Here’s a Paramount+ series you’ll enjoy if you’re into mafia movies. If you liked The Godfather, you’re going to love The Offer. As it tells the story of how The Godfather came to be. So here’s The Offer Episode 4 review and recap. Bear in mind that there are some spoilers in this article. So if you don’t want the fun spoiled for you, consider reading this after watching it!
The drama behind the filming of ‘The Godfather,’ the legendary 1972 mafia film that transformed the history of filmmaking, is revealed in ‘The Offer.’ However, executive Albert S. Ruddy faced various hurdles and made several risky judgments in making the film. In the fourth episode of the series, ‘The Perfect Shade of Yellow,’ Ruddy (played by Miles Teller) struggles to find the right actors for the film while clashing with studio chief Robert Evans (played by Matthew Goode).

The Offer Episode 4 Recap
The episode begins after the premiere of Ali Macgraw’s “Love Story,” where Ruddy and Francoise argue about attending. Francoise believes they were handled as if the organizers did not invite them. Ruddy thinks that’s how things work and that to advance in the industry, a producer must-attend gatherings like these.
Things have become so bad that they have to resort to personal attacks. The next day, Evans walks into his favorite restaurant to a rousing reception. While speaking with Ruddy, Evans brings up the subject of Ruddy bringing a “the movies I’m producing aren’t any good” atmosphere to the premiere and advises him not to make the same mistake again. Ruddy claims that he, the director, and the writer want Brando to play the Don and Al Pacino to play Michael. Evans, as usual, recommends against it.
The Brando Meeting
Marlon Brando meets Ruddy, Bettye, Puzo, and Coppola. And Brando completely mesmerizes them all with his improvised Don Corleone metamorphosis. Coppola brings up putting Pacino and Brando in the same frame, which Ruddy says he’s currently working on. Bettye wonders whether Al Pacino is a possibility, and Ruddy says no, but he will try anyway.
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Colombo’s Hoodlums
Colombo’s men, Lenny and Gino, visit Nicky Barnes and Joe Gallo in Harlem. Lenny sends Gallo the $1000 that Colombo had sent him. He returns it and informs him that he has left Colombo’s family and is now with Barnes. And Gallo threatens to send their heads to Colombo in a box if they don’t leave the pub where they’re standing.
As a result, Lenny and Gino depart. Gianni Russo makes Bettye a visit on the Paramount Pictures lot and proclaims his desire to play in The Godfather while comically repeating “hand to god” before every word. Bettye dismisses him. Then Bettye, Ruddy, and Andrea start discussing casting anyone practically because no one has been released officially yet. Ruddy, on the other hand, suggests Gianni to Francis.
Colombo is enraged because Sinatra disparaged him and the Italian-American Civil Rights League. Lenny and Gino return to inform Colombo that the meeting with Gallo did not go well and that Gallo is offended. Colombo claims that was his objective, and he’s now waiting for Gallo to do something drastic so he can receive permission from the Committee to execute him.

General Dislike
Bluhdorn learns of Congressman Mario’s rejection of The Godfather and the public hatred Sinatra generates against the film. Evans meets with Brando to discuss business. Evans believes he has the upper hand in the conversation, but Brando surprises him by pitching Pacino for Michael. After that, Evans calls Ruddy at The Godfather’s production office to inform him that he has been unable to persuade Brando to work on a budget.
So it’s now Ruddy’s turn to do the same. Ruddy plays hardball with Brando’s agent, pretending to be ready to hand over the Don role to someone else if Brando refuses to work on a budget. And then he closes the transaction. That victory is fleeting; Ruddy is warned that because Gallo intends to attack Joe Colombo, there’s a potential he’ll come after Ruddy as well and take over his film. Ruddy is dealt another symbolic blow when Francoise abandons him.
The Offer Trailer
The Offer Episode 4 Review
Watching The Offer for me has been a great experience. Particularly because I am a huge “The Godfather” fan. And though I know the whole backstory because I’m a movie fan, I won’t spoil it for you. Just imagine The Godfather without Brando or Pacino. You simply can’t, and the reason is that it is a masterpiece. But masterpieces take time, effort, and in the case of Ruddy, blood, sweat, and tears to come to fruition!
Puzo’s novel was so good that people thought that he was actually a Mafiosi. His narration of the Mafia’s intricacies and how he manages to put them together nailed the inner workings of organized crime to a tee. Moreover, Miles Teller’s performance is great. The actor delivers the perseverance of a man hellbent on delivering a product that would become an icon of Hollywood cinema. If you liked The Godfather and mafia movies, you gotta see The Offer as it gives you the story of how the movie that paved the way for all mafia movies came to be.
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