Killing Eve is —pun intended— a killer show chock-full of killer revelations. Here, we are counting down the top 10 most iconic kills in Killing Eve. Firstly, for this list, we will be looking at the most surprising scenes from this thrilling series which constantly sneaks up on fans with dark comedy undertones —and overtones— and its dramatic twists.
Bear in mind that if you’re not caught up within the first three seasons of this show, there will be massive spoilers in this article. So for those of you for which spoilers are an issue. You’re warned. Now that we got that warning out of the way let’s take a look without any further ado at some of the nastiest kills in Killing Eve!

Top 10 Most Iconic Kills In Killing Eve
The BBC television series Killing Eve follows MI6 spy Eve Polastri and Russian assassin Villanelle throughout the globe. It becomes an obsession for the two of them to out-smart each other as they travel the world. Despite being an assassin, Villanelle’s personality is lighthearted. Villanelle, played by Jodie Comer, has a childlike mentality and is incredibly inventive when it comes to completing her responsibilities. Many notable assassinations have followed from her casual attitude and her desire to be seen by Eve, making her a standout character in television dramas.
10. Are You Leading Or Am I? — Carolyn Kills Paul
Carolyn Martins —generally— is the most level-headed person in the series and the most low-profile one. Even in that episode, after she notices that Kenny is dead, she keeps her cool. Carolyn keeps her cool even when she sees a video clip of Constantin and Kenny right before his demise. In this episode, she holds a revolver to Constantin’s head, cocks the gun. And just at the last second, Carolyn decides to kill Paul instead of Constantin despite the information she had. An amazing performance by Fiona Shaw! Bravo!

9. The Hungry Caterpillar — A Tie In An Elevator Door
Villanelle returns to London in the second episode of season two, The Hungry Caterpillar. Greg Richardson is Villanelle’s next target, a man with a Scottish accent. His attention is drawn to her by claiming to have read an article on him in The Economist, after which she takes an interest in his fashion.
But as soon as he gets into an elevator, she goes back to sounding like she’s Russian. Following her claim that she could detect if his tie was real or not, she took hold of the tie. The elevator door shuts from around the tie, and viewers can hear him gasping for air as he chokes to death behind them.

8. You’re Mine — Aaron’s Death In The Mirror
Never tell Villanelle not to refrain from murdering someone because she’ll do the exact opposite. When having dinner with Aaron Peel and Villanelle, Eve interrupts them. But her rescue attempt goes awry. And that leaves Villanelle with two distinct choices. One, she can join forces with Aaron Peel or kill Eve. For just one more time, for the show’s sake, Villanelle gets a knife, and Eve’s scared for her life. What happens next, in a seductive gory way, is that Villanelle walks behind the man, asks him if he likes to watch, and slashes his throat while he forces Peel to take a look at him dying in the mirror while Eve watches in a shock of awe.

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7. Still Got It — Niko’s Death
Killing Eve’s shock value is always coupled with quirky plots. And in this case, well… that’s no different. Right at the beginning of this episode, Niko’s apparently ready to start his new life in Poland, hitting the reset button and settling down. But he’s not counting on Eve tracking him down. Meanwhile, Dascha is making a gap between her and Villanelle, and right in the middle of that is our boy Niko. When lured to a farmhouse and Dascha looming in on him and Eve not far behind, here’s how it goes. When Eve arrives at said farmhouse, Dascha creeps behind the guy with a huge pitchfork.

6. Do You Know How To Dispose Of A Body? — The Neck Snap
At times, Villanelle has resisted killing children, preferring instead to target adults. After two seasons, she finally snaps out of her streak in the premiere episode of Season 2. As a result of being wounded by Eve, Villanelle ends up in the hospital, where she meets Gabriel, a young man her own age.
When Gabriel’s parents died in a vehicle accident that severely damaged him, his face was left scarred and disfigured. Villanelle snatches Gabriel’s neck and dumps his body on the hospital floor at a seemingly amicable moment. Even though she undoubtedly thought she was assisting him, it was distressing to see Villanelle kill an innocent child.

5. Don’t I Know You? — Murder On The Dance Floor
We’re not talking about that cheesy Sophie Ellis Bextor tune from the aught of the century. As the show progressed, we were led to believe that Bill —Eve’s boss and friend— was going to be sticking around for a while. But only after three chapters does Bill go away. After he spots Villanelle, Bill grabs her by the arm and stops her from boarding a train with Eve. So Villanelle is aware she has a tail on her. So she leads Bill to a dance club.
In that place, the loud music and dark ambiance are the perfect places for a trap. Bill walks into Villanelle’s trap, makes eye contact with her, and then it’s too late because Villanelle stabs Bill, and then he’s gone. What a way to go!

4. Are You From Pinner? — Villanelle Kills The Family
Villanelle makes a triumphant comeback to Russia in the season three finale, Are You From Pinner? Prior to becoming an assassin, she had a normal existence. Comer’s performance as Villanelle was one of her best, as fans were able to see Villanelle’s inner struggle and conflict.
In the face of her mother’s lack of affection and her own rage at having been raised in such a manner, Villanelle has no choice but to murder her. Villanelle sets off an explosion to get her brother out of the property and save his life. She then flees the burning house and her family.

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3. I’ll Deal With Him Later — A Scented Kill
A political fundraiser is the setting for the episode I’ll Deal With Him Later, in which Villanelle conceals herself as a server to isolate her target. Villanelle discusses her fragrance with the objective while posing as the head of a cosmetics company. However, Villanelle had already prepared a lethal nerve toxin in the form of a perfume.
Afterward, Villanelle departs the scene with her perfume in hand. As a result of the poison’s potency, Villanelle accidentally poisons their neighbor Sebastian, who had become fond of Villanelle and wanted to help her start a perfume company.

2. Nice Face — The Hairpin Kill
Villanelle drives a motorcycle through Tuscany in search of her next victim in the premiere episode of Killing Eve, Nice Face. An Italian mafia leader celebrating his birthday at home with his family is shot and killed by a sniper. When Villanelle is alone, she climbs up his house’s drainpipe and hides in a suitcase.
To get him into a private talk with her, she stabs him in the eye with a poisonous hairpin disguised as a needle. Throughout the first episode of Killing Eve, Villanelle can be seen smiling as the poison slowly takes over her victim’s body.

1. Desperate Times — Red Light District Pig Kill
Villanelle visits Amsterdam in the second season episode, Desperate Times. Villanelle walks to the red light area in a Bavarian gown and a pig mask, where she easily entices her target to her side. When Villanelle proceeds to kill the victim, he is powerless to protect himself because the victim has voluntarily been restrained.
The fact that this murder was witnessed by the victim’s wife makes it all the more remarkable. Villanelle’s dress and her demeanor led the tourists to believe that it was a staged event.

So there you have it, those are the goriest kills, the most shocking deaths, and the most ingenious murders in Killing Eve. Crowning the countdown, we had that Bavarian gown kill that does put the cute in “execute” if you’re into cosplay kink. Now, we hope you enjoyed our bloody countdown here at Otakukart because we arrived at the end. Thanks for reading us, and please come back for more daily updates on things entertainment. See you soon.
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