TXT & ENHYPEN are back with a documentary video about the behind-the-scenes and preparation of their famous 2021 year-end music performance on KBS and the WeVerse Con stages. TXT is a boy-group that debuted in 2019, while ENHYPEN debuted in 2020. Both are managed by HYBE, and they jokingly call themselves HYPE BOYS. The documentary was a good look at the way at their chemistry and also gave the viewers a glimpse into what goes on in their minds before hitting the big stage.
In the documentary, Beomgyu from TXT expresses his joy at the wonderful synergy they are creating for performing hype songs like BANG BANG BANG and FIRE. ENHYPEN Luke says he is glad that they are getting along well, despite the fact that the members of TXT and ENHYPEN haven’t interacted too much in the past. Cut to footage showing them chatting away after rehearsals and having fun when practicing H.O.T.’s Candy. We have compiled some more of the most fun and interesting moments from the documentary below.
ENHYPEN Sunoo hearing a lot of classic K-pop songs for the First Time
We see the members practice the steps of the HOT song “Candy” with them jumping on the ground. TXT member Taehyun talked about how there was no way he wouldn’t enjoy covering these sings since he liked listening to all of them, and since the members are good at synergizing the steps, he wasn’t worried about that either. Cut to ENHYPEN Sunoo saying there were a lot of songs that he was hearing for the first time! For the older K-pop fans hearing this might be equally hilarious and shocking, but it is forgiven since Sunoo is born on 2003, and songs like Candy were released a long time before was born.

ENHYPEN members being thankful to TXT members for adjusting with them
The two boy-groups learned slightly different versions of the same choreography of ‘Fire’ when they were practicing separately, so it was difficult syncing up the minor difference in the details of the dances for both the teams. However, Sunghoon says in the interview how thankful he feels that the TXT sunabaes attempted to adjust more so that the performance can move smoothly.

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TXT & ENHYPEN members bonding post rehearsals
The TXT members too were very relieved when they danced along with ENHYPEN members, since before the stage felt so empty that they worried whether they could fill it up nicely for a song like BTS’ Fire. Jake says that they can do justice to the legendary songs, so he requests the viewers to anticipate their performance. Overall, everybody is appreciative of the fact that they can learn something from the other team, and since their energies are complimenting each other, they can even practice when they are tired since the atmosphere is so fun.
KBS Stage Rehearsals
Since the KBS Stage is so vast, all the members expressed difficulties in getting their outfit changes done efficiently. From the sound-check to the stage rehearsals, the boys put forward their most energetic face. As TXT Yeonjun said, “I promised MOAs that we will crush the ending performances, and I think we are well onto our way to do that”. While monitoring the ENHYPEN’s rehearsals on stage, TXT Soobin observes that even with the identical choreographies the groups have established their own identity and distinct vibes. Cue some cool clips of the members performing TVXQ Mirotic, BTS Fire.

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TXT & ENHYPEN Are Visibly Nervous for The 2022 WeVerse Con
The KBS Year-End stage was pre-filmed, and so it was after a long while due to pandemic concerns that they got to perform for a live audience in the 2022 WeVerse Con. Jungwoon from ENHYPEN recalls how they were only 1000 people in their debut live performance, and how this is going to be his first time performing in front of such a large audience. Even the experienced TXT members aren’t exempt from nervousness: Yeonjun is scared that he will go overboard on the expressions onstage (when performing a rap part for ENHYPEN). But all went well, as we see Taehyun being mesmerized at Yeonjun’s on-stage persona.

TXT & ENHYPEN On Their Growth and The Success of Their Music
For TXT Soobin who found comfort in music when he got worried about his future before debuting, he says he feels the most grateful when fans listen to their music when they feel down or need comfort or hope. ENHYPEN’s Sunoo is happy that he doesn’t get as nervous on stage as he did before, and can express himself better when performing.

Both the groups express their wishes of leaving a mark on the industry, so that the trainees who debut after them can feel inspired by them and use their performances as a benchmark. They are also aware that the reason fans are loving them so much is because they put their everything into their performances, so they have to keep working hard to retain their love and support – “endlessly proving yourself”, as ENHYPEN Jay says!

Watch the full documentary on YouTube.