Bad Sisters Season 1 Episode 3 airs soon, and today, we’re bringing you the information about the next episode, some streaming details, and we’re doing an episode recap to keep you on the loop of what’s happening with this dark comedy thriller on the popular OTT platform. The show takes place in Britain and Ireland and takes inspiration from a series named Clan by Malin-Sarah Gozin.
If you’re unfamiliar with Bad Sisters, it tells the story of five sisters with a close relationship whose parents’ death tears them apart. One marries a guy that causes scorn among the other four, and then the women start plotting against the new marriage, hence the name. Now without any further ado, let’s take a look at what went down in the latest episode.
Bad Sisters Season 1 Episode 2 Recap
Matt and Tom pay Eva a visit to ask her about the night John Paul passed away. She acknowledges that she and JP did not get along, but she supports Grace’s account of the sisters spending the night together.
Tom believes Eva is trying to dodge. He wants the forensics team to exhume John Paul’s body despite Matt’s opinion that they should be looking for fraud rather than murder.
John Paul submits his name for the same promotion that Eva is vying for in a flashback. Eva also observes how he saps his daughter Blánaid’s life of its joy. For instance, he tells the teenager that when she dances around the house, it appears as though she is “asking for it.”

A Nasty Encounter
John Paul and Ursula also have an unpleasant encounter. JP sees her walking with Ben while she is having an affair with Donal, her husband. She claims Ben is her photography teacher, but he probably doesn’t buy it. Bibi later confesses to Eva that she can’t stop thinking about their earlier exchange. When she commented she wanted John Paul dead, she wasn’t joking. Why shouldn’t they kill him first if he’s killing Grace?
Bibi explains her plan to start a house fire while JP is alone in his cabin because Eva is horrified by the idea. Eva continues to disagree, if only because he is the father of their niece. John Paul slyly mentions Ursula’s “after hours” photography lessons in front of her husband at Blánaid’s Catholic confirmation. Eva is also confronted by him about giving Blánaid a bra. JP gets angry with Grace when she attempts to defend Eva by placing the blame on him when she didn’t do it.
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Eva visits Bibi’s while steaming. She wants to carry out her plan, and Bibi reassures her that they are acting morally. John Paul will travel to his cabin that weekend to participate in a 15-kilometer hike. Eva gives them concert tickets to keep Grace and Blánaid occupied the night she and Bibi attempt to kill him.
Tom and Matt pay Grace a visit because they need Grace’s consent to get a coroner to exhume John Paul’s body today. He hands her documents to sign, but he doesn’t explain what they are. She signs them mindlessly.

Burning Down The House
When they are confident that John Paul has gone to bed in the past, Eva and Bibi sneak into the cabin. Eva steals Bibi’s lighter as she turns on the stove. She says, “I need to finish this,” and lights a candle. After that, the two leave the house and dive into some bushes. John Paul suddenly calls Eva’s phone, which she quickly mutes. They hear John Paul’s screams during the cabin explosion and believe he is dying from the flames. He, however, was not home. He is outside, watching as the fire destroys his property.
Bad Sisters Trailer
Bad Sisters Streaming Details
Bad Sisters is an Apple TV+ exclusive. As such, you will need a subscription to this service. If you wish to subscribe to this OTT platform, that will cost you US$ 5 a month, and if you’re subscribing to Apple TV+ for the first time, you will get a seven-day trial period. Also, if you acquire an Apple device, you will get a courtesy month of this service, cloud services, and Apple Music.
Bad Sisters Season 1 Episode 3 Release Date
Bad Sisters Season 1 Episode 3 will release on August 26, 2022, on Apple TV+. The episode’s title is “Chopped Liver.”
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