Berserk is one of the darkest and most violent mangas of all time. It has been hailed for its extraordinary artwork and compelling plot. Kentaro Miura, the creator of Berserk, has been praised even long after his demise. Sadly, Berserk did not receive a good-quality anime adaptation. However, Berserk is one such manga that is sure to have an impact on the reader. Berserk has a great number of strong and powerful characters, and it can be hard to make a list of the strongest Berserk characters. However, one can always agree/disagree with it, but with the introduction of the apostles and supernatural beings, it gets all the more difficult to rank them along with human characters.
Berserk has been rightly described as a dark fantasy. It is based in medieval Europe and often has devils and scary monsters every now and then. The protagonist of Berserk is Guts, who is a through and through mercenary who is accompanied by Griffith. They lead a band called the Band of Hawk, which occasionally executes and spills the blood of their enemies. Berserk has sold over 50 million copies to date. It can easily pass for one of the best-selling mangas of all time. And Kentaro Miura became a living legend for all manga lovers. Even after he passed away in the previous year, he still receives words of appreciation from manga readers. Let’s cut straight to the chase and quickly have a glance at our top 15 strongest characters in Berserk.
15. Rakshas
Rakshas is a mysterious creature that has been exiled from the Kushan clan of the Bakiraka. Later becoming an apostle, Rakshas is a member of the Band of Falcon and the commander of the demon search and destroy squad. He has a couple of abilities that make him super powerful, like shapeshifting, stealth, and agility.

He is the one to have exceptional knowledge of both the Kushans and the Kingdom of Midland. He also knows about several other mysteries that no other character has knowledge of. Rakshas is extremely skillful with his abilities and can sneak up to his opponent and slaughter them. He loves to torment his rivals and watch them suffer.
14. Irvine
Irvine is a human character, an incredibly good archer, and he is also a member of the Band of Hawk. He definitely deserves his spot in the list of the top strongest characters in Berserk and is one of the favorites. Most of the weapons wielded by Berserk characters are medieval and old. The character, too, uses long and heavy blades. But Irvine has his constant loyalty to the bow and arrow.

An exceptional marksman, Irvine can hit multiple targets at a single time. He is quick on his feet, and his powers as an apostle can prove to be fatal for his opponents. In the manga series, he was able to execute several Kushan generals without even putting in too much effort.
13. Daiba
Daiba is a great sorcerer of the Kushan clan. He has been a very close advisor to the Kushan ruler Ganishka. He is the only person who could clearly look through Pishacha’s plan. He oversees the harashada that controls the troops of the Kushan military. He is undoubtedly the most powerful sorcerer in the series. He is even able to summon dangerous creatures like Kundalini. Daiba wields magic very skillfully and can almost use it as any weapon, whether to fight or shield him. He can stay afloat in the air and can even stay underwater for about thirty minutes. But, what makes him stand out is his wisdom. He has deep knowledge of the apostles and the source of their powers.

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12. Locus
Locus is another apostle in the Berserk universe. Other than his physical strength, he has the power to deduce situations. He acts smart in tough times and comes up with great decisions. Griffith is quite fond of him. Locus has a great history of combat. Usually, he relies on a lance during a grueling battle. He can make the best of warriors run for their lives. He is considered by many as one of the strongest apostles and deserves his spot in the top strongest characters in Berserk.

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11. Sea God
The name is pretty much self-explanatory, but there’s a bit of a change to it as Sea God is a giant monster who has been sealed into an island. However, after the Great Roar of the Astral World, the monster was let loose of all its chains.

The Sea God has a great number of tentacles from every side of his body. And the interesting part is his tentacles have kept on branching into several more along the way. The Sea God can transform people into tentacle-like parts of his body after it consumes them. The Sea God’s heart sends out sonic waves and can let loose a number of parasitic beasts from its innards. Sea God can be unmatched in a battle due to the immense size that he always uses to his advantage.
10. Zodd
Zodd is one of the most original and all-powerful characters in the series, sometimes surpassing the protagonist Guts. He made an appearance in the Golden Age arc. He killed an innumerable number of people from the Band of Hawk. Nicknamed Zodd the Immortal, he is a beast on the battlefield. It is said that he was a source of terror on the battlefield for three hundred years straight.

Zodd is an expert swordsman and a tough apostle. No one dares to stand in his way. He is war-hungry, and his longstanding foe is the Skull Knight. He is restless and is on the lookout for a worthy opponent. However, he was later put down by the incarnated Griffith. Zodd knows a great deal of fighting styles through centuries of warfare. He can cut his rival into two with almost any weapon. But his weapon of choice is the dual-wielding sword and battleaxes. He is the only apostle to have survived after an encounter with Skull Knight and thus deserves a spot on the top strongest characters in Berserk.
9. Grunbeld
Grunbeld, who also goes by the name “Great Flame Dragon,” is the leader of Band of Falcon’s giants. He came to the limelight when he fought against the mighty Tudors with just a small army in the Hundred-Year War. Grunbeld’s strength can increase over tenfold when he is in his apostle form. He is able to breathe fire quite like a dragon. He serves along with Zodd, Locus, Irvine, and Rakshas. His past is revealed in Berserk: The Flame Dragon Knight.

Grunbeld has immense strength. He tore through the armored Kushan soldiers just by swinging his mighty hammer. Along with it, he has great speed, and his apostle form increases his strength drastically. In the apostle form, Grunbeld’s skin turns into a conundrum. It is next to impossible to lay attacks on him as his skin itself has turned into a substance stronger than steel. Grunbeld uses his hammer and a shield. However, the shield is able to shoot fiery canons.
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8. Guts
Guts, or the “Black Swordsman,” is the protagonist of the Berserk series and is one of the strongest characters in Berserk. You might be wondering as to why a protagonist ranks so low among the strongest characters in Berserk? But, do keep on reading, you will soon find out. Guts had a grim childhood and therefore appears cold and heartless. He suffers inner turmoil between pursuing his selfish wishes and protecting his close ones. He was purely driven for the will to survive; thus, he engaged in battles and part of deadly factions.
He is a cold mercenary and a difficult person to reach. Previously a member of the Band of Hawks, he ended up losing one of his arms fighting for them. Even without an arm, Guts is equally strong and was able to take down Dragonslayer with ease. He has the body of a human yet, possesses superhuman strength and endurance. He has a unique Berserker armor which gives him an edge over his enemies.

We have all seen Guts, with his oversized blade on the cover of the manga. He is an expert swordsman and a tactician. Guts is very agile and quick on toes, even with his large stature. He can dodge and lay down a number of rapid strikes. Enemies like Sikat and Serpico have fallen to Guts combat ability and wit.
7. Ganishka
Ganishka is one of the overpowered apostles and also the Kushan emperor. The thing about Ganishka is, he detested the God Hand (Griffith in particular) and wanted to eclipse them. However, with a zeal to extend his territory, Ganishka has fought ruthless wars in almost every corner of the world. Ganishka is no ordinary apostle. His strength far exceeds any of the apostles. He does not directly transcend into his apostle form, but there is an intermediate stage. He turns into a proxy element made out of wind and water. In this form, he was able to completely stall Zodd’s actions and made him immovable. He can even strike with lightning bolts while in this stage. After being reincarnated twice, he could slaughter entire armies and uproot large cities as if it were nothing.

6. Skull Knight
About 1000 years old, the Skull Knight is one of the best contenders for the sixth spot on the strongest characters in Berserk. He possesses great knowledge and experience. He has immense know-how of the flow of causality. Skull Knight is the person who saves Guts and Casca by turning into the fifth Eclipse. He has in his possession the great Sword of Beherits that can wipe out groups of soldiers in an instant. He was reincarnated during the Kushan invasion of Midland and was greatly responsible for triggering the Great Roar of the Astral World. He is the biggest opposer of God Hand.

Skull Knight relies on his mighty sword, the Sword of Beherits, that can cut through dimensions. He used it to capture a number of demons within a vortex. His foresight and his prowess on the battlefield give him ultimate power over almost anyone.
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5. Ubik
Ubik is a member of the God Hand, and his primary power involves manipulating the emotions of the ones chosen by Beherit. Ubik is a master manipulator and can persuade anyone into sacrificing their loved ones. His other abilities include consciousness evocation, shapeshifting, and causal awareness. He, like other God Hand members, can summon bodies from their surrounding environments. He manifests fully during the Great Roar of the Astral World.

4. Slan
Slan is a member of the God Hand and possesses some very unique powers. There is absolutely no doubt that apostles cannot even touch these beings. It is also very difficult to rank them as well as most of them are equally powerful. All members of the circle are represented in the form of fingers of a hand. Thus readers have considered them equal.

Slan has the ability to tether with the design of causality. She can summon beings from her surrounding environment. Even in her incomplete form, she is extremely powerful. She was able to rip Gut’s armor off his body at the same time overpowering him in physical combat. All of the God Hand members emerge during the Great Roar of the Astral World, gaining a full physical form. God Hand characters, therefore, rightly belong to the top of the strongest characters of Berserk list.
3. Griffith/Femto
Griffith is the leader of the Band of Falcon and the general of the Midland army. Also known as the “Falcon of Light,” he is also known as the savior throughout the continent. He was the leader of the original band of Falcon and, along with his mercenaries are able to fight in the Hundred Years War and finally ended it. However, the transformation from the most loved character to a hated villain is the best thing about him. Stung by a zeal for having his own kingdom and gaining immense power, Griffith sacrificed his comrades along the way.

After the Eclipse, he was reborn as Femto as the fifth member of the God Hand. A more demonic and all-powerful version of his previous form, Griffith was elevated to a higher form. He can manipulate gravity and void and was thus able to deflect even Skull Knight’s sword. Ganishka became nervous just by seeing him.
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2. Void
Void is the unnamed leader of the God Hand. He is often considered to arguably be the strongest God Hand character out there. He is the only character to possess the Invocation of Doom with which he can mark the soul of an individual with the Brand of Sacrifice. Other than that, he can use spatial abilities and causal awareness. He is the most fearsome entity in the entire series and can prove to be extremely demonic and ruthless.

1. Idea of Evil
You might have guessed already that the character taking the top spot among the strongest characters in Berserk would be the Idea of Evil. The only entity that is above God Hand is the Idea of Evil. It is a living being that could be found in the Abyss and is responsible for the fate of all humanity.

Very little is known about the extent of its power, maybe because it is just infinite. The Idea of Evil truly deserves the strongest character spot in the world of Berserk just because the God Hand members serve it. Many have considered it to be the ultimate being with unquestionable power and abilities.
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