Curious to know why did Dr. Strange give the time stone to The Mad Titan? Then you have come to the right place. Dr. Strange, the great protector of the Time Stone, has always sworn to protect the Time Stone, even if it comes to risking his life. So, all his allies and even the fans trusted Dr. Strange that he would fight till his last breath with Thanos when he made his way toward him to acquire the Time Stone, and when he actually did in Avengers: Infinity War, Dr. Strange willingly handed over the time stone to Thanos.
Dr. Strange is the guardian of the Time Stone, and he has protected it within the Eye of Agamotto for a long time. When he gets to know about the immense powers that the Time Stone possesses, he always uses those powers to save the world and defeat the enemies for good. For instance, in the debut movie of Dr. Strange, he uses the time stone to win against Dormammu. That is why it is expected of him that he would manipulate the time using the powers of the Time Stone against Thanos and restrict him in every way to acquire the second last infinity stone, which would enable The Mad Titan to complete the Infinity Gauntlet.
Surely, giving up the Time Stone was a huge risk not only for the Avengers as well as for the people of the Earth because we all know how evil Thanos’ plans were. So, why did Dr. Strange help Thanos with his plan to possess the greatest powers in the universe? Well, there are various reasons behind this, and to understand this let us get to know what exactly happened in Avengers: Infinity War and then, with a broader perspective, understand what compelled Dr. Strange to give the Time Stone to Thanos.
What Happened to Dr. Strange and Thanos in Avengers: Infinity Wars?
After acquiring four of the six infinity stones, Thanos finally decides to attack Dr. Strange, who possesses the Time Stone, one of the crucial infinity stones that enable its user to manipulate time, create multiple loops, and see the past and the future. Acquiring the Stone is not an easy task, and Thanos is already aware of it because he knows that if Dr. Strange uses the time stone on him, he may get trapped in the vicious loop of time or may find himself in a position where he would not be able to use his powers against the Avengers.
The Mad Titan, however, is on a quest to acquire the infinity stones and wipe out the population on Earth for a long time. So, he certainly does not want to miss the opportunity of getting the Time Stone from Dr. Strange. As the Time Stone is on Earth, Dr. Strange sends his army, The Black Order to get the Time Stone. Thanos knows that Dr. Strange would not easily provide any information about the Stone to him, so he decides to keep him as a hostage and torture him until he spills the beans.
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Along with Dr. Strange, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, and other heroes of the Earth reach Titan, Thanos’ homeland, to save Dr Strange from Thanos. Finally, the Avengers find no way to engage in a battle with Thanos if they want to protect the Time Stone. All of them finally make plans and attack The Mad Titan. However, his powers are immense, and he overpowers everyone. Even Dr. Strange creates the time loop to trap Thanos in repeating moments. However, Dr. Strange fails to stop him.
In the end, Tony Stark (Iron Man) arrives to fight Thanos. Using all of his powers, Iron Man fights Thanos even if he gets badly injured. Finally, Thanos forces Iron Man to beg for mercy to spare his life, but Tony Stark never does. Suddenly, Dr. Strange arrives and hands the Time Stone over to Thanos, ignoring Tony Stark’s requests not to do the same. After acquiring the Stone, even Thanos gets confused over why Dr. Strange easily gave the Stone to him. However, he feels ecstatic, realizing that the Time Stone is finally received the spot in the infinity gauntlet.
Why Did Dr. Strange Give Thanos The Time Stone?
When Thanos decides to kill Tony Stark, Dr. Strange says, “Stop! I will give you the Stone,” Thanos replies, “No Tricks,” and Dr. Strange says no. Iron Man constantly requests Dr. Strange to stop. However, he makes his decision to give the Stone to Thanos and save Tony Stark’s life. But saving Tony Stark’s life is not the justifiable reason for giving the Stone to Thanos. Because Dr. Strange has sworn his life for the Stone, also he had his priorities clear, so there’s no way that he gave up on the Stone just to save Tony’s life.

Soon, we get to know that Dr. Strange had already used the time stone to see all the millions of possible outcomes of the future, and in only one outcome, the Avengers could win over Thanos. So, to achieve victory, it was necessary to give up the Stone so that in the coming future, they would finally be able to take the infinity gauntlet from Thanos, which would ultimately lead him to his defeat.
Dr. Strange understands that fighting for the infinity stone is pointless at that time because Thanos wouldn’t have stopped torturing Dr. Strange for getting the information about Time Stone. Also, Thanos accepts to spare Tony Stark’s life in return for the Stone, so Dr. Strange decides to preserve only one outcome of defeating Thanos, rather than wasting it in return for Tony’s life, who is one of the strongest Avengers and would help to defeat Thanos in the Endgame.

Even though Dr. Strange’s decision seemed impulsive in the beginning, he always had the bigger picture of the future in his mind, and even in Infinity War, by willingly giving up the Stone, he made the Avengers’ way toward achieving the ultimate victory. Even though he had to strengthen his enemy first, Dr. Strange giving up the Stone hints that Thanos is getting majorly defeated by all of the Avengers’ immense powers and desires to save the world in the future.
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