Let’s get into the Mine Movie Ending. Sniper Sergeant Mike is on an assignment to find and eliminate the commander of a terrorist cell in the center of the desert, which is covered with landmines. Mike steps on of the mine by accident. Without water and in difficult terrain, the sergeant must remain attached to the location for the next 52 hours, relying on his Marine skills and willpower until a cargo comes into his region. Mike must battle not only the immense forces of nature but also his biggest foe of all, himself.
You will find very bad reviews about this movie on the internet. Despite that… I liked it, I know it’s not a GREAT MOVIE but what can I do, I like these kinds of “single man survival movies” (like; Cast Away, 127 Hours, Buried Alive….). Since I liked this movie, I’ll talk about this in detail and will also do Mine movie’s ending explanation. Even if you haven’t watched this movie you’ll have a fun read.
Mine Movie Explained
The film opens with a tough US marine named Mike bidding goodbye to a woman before flying to his next assignment in a helicopter. Mike and his lookout Tommy are set up on a ledge overseeing a desert in the next sequence, waiting for their subject to arrive. Tommy is a natural talker, whereas Mike is a more serious individual. They witness a large number of people walking on one side and a large number of armed vehicles arriving on the other. Sayid Assiff, a terrorist, is Mike’s subject. As Tommy and the voice on the radio try to persuade Mike to commit the assassination, he notices that the gathering has assembled for a wedding, and the target could be the groom’s father.

When the groom blocks the target, the situation becomes much more complicated. Mike is told to kill the groom in order to reach the target, but he cannot bear the thought of killing an innocent person. So Mike tells his command center that the target has been lost. Armed personnel guarding the ceremony then notice the pair. Then there’s gunfire. The target runs instantly, forcing Mike and Tommy to flee as armed men close in on them. Who would want to become a terrorist only to protect a couple getting married in the middle of nowhere?
They destroy their GPS while running and shelter behind a rock face. When the armed guys begin walking toward the rock, Mike quickly makes a smart distraction to divert their attention away from it.
The duo requests an evacuation after escaping the armed men, but they are informed they must cross the desert in front of them to reach a settlement five hours away, whereupon they can be picked up. They set off on foot, facing sandstorms and blazing temperatures. Tommy keeps Mike entertained by telling him stories about his son back at home. Tommy forces Mike to open up when he notices Mike is silent and appears to be upset by something. Mike says that proposing to his girlfriend Jenny is a difficult task for him. Tommy mocks him for being afraid, but he also advises him that relationships can be difficult at first, but that with time, you will get the hang of it.
Mike And Tommy Step On Mine
A warning flag flies just beneath their feet as they go through the desert. Mike takes the message seriously, noting that in the last 40 years, 33 million mines had been hidden in the desert. Tommy assures him that it’s really a Berber ruse to keep intruders away. Mike continues to move with caution, his thoughts fixed on the warning sign. Tommy takes lighthearted jabs at Mike for being such an overthinker as he walks backward a few steps in front of him. Suddenly, a click sound is heard, followed by an explosion.

Tommy had walked right onto a landmine. Mike takes a step closer to Tommy while temporarily deaf, and feels another “click” where his foot just touched. In a state of panic, he freezes. The sand from the explosion begins to settle. Tommy survived the blast, but his legs were amputated below the knees. Tommy shouts and trembles in agony. Mike, who is unable to move, tries to calm Tommy down.
When nothing else seems to help, Mike brings up Tommy’s kid, which motivates him and allows him to shoot himself with the morphine that the marines keep in their front pockets. Tommy again tries to grab for his radio, but the pain completely destroys him once more. Mike offers to remove his foot off the landmine to assist Tommy after seeing his partner in distress. Mike theorizes that the landmine he stepped on may have been old and inactive. Tommy advises him against it, and in an attempt to persuade Mike, he draws his revolver and points it at his head. He shoots himself after telling Mike that he must live no matter what. Mike cries in agony, helpless.
Mike Has Wait For 52 Hours On The Mine
He is stranded alone in the desert, unable to move. Mike realizes he’ll have to find a method to get the radio that’s lying next to Tommy a few yards away. To draw the radio bag closer to himself, he attaches his bootlaces to an ax. He discovers, however, that the radio’s batteries are dead, and that the backup is on Tommy’s body. Mike is disappointed, but he develops a new strategy. He devises an improvised solar-powered charging system for the radio. Mike is then able to communicate with his superiors. He wants an emergency rescue but is informed that due to frequent sandstorms, rescue choppers are unable to fly to his position. If all goes according to plan, he’ll be rescued in 52 hours.

Mike is irritated by the reaction. Mike is then advised by the major to dig a pit and jump in it, which might result in “just” a non-life-threatening leg loss. Mike decides to stick it out and wait for help, counting down the minutes on his watch. Then comes yet another enormous sandstorm. He waits it out without shifting from his position. When it’s finished, he notices that the storm has dragged Tommy’s body close to him, but the radio has blown too far out of his reach. Time flies by. Mike runs out of water and becomes increasingly desperate, to the point that he considers killing himself.
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Mike Meets A Berber & His Daughter
He suddenly spots a Berber approaching him, moving in a zigzag pattern. Mike tries to tell him about the landmine, but the Berber mocks him by imitating his movements. Mike tries to explain his situation to the Berber guy, but he insists on moving further. He then flees into the desert with Mike’s water flask. Mike, exhausted and desperate, begins to drink his pee, but then he spots a small Berber girl approaching him and returning his water flask. She offers it to Mike, who is relieved to see that it is full of water. Mike is able to fulfill his thirst.

Using her toy troops, the child appears to advise Mike that he must step off the mine and move on, despite the fact that she never talks. Mike informs her that he is unable to move and requests that the little girl bring him his radio, but the girl is clueless. Mike, desperate, becomes overly loud, frightening the girl away. The night falls quickly, and the temperature begins to decrease. Mike warms himself by lighting a fire. He begins to hear the sounds of wild animals. To keep himself occupied, he pulls out his phone and scrolls through his girlfriend’s photos. He comes across a video of his lover. Jenny informs Mike that she is going to wait for him, in the video.
Mike needs to win the battle and return to her as quickly as possible. Mike’s emotions start to show. He’s worried he’ll never see his girlfriend once more. He starts to fall asleep, tired of all that is happening to him, but he wakes up to find that the fire has gone out. He finds himself in the midst of a flock of wild creatures. He tries but fails to frighten them with his rifle. Tommy’s body is dragged away by the animals. One of the animals begins to approach him, but Mike uses his torch light to shoot the animal with his revolver. When the animal lands on a landmine, it explodes, scaring away the other animals.
Mike Hallucinates & Reflects On His Life
When the morning comes, the same Berber man appears. He informs Mike that despite stumbling on a minefield and spending a night in the dunes with wild animals, he is extremely fortunate to have survived this far. He urges Mike to take a step forward once more, but Mike refuses. Mike claims that because he goes in a pattern, he must know where the mines are. The Berber replies that he has no idea where the mines are hidden and that he just walks in a zigzag pattern since it is safer than going straight. Mike asks him to get his radio once more. Finally, the Berber man accepts and returns the radio to Mike before continuing on his way.

Mike looks at his watch and sees that the help is still 24 hours away. He gradually begins to have hallucinations. Mike watches Tommy resurrect after his death. Mike is motivated by the fictional Tommy, who assures him that he will make it out alive. Mike begins to reflect on all of the mistakes he has made along the way as the sun sets once more. He begins to regret abandoning his girlfriend Jenny in order to attend the mission. He is once again surrounded by animals. Even mine blasts aren’t stopping them this time. Mike began firing at them blindly in the dark, but the animals attack him anyhow. As he battles off the wild beasts, he disappears into his own thoughts.
Baber’s Daughter Was Actually Dead
Mike is brought back to reality when the sun rises. All of the wild animals that had assaulted him had died. Despite the fact that he was outmanned, he managed to kill all of the animals. Mike has already been alone in the dunes for the past 45 hours, with his leg over the mine. After that, he receives a message from his superior informing him that the rescue squad is running late. The senior wonders if he can keep going for another 17 hours. Mike says that he can’t go much farther because he’s already at his snapping point. The major informs him that someone wishes to speak with him. Mike then recognizes Jenny’s voice.

Mike begins hastily apologizing to her for abandoning her, for causing chaos, and for ruining everything he touches. He soon begins to have hallucinations and sees Jenny in the desert, seated on a couch in front of him. He attempts to approach her, but his power begins to weaken. Berber appears out of nowhere and catches him as he begins to collapse. The man begins to tend to Mike’s injuries and informs him about a time when he, too, walked on a mine and lost his leg. He tells Mike that he thought like he had lost everything in his life when he lost his leg. When he met his future wife and had a daughter, though, the trauma of losing his leg washed away.
He believes that no matter what happens in our lives, we must keep going forward. Mike informs the man that he is fortunate since his daughter, who delivered the water, is sweet and has her father. Mike learns that the man’s daughter died in a mine blast on one of their father-daughter trips to dig out landmines and replace them with tin cans. Mike is confused as he listens. The Berber says he’s glad his daughter came to visit Mike, but he wants to get back to work. He then walks away. Mike sees his daughter once more. However, she immediately vanishes with the breeze.
Mine Movie Ending Explained: The Mine Wasn’t Real
Mike discovers on the radio that the rescue squad is approaching and that he must provide his precise position. He grabs his flare, but before he can fire it, the terrorists open fire on him from over the hill. The gunshot sets off a nearby mine explosion, which knocks the flare flying out of Mike’s grasp. He attempts to fight, but he is too frail. He, on the other hand, recalls his lover and uses it as inspiration. Mike then uses his gun to fire at the ground, triggering mine explosions all around him, concealing him from the enemy with sand smoke. He instantly takes out his sniper and takes out the terrorists. The flare is still out of range when the rescue crew passes by.

“You have to keep on moving forward,” the Berber man once said to Mike. He takes a step forward, taking a leap of faith. There is no blast; nothing happens. He discovers that the mine he walked on was actually a tin can, planted there by the Berber’s daughter while she was still alive. The villagers’ prophecy comes true. Throughout this time, the villager encouraged him to move on with his life and return to his lover. He told him that the only thing that is stopping him was his own fear. Despite the non-lethal bullet wounds he received during the standoff, Mike feels relieved to be alive.
Perhaps he was happy to hear that he would be saved, or perhaps he was enraged that he had failed to recognize the gravity of the situation. Whatever the case may have been, one thing was certain: this encounter would forever affect his life, and he had learned a crucial lesson. He then fires a flare and falls to the ground. He is found and returned home by the rescue squad. Jenny is looking for him at the airport back at home, glad tears in her eyes. He descends to one knee even before kissing her, as he has done many times throughout his life. He then proposed to her, pledging that he will never abandon her.
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