and the hosts, contestants, and audience appeared to be equally as frigid as in previous seasons. So, what’s the deal?
The ingenious commentator team of Rob Riggle, modern comedy legend from The Other Guys, Talladega Nights, and 21 Jump Street, and veteran sportscaster Joe Tessitore. He has also covered actual sporting events for ABC and ESPN and serves as the straight man to Riggle’s unhinged maniac, providing much of the appeal of Holey Moley.

Where Is Holey Moley Filmed? Filming Locations Revealed!
Due to its unique and innovative concept, Holey Moley has driven many insane. Here, we shall look into the various filming locations for Holey Moley.
Sable Ranch in Santa Clarita, California
Given how the hosts and participants are always bundled up in jackets and thick gear, it’s reasonable if you think “Holey Moley” films somewhere in the Midwest. In reality, they shoot the show at Sable Ranch in Santa Clarita. It is one of the most well-known filming locations in Southern California. “Eternity,” “Robin Hood: Men in Tights,” and “The Outsider,” as well as the TV series “24,” have all been filmed on this lot. The answer is simple: the weather in that area is usually quite warm. When the sun sets, though, it still gets chilly.
Sables Ranches is a 400-acre private estate with magnificent grassy meadows and canyons where Holey Moley was filmed. It is a popular filming location for numerous Hollywood projects, owing to its accessibility. The property is located just 30 minutes outside of Hollywood in Los Angeles County.

It also has a plethora of amenities that appeal to filmmakers! The Sable Ranch website claims that they have 400 acres available for filming, as well as a vintage two-story ranch house, a massive red barn, hacienda, corrals, and more! The crew used many in-ground tanks for water shots when filming Holey Moley.
Redland, Queensland, Australia
We’re throwing a wrench in the gears now that you know the film “Holey Moley” in Santa Clarita, California! “Holey Moley” isn’t just a show from the United States. It’s a popular show in Australia as well! So, where in Australia is “Holey Moley” shot?
In Thornlands, Redland City, Queensland, Australia, the “Holey Moley” series was shot! The reports say that “Holey Moley” is shot near the Redland City Council Animal Shelter on South Street. The site isn’t as fancy as the Santa Clarita set, but it’s worth a peek if you’re in the neighborhood!
Is the ‘Holey Moley’ Course Publicly Available?
The Holey Moley course, unfortunately, is not open to the public. The reason for this is simple: the course is built on an existing property. It is not always available. When the program is through filming, it is created and then pulled down to make room for new shows or movies that require the area.
It’s also worth remembering that Holey Moley is a TV show, which means it takes place in a controlled environment with professionals and first aid. There would be a lot of wonderful social media outtakes if regular people played on the same course. But there would also be a lot of possible injuries or people accidentally harming something.
If you’ve ever wondered where the movie “Holey Moley” is shot, now you know. That way, you’ll know where to go if you want to put your mini-golf skills to the test on some of the wacky courses they create for the series.
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