The Boys Season 3 Episode 4 Recap is what we are gonna discuss. While other superhero universes represent superpowers as a form of duty, Billy the Butcher, the most realistic of the bunch, believes otherwise. Finally, in Season 3 Episode 4 of The Boys, Butcher gives one of the most memorable statements, referring to superpowers as a punishment. After all, why not? When you gain powers from a single injection and then go on murdering people without any preparation, purpose, or regret, you are nothing more than a weapon of mass devastation.
Homelander’s desire for power & control over Vought International is further explored in Episode 4, and in order to do this, he offers a friendly hand to his public opponent, Victoria Neuman, in order to conspire against Stan Edgar and momentarily remove him from the management board. Apart from “The Seven’s” internal politics, the episode also highlights Butcher’s brutal behavior against his teammates, which may force several of them to abandon the team. Finally, we get our first look at the modern-day Soldier Boy.
The Boys Season 3 Episode 4 Recap
Edgar, the C.E.O. of Vought, and Homelander have been battling like cats and dogs for as long as anybody can remember, and despite the fact that they despise one other the most, neither of them has attempted to attack the other personally. Because Edgar understands that Homelander is the identity of Vought and their most valuable asset, he can’t be easily fired, whereas for Homelander, heading against Edgar means heading against the firm that signs his checks and pays for his million-dollar public relations system, and we all understand exactly how much attention and validation Homelander craves. What about if Homelander could fire Edgar without jeopardizing his friendship with Vought?

Homelander attempted to become a whistleblower on Cameron Coleman’s talk show in The Boys Season 3 Episode 4, implying that he would expose the names of the prominent guys in the business who had been calling the shots all along. It was a direct threat to Edgar, and he quickly ordered his adoptive daughter, Victoria Neuman, the chairman of the FBSA, to impose penalties against Homelander to put him in his place. Neuman, however, didn’t want to anger Homelander since she was worried about her daughter Zoe’s safety, so she formed a contract with him. In exchange for assisting Homelander and launching a public investigation into Stanford Edgar’s illegal activities at Vought.
Victoria also asked Homelander to bring her a bottle of Compound V, which she put into her daughter to make her into a superhuman like herself, allowing her to defend herself against all future threats. Neuman undoubtedly thought the substance would give security in her daughter’s life, but what if it turned out to be the cause of her death owing to the chemical’s negative effects, or if it turned her into some monster-like hero? Would Neuman be able to continue living with such remorse? And who would she hold responsible for her daughter’s death?
Homelander Kills Supersonic
Homelander had been bullying Starlight since Edgar appointed her as the team’s co-captain. She wanted to escape the team right then and there, but Hughie insisted she stay and buy some time for them because he was on a quest to find an ultimate super-weapon known as “B.C.L. R.E.D.” that could destroy Homelander and end-all of their problems in one blow. And as Hughie and “The Boys” continued on the hunt for the weapon, Starlight considered forming a resistance force against Homelander, who could help them distract Homelander’s attention away from Butcher if he ever found the weapon.

When Starlight confronted Queen Maeve, she discovered that she was the one who had informed Butcher about the ultimate super-gun. While Maeve explained why fighting alone might be beneficial at times, Starlight went on to entrust her hidden resistance unit to Supersonic, the newest edition of “The Seven.” Some violence may have been prevented if Supersonic had maintained the secret, but when he discovered A-Train and Deep arguing in the lobby, he felt A-Train, who Homelander no longer supports, could also join the resistance force.
He had no idea about A-train and Deep’s background or that they would deceive anyone at any chance to stay in “The Seven.” And because Homelander was pulling the strings in the organization this time, A-train wasted no time in snitching on Starlight & Supersonic. Homelander violently murdered Supersonic on the terrace to put down the revolt, and he warned Starlight that if she didn’t stop conspiring against him, Hughie would be his next target.
Also Read: The Boys Season 3 Episode 5 Release Date: Will Soldier Boy Help The Boys?
The Boys Goes To Russia
Butcher threw up some green liquid on Billy’s face at the final moment of The Boys Season 3 Episode 3, implying that he would find out about Butcher’s little secret. Butcher immediately disclosed to Hughie that he had drugged himself with a Temp V, which turned him a supe for 24 hours without slowly building much suspense around it in Episode 4. Hughie was excited to try the new serum after hearing about its potential because he had been feeling useless since the start of the series. Supersonic was the first to hit on his superhuman girlfriend, while Homelander was the second to declare Starlight his girlfriend for the sake of a publicity stunt.

Hughie tried to portray himself as a strong guy, but he was nothing in front of Homelander, particularly without any powers. Butcher struck a deal with Frenchie’s ex-boss, Little Nina when he returned to the mission to obtain the ultimate weapon. Cherie had stolen 11 kilos of cocaine from Nina and fled using phony passports made by Frenchie earlier in Episode 3, and shortly after her escape, Nina summoned Frenchie to her shop to threaten him. Butcher intended to use Frenchie’s Russian connection to speed up his journey to Russia in order to learn what did happen to the Soldier Boy, who was abducted by the Russians in 1984.
Little Nina demanded more than just cash in return for a lavish trip to Russia. She requested Cherie, but Butcher volunteered to do some dirty work for her in Russia, so Kimiko was ordered to assassinate a Russian crime boss. Nina provided them with the location of the protected military base where Butcher suspected the Russians had hidden the secret weapon ‘B.C.L. R.E.D.’ as soon as the mission was over. Butcher and his team discovered a super-hamster confined inside a glass vessel within the facility, proving that the Russians were also testing with Compound V in order to develop their own superheroes to fight their arch-enemy.
Butcher And Hughie Show Their Superpower
The Russian guards heard the siren that Frenchie had accidentally activated while messing with the hamster before The Boys could find the weapon they were looking for. When the Russian forces opened fire on the crew, Butcher instantly showed his temporary superpowers to save his friends. Hughie became fascinated as well, and he exploited his brief superpowers to prove that he had shot himself with V24. Butcher unlocked the door to a secured chamber after the Russians were handled, and inside he saw Soldier Boy with a long beard and a breathing tube on his face.

As a result, it’s possible that whatever superweapon the Russians created didn’t kill Soldier Boy, or perhaps that wasn’t its goal, to begin with. Instead, they simply wanted to kidnap America’s favorite hero so that they could run tests on him and bring him back to their motherland. They could have removed the Compound V from Soldier Boy’s body or taken Compound V from Vought’s facility in order to make their own superhumans, and their experiment was most likely still in the works, as the confined hamster suggested. Perhaps they’ve already constructed a Red-Supe, which we’ll see in future episodes.
Soldier Boy’s Future
Soldier Boy assaulted Frenchie & Kimiko as soon as he was freed from confinement, like a raging bull. Soldier Boy used a power blast to melt down anything in front of him, and to save Frenchie from a devastating attack, Kimiko shoved aside Frenchie and made contact with the power beam, which almost killed her. Soldier Boy fled the building while “The Boys” attended to a seriously injured Kimiko. When Frenchie noticed that Kimiko wasn’t recovering from Soldier Boy’s strike, they decided to take her to the hospital to save her life, but we don’t know if she would make it.

Meanwhile, we may assume that Soldier Boy will make his way to America and that he will pose a direct danger to Homelaner’s kingdom. Stanford Edgar, who served with Soldier Boy during “Operation Charly,” has close relationships with the supe and, like Black Noir, might become his potential partner against Homelander in the forthcoming episodes, implying a final showdown involving Homelander, Butcher, and Soldier Boy. Stan Edgar may have been defeated for the time being by Homelander, but he will not be defeated for long and will most likely fight back with all his strength.
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