The most anticipated introduction of the time manipulator, Kang the Conqueror, finally saw the light through the movie, “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.” This movie initiated the much-awaited phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe; after the gigantic box office collection through its first three phases, the hype and quality of storylines were reduced by a mile. The reason is simply due to the lack of proper story fragmentation and continuity through its movies and TV shows.
However, one can argue that after the “Avengers: Endgame,” a slow and quiet build-up through phase 4 was required for what’s next. Although, one can also argue that the quality did not seemingly improve in the initiating movie of phase 5, which is Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
Even if the movie lacked the quality that is expected from Marvel Studios, it did its job in introducing Jonathan Majors’ Kang the Conqueror. Thanos has set a bar in the movie industry regarding a top villain in the superhero genre.
Therefore, building up Kang the Conqueror to be equally threatening and fearful was quite the task. This movie progressed Kang’s character development in a great manner in that sense, even though the movie lacked a few powerful elements.
Kang the Conqueror is known for his different variants, which keep alternating the realism of time in the multiverse. As you know, a variant of Kang, He Who Remains, played a key role in Loki TV show. One may presume this variant to be the one from Loki, although there are doubts about that. It is possible that these are two different variants of Kang.
As per reports and the comics, it is understandable that Marvel Studios is going for Kang the Conqueror as the next main antagonist of the MCU. This is where it gets interesting and surprising; in the initiating movie of phase 5, the movie seemingly kills off Kang the Conqueror. Wait, wait, why will Marvel Studios kill off their “big bad” in the first movie? Well, here’s what we know.
Also Read: Who Is Kang The Conqueror? The Next Big Bad For Marvel
Who Are The Three Variants Of Kang In Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania?
When we say “variants,” you need to understand that Kang is one such figure who has alternate versions of himself from different universes and follows the path of wraith and chaos. They have one goal, ruling the galaxy and the most important planet – Earth.
Therefore, after Ant-Man and the Wasp managed to neutralize Kang from the universe, the post-credit showed that infinite variants of Kang the Conqueror gathered in one place from different timelines or universes.

A part of that post-credit scene shows three variants of Kang the Conqueror getting revealed to be the reason for Kang the Conqueror’s banishment to the Quantum Realm. Seemingly, those three variants saw Kang as overly ambitious and greedy for their plan and the multiverse. The arena where the enormous amount of Kang’s variants gathered looked like the Colosseum.
This is a straightforward adaptation of a comic panel, namely, Avengers #292 issue of 1988. The scene was a completely out of the Council of Kangs from that issue of comics.
Moreover, the hovering platform produces a question regarding Nathaniel Richards (Kang), being related to Reed Richards, due to the similarity of their introduction in the MCU. This cements a strong argument about him being related to Reed Richards or Mister Fantastic.
The three figures are the most popular variants of Kang. Rama-Tut is the one variant that looks like Pharaoh. Indeed, he is the variant who reigns over ancient Egypt. The second variant is the Scarlet Centurion, one that has a mechanically engineered body or a cyborg-like structure.
The third variant is the strongest variant of Kang, known as Immortus. The bearded Kang is the most frightening and fearful version of him in the multiverse, as per comic storylines. It will be interesting to see how they integrate these three unique variants into the story.
Also Read: Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania Review
Did Kang Die In Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania?
Well, if you have read the article till now, this question is more or less clear to you. If not, to answer your question, Kang is not dead. He is alive because he is such a character that has a backup plan and variant to take over the defeated variant’s place.

However, the version shown in this movie might have gone away forever, but then again, he just got banished into the quantum realm, and it is quite possible that he will come back. The look and doubt on Ant-Man’s face clearly showed the viewers an easter egg regarding his death.
His reaction clearly notes that Kang is alive, and yes, the infinite variants present in the multiverse are always there to take over his place anyway. It will be interesting to see what they do next with such a complex character. Till then, goodbye!
Also Read: What Is Avengers: Kang Dynasty? Everything To Know About It