When the main characters of most anime go on rage mode, the story usually turns around for better or for worse. But ultimately, we end up seeing the awakening of something new, which creates an exciting moment to follow within that anime. Anime rage moments usually happen in the midst of fights or near-death experiences.
This does not only happen to the antagonists, as usually, they have it easy. This easily creates good character development for the protagonists and makes an anime interesting. Sometimes the villains are enraged by things that happen and would harshly show their dominance which brings about intense fighting scenes as we have seen with most anime.
We have some of the best anime rage moments from different anime below where the characters involved managed to take their powers to the next level creating scenes that you would not want to miss.
Meliodas From Seven Deadly Sins
When the Seven Deadly Sins anime started, we knew Meliodas as a kind being, but as things proceeded, we got to learn that he was cursed and that he was the son of the demon lord himself. And then, we also got to know that he was immortal since his curse would have him resurrect even if he was killed. But what we did not know is how powerful he would get when enraged, and this happens when his loved ones are in danger or when he is reminded about the love he has lost in the past.

If you were wondering, What episode does Meliodas rage? Does Meliodas get angry? Or What is Meliodas true magic power? Then you should check out Seven Deadly Sins Episode 15. The episode is titled “Unholy knight” and saw Cain tell Elizabeth about the story of Liz and Meliodas, which helped Elizabeth understand more about Meliodas’s Rage. Using the sword of his past lover, Meliodas managed to unleash powerful attacks and ended up defeating Dale.
Yuji Itadori From Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen has proved to be an anime worth watching up to this point, and fans are still waiting for the next Season of the anime to return. For now, it has been a while since we got any action from Jujutsu Kaisen anime. But with the Jujutsu Kaisen movie that was released not long ago, we got to see how amazing things could get.

Itadori is the main character and the current host of the strongest demon to live ever. Everything surrounds him, and we got to see one of the best anime rage moments in the series. We already know that Sukuna is very powerful, and when Itadori is enraged, things could get wild. We have seen this in Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 12 when Yuji tries to save little of what’s left of Junpei’s heart. But Mahito destroys all of his hopes of saving Junpei, which pushes Itadori to the limits, and he ends up in rage.
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Rin Okumura From Blue Exorcist
Things started a bit slow for Blue Exorcist anime as we got to know and see more about Rin from Season 2. This was when Rin went into an outburst in Episode 5 of the Second Season. This managed to show a side of him that we did not know about, as his peers try to find a way they can calm him down as this could lead to him being totally possessed.

Whenever Rin would be enraged, his blue flames would react to his anger, and this also posed a risk as it could expose his identity as the son of Satan. We also saw this during the Exorcist candidate live combat arc when Rin was fighting Amaimon. His flames were as powerful as Satan and easily let out a roar of flames that instantly defeated Amaimon. But after this, his flames started to overwhelm him, and the only way to stop him was to sheath Kurikara.
Naofumi From The Rising of The Shield Hero
Some things are as straightforward as they come, like Naofumi’s Rage shield that implies that his powers could be influenced by his anger or rage. To see which episode does Naofumi rage in the anime, we will have to look back at The Rising of The Shield Hero Episode 8. This was when a powerful epidemic broke out in the village where Ren defeated a dragon.

Naofumi managed to treat the villagers and realized that he had to remove the source of the problem. This had him witness his comrades as they were driven to a near-death state. But ultimately, he managed to unlock the mysterious curse series that has an ominous-looking shield, also known as the rage shield.
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Trunks From Dragon Ball Super
Trunks have been an astonishing character in the Dragon Ball franchise, especially when he appeared from the future because this happened several times. And we have also seen a brand new form of Super Saiyan through him. Trunks have a raging form, and you would find most of them asking, “What is Trunks Rage form called? Does Trunks have SSJ Rage? or what episode does Trunks go Super Saiyan Rage?

It is a bit strange to talk about Dragon Ball and not talk about Goku. Some even go to wonder, “Can Goku go rage?” Well, there is a Super Saiyan form that is extremely powerful within the Saiyans transformation. It is known as Super Saiyan Rage, and it is unlocked through rage. We had seen this in Dragon Ball Super when future Trunks used Super Saiya Rage to attack Goku Black and Zamasu in the anime.
Hyuodou Issei From Highschool DXD
High School DXD is not necessarily the go-to anime when you want to see intense fighting scenes. But we have a few of them that shows Hyoudou Issei unlocking his new powers in battles, and this would easily be considered as one of the best anime rage moments.

He is usually calm and in control of his emotions, but he has to keep focused. And whenever his will is broken, he would unleash the rage that he has been holding back all at once, and this gives him somewhat a power boost when fighting. Issei’s rage moment starts when his eyes become molten green and burn with dragon rage as he produces an aura of hatred and power boosts.
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Gray From Fairy Tail
Even though Gray has been Juvia’s love interest for a very long time, he hasn’t really shown his true feelings towards Juvia as he was a difficult character to read. But when Juvia ended up joining Fairy Tail, their relationship got to a different level as Juvia became part of the Fairy Tail family. And when they were faced with an even greater enemy that was way powerful as Juvia’s life was in danger. Gray managed to show how he really cares about Juvia.

Invel might have sensed that Gray cares about Juvia and brutally attacked Juvia to provoke Gray. As things stood, Gray knew that he could not defeat Invel since he was a superior ice mage. As Gray almost despaired, he managed to use his rage to overcome his fears and managed to overcome and defeat Invel and finally find out that Juvia was still alive, so this really strengthened their relationship.
Yuichiro From Seraph of The End
Yuichiro has several personalities throughout the series, but we get to know him as a human first. When Yuichiro goes into a rage, he also experiences pain and enters an uncontrollable state as he becomes a demon. He also develops a horn that protrudes out of his head, and this gives him a major power boost to a point where he is confident he can defeat vampire nobles. A fight that he used to feel that he had no chance at winning before.

When he transforms, he also goes berserk and attacks specific targets. We saw this when he pursued Crowley and attacked him again. And after this, he went to attack Shinoa as he was still in his rage mode. And even when he had his sword through Mika, he did not pay much mind to him as his main goal was to stab humans constantly.
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Kaneki From Tokyo Ghoul
When the 11th ward became the center of attention, everyone focused on the Aogiri Tree. The CCG prepared for their assault while Anteiku formed their rescue plan. When they split up within the base, they try to find Kaneki when Amon confronts them with the Bin brother coming in as a third party.

In the first Season, during the finale, we managed to see Kaneki go into a full rage. It was when his torture reached its peak, and it was no more bearable. He passes through illusions, and was forced to count backward from 1000 by 7 as a way to cope. But all this managed to finally see the comeback of Kaneki, and he unleashed all that rage upon Yamori, who had been torturing him throughout the Episode.
Yato From Norogami
Yato was revealed as the god of calamity and was battling Rabo only to get trapped in a water bubble. His attempt to escape did not help much as he ended up being rescued by Hiyori. And as things turned out, Hoyori went with Yato by accident and became Rabo’s target multiple times. This would frequently anger Yato as Rabo managed to destroy the jewel that contained Hiroyi’s memories putting Yato in a rage.

We managed to see Yato enraged on Norogami Episode 12 when Rabo wanted to see Yato as the powerful depraved god of calamity that he used to be in the past. Rabo also absorbs the storm phantom that was created through their fight, and Yato’s desire to protect Hiyori ended up bringing back her memories. In this Episode, we managed to see Yato enraged as he thought that Hiyori would forget him forever, and we also saw how he used to fight as the god of calamity.
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Seras From Helsing Ultimate
We managed to see how an enraged Seras could be during the attack of the Hellsing Manor. This was when she lost her control over her Vampires instincts and was killing the newly reanimated Hellsing soldiers while Integra watched. This was a bad sight for Integra as she was left horrified at the sight of Seras mercilessly killing her men.

The only way to stop Seras was when she embraced her and pleaded for Seras to stop, and Seras finally regained her self-control. The damage she caused was massive, and even she was surprised to see it as she was not in control and had no idea what was happening or what she was doing.
Broly From Dragon Ball Super
Brolly appears as one of the angriest Saiyans in the series, and this could be seen in his action throughout the franchise. Even Paragus was aware of this, and it made him easier to control him with a device he had developed. And when he was free from Paragus’s control, his Saiyan nature would become dominant, and his desire for combat, death, and destruction became unstoppable.

We saw this when he destroyed Planet Shamo and what was more surprising was that Broly was aware of all this. So he is destructive in nature as his birth-given powers drove him mad. When he is on his rampages, he has shown a high degree of intelligence, meaning that he was in control of himself all of these times. Brolly has been known as the legendary super Saiyan and his rage moments always meant that he could be as destructive as he wanted as it was very difficult for the Z fighters to stop him.
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Vegeta From Dragon Ball Super
When Gods of Destruction were introduced in Dragon Ball Super, they proved to be the most powerful beings in the franchise’s history at the time. They proved to be untouchable and unrivaled to a point where nobody would dare touch them or try to stop them at their actions. But when Vegeta’s rage took all sense away from him., we managed to see one of the best anime rage moments.

This was when Beerus slapped Bulma in front of Vegeta. Seeing this as the prince of Saiyans, his pride would not let him leave Beerus as he is even though he was the notable God of Destruction. So this moment makes us wonder if Vegeta could beat Beerus at that moment. Because his Saiyan Rage powerup helped him a bit, but to Beerus, it was nothing more than a warm-up facing an angry Vegeta.
Eren From Attack on Titan
We managed to see something interesting in Attack on Titan Episode 25 when we got to see Eren’s Berserk mode. So most would ask questions like “Is Eren Berserk mode Canon?” or When did Eren have a berserk mode and more questions like what episode does Eren go rage mode. So the anime is usually an adaptation of the manga but can introduce a few things that do not alter the main story.

In his berserk mode, when he is enraged, his titan form starts to burn flesh with flames which just shows his hatred for the titans. Some would mistake this as the power of the attack titan, but it is not necessarily the case. This is all based on his determination, hatred, rage, and a little help from the previous wielders of the founding titan.
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Takamura From Hajime no Ippo
Hajime no Ippo is one of the best sports anime that you should check out as it brings about the competitiveness of characters and how they overcome their challenges. So for boxing lovers, this would be a good anime to watch as you would easily relate with the main characters.

Just like any other character, there are times when Takamura experiences rage during his fights, and it would work for him as we managed to see a new side of him in the ring. To know what Episode does Takamura rage, we will have to look at Hajime no Ippo Episode 20, “New Challenger,” where Ippo finishes his fight against Bryan Hawk as they fight for the world title.
Kagura From Gintama
Gintama is an anime that mostly centers its development around humor. And to those who are new to this anime, the first few episodes promise an action-packed anime. But as you watch more and more episodes, you get to realize that it is more of a comedy anime than action-based anime.

Kagura also appeared to be one of the good characters in the anime. But for now, let’s look at “What episode does Kagura rage?” because there are those few episodes that things get a bit more serious, even in comedy anime. We managed to see Kagura going into a rage in Gintama Episode 142. This was when Shinpachi was nearly killed by Abuto. Kagura’s rage turned her into a killing machine as she had shown no mercy to her opponents.
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White Beard From One Piece
If you are a true One Piece fan, then this is one of the moments you would not forget in One Piece, as the greatest battle of the anime so far. We managed to see White Beard going all out. This was after Ace was killed, and he had to make sure that every one of his family and relatives escaped with their lives.

It was at this time was White Beard noticed that his end had come and did all he could to make sure that his family escaped to safety. So let’s look at what Episode White Beard died in and also what Episode does White Beard rage as he unleashes all his powers. In One Piece Episode 484, we saw Ace’s death affecting a lot of people, including fluffy and White Beard, with the latter unleashing his full powers.
Kamado Tanjiro From Demon Slayer
Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District arc saw Tanjiro and his traveling companions going through some harsh trials where they survived by a hair’s breadth thanks to Tanjiro awakening his demon slayer mark and discovering that he can use the Sun breathing technique. Tanjiro’s fight against Daki saw him use all of his techniques to no avail. But as he realized that he could not let Daki be as she was a danger to humans, this pushed him to the limits of his powers.

While in rage and agony, Tanjiro realized that when he used fire techniques that were based on the Sun breathing techniques, it was easier for him to move as he was already injured. If you were wondering what Episode is Tanjiro vs. Daki or What Episode does Tanjiro rage and awaken his demon mark, then you will have to look at Demon Slayer Season 2 Episode 13. This was when the peak of Tanjiro’s powers, together with her sister Nezuko was revealed.
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Asta From Black Clover
Black Clover started as your average anime, but when the power dynamics shifted and turned the tables around, the Black Bulls were no longer recognized as your average squad but became the epitome of the show. When the Dark Triad was first introduced in the anime, devil hosts other than Asta were introduced.

When Asta finally used his Black form, those who are not so familiar with this ask, “What Episode does Asta Rage? What Episode does Asta turn into a full demon?” Because even though the anime is in a Hiatus now, we managed to see a glimpse of this. In Black Clover Episode 162 and Episode 163, Asta and his group are ready to fight the Dark Triad, which ends in Asta facing Dante, who would be his most powerful opponent to date in the anime.
Natsu From Fairy Tail
During the grand magic games, we managed to see Natsu’s love for Lucy being put to the test. Because of future Lucy’s actions, the present-day Lucy was in danger and was about to be attacked. When Lucy of the future saw this, she tried to use her body as a shield to save her current self, but her actions were in vain.

To find out what Episode does Natsu rages over Lucy’s death, we should look at Fairy Tail 2014 Episode 15, where Natsu moved into protecting Lucy from Future Rogue, who viewed Lucy as a threat. Even though future Lucy ended up dying and everyone else was still in sadness. Future Rogue moved to kill even the current day Lucy. This enraged Natsu and would not allow anyone to take her future since the Lucy who died was from a different timeline.
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Might Guy From Naruto Shippuden
When Madara finally defeated Naruto and Sasuke, and subdued all the previous Hokages, there was nobody left who would stop him from initiating his Infinite Tsukuyomi plan. So might Might Guy was the only person left with a trump card that had us see Guy holding Madara off until Naruto and Sasuke would return.

Might Guy used a series of his final attacks until his life runs out. Starting with the evening Elephant, which consists of a series of kicks powerful enough to destroy even the most powerful of Madara’s defenses. Lastly, Guy would resort to the Night Guy, his final attack that managed to put Madara in a near-death state, but he recovered thanks to him being the ten tails Jinchuriki. You should check out Naruto Shippuden Episode 421 to see Might Guy going on rage vs. Madara.
Luffy From One Piece
There are several rage moments when Luffy was really infuriated in battles or when he found out about the way villains are treating civilians. But the most interesting one in the series so far had to be the one from Dressrossa since that was the last time that Luffy had a proper fight with some of his team members present. This was when Law did all he could to set the stage for Luffy vs. Doflamingo to finally happen.

We should look at which episode Luffy vs. Dofalmingo starts. Or which episode Luffy Rages and stops Doflamingo because he was really angry and enraged after seeing Doflamingo beating Law to a pulp. In One Piece Episode 723, Luffy uses the color of supreme king Haki to show that he is on par with Doflamingo, who was thinking of himself as unstoppable at the moment. So we managed to see an enraged Luffy take on Doflamingo confidently.
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Levi From Attack on Titan
We have known Levi to be a beast when it comes to fighting titans. And just when we have no idea how he would defeat the mighty Beast Titan, he once again proved why he appears to be one of the best fighters in the series. To find out more, we should look at what Episode does Levi rage and what Episode does Levi avenge his friends against the Beast Titan or Zeke.

In Attack on Titan Episode 54, just when Zeke finished all of the scout regiment, Levi sneaked up on him with the help of the scouts and defeated the Beast Titan with just one attack. It was thanks to the Cart Titan’s interference that Zeke managed to get away with his life, ultimately ending their battle.
Mob From MOB Psycho
Mob Psycho anime is entirely about Mob and his rage, which controls how powerful Mob becomes. Throughout the series, we have seen Mob’s rage changing levels depending on what he comes across. And once it reaches 100%, then he goes all out, and nobody will be able to stop him. Below let’s look at what happens when Mob psycho reaches 100%? As this does not frequently happen in the anime.

In Mob Psycho Episode 8, Scar kidnapped Ritsu mistaking him for Shigeo. But all this rage turned Mob’s rage to 100%, and it is at this time that we got to witness Mob’s Rage in action. When Megumi made easy work out of Mob’s esper powers, his animosity reached 100%, making Mob almost invincible. So whenever this happens, Mob becomes unstable and unbeatable.
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Gohan From Dragon Ball Z
During the Cell Games Saga, we managed to see what rage can do to a Super Saiyan. Rage is one of the requirements to undergo a Super Saiyan transformation, and we saw this when Gohan was pushed to the limits and had no option but to use his rage to gain a new powerful form. So we will also see if Gohan is more powerful than Cell and also what is Gohan’s strongest attack?

In Dragon Ball Z Episode 185 of the uncut series, Gohan is enraged with Cell after he killed Android 16 and also tortured his family and friends. This led to Gohan’s rage, and his hidden powers came to light and transformed him into Super Saiyan 2. We also saw Ultimate Kamehameha, which was amongst the strongest of Gohan’s attacks.
Gon From Hunter X Hunter
Even though the anime and manga are on a hiatus, we managed to see some great action. Fans of the series are waiting for the manga to be resumed. Meanwhile, the anime watchers cannot stop asking for at least a few OVAs for the manga chapters that have come out. Talking about rage, here we will look at, “in what Episode does Gon rage?” and “does Gon have a rage mode?”

Hunter X Hunter 2011 was the second series of the anime after its 1999 version. So it has Six Seasons or 148 Episodes in total. Gon goes in rage in Hunter X Huter Season 5 Episode 56 or Hunter X Hunter Episode 131. This was when Pitou moved to kill him, but he had to sacrifice all he had to avenge Kite. He activates an adult-looking form where he easily beats Pitou to death. With Killua on his side, Gon was using up all of his Nen, which seemingly resulted in his self-destruction as well.
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