Gu Changge attacks Xian’er in the previous chapters, and we will see Gu Changge struggle to control his dark demonic side in I Am the Fated Villain Chapter 98. Gu Changge and his cousin Xian’er shared a complex relationship since Xian’er considered Gu Changge to be her rival, but there was a sibling bond between them at the same time.
Gu Changge was seen passing rather mean and belittling comments to Xian’er, which crushed her self-esteem and made her quite angry at the same time. Even so, Xian’er and Gu Changge cared for each other and held each other in high regard.
Gu Changge was not the kind of person to express his true feelings, but he did not want to hurt or kill Xian’er under any circumstances. In the Nirvana Pond, Gu Changge’s innate demonic powers become much stronger and take over his rationality, and Gu Changge turns against his friends and beats them to a pulp.
The next person, Gu Changge targets, is Xian’er, who is completely helpless in front of the overwhelmingly powerful Gu Changge, who has lost all of his sanity and he had turned into someone that Xian’er cannot even recognize anymore.
If you are a fan of the Manhua and want updates about the upcoming chapter, then we have got you covered. In this article, we will discuss the release date of I Am the Fated Villain Chapter 98, recap the previous chapter and tell our readers where they can read this Manhua.
I Am the Fated Villain: Chapter 97 Recap
In the previous chapter of I Am the Fated Villain, Gu Changge finds himself inside the Nirvana Pond along with Xian’er and others. Although the Nirvana Pond is supposed to have a significant effect, Gu Changge assumes that it will push his cultivation level to that of the mid-stage of Saint Realm at most.
He also finds it intriguing that his demonic nature seems to be stirring inside him. Gu Changge doesn’t believe it affects him, but the sensation was quite familiar and similar to what Eight Desolate Demon Halberd had brought out within him.
The rest of the people in the Pond open their eyes when they begin to feel a strange aura surrounding them, and they see Gu Changge emit a threatening aura with a devious look in his eyes. They begin to speculate that Gu Changge had lost control, and it was almost as if he was possessed when Gu Changge attacked them.
Gu Changge is way too strong for any of them to handle, and he easily smashes everyone down in one blow. The only person who remains in the Pond is Xian’er, and he goes after her next. Xian’er tries to fight back using the ancient artifacts, but Gu Changge destroys them simply by using his will.
Even her ultimate weapon fails against Gu Changge, and he begins choking Xian’er, ready to take her Dao Bone out. Suddenly, Gu Changge slaps his hand and begins mumbling that no one will hurt his sister as one of his eyes turns back to normal.

I Am the Fated Villain: Chapter 98 Release Date
I Am the Fated Villain Chapter 98 is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, 29 August 2023, at 12:00 AM CST.
- India (IST): 8:30 PM on Monday, 28 August 2023
- Japan (JST): 12:00 AM on Tuesday, 29 August 2023
- Korea (KST): 12:00 AM on Tuesday, 29 August 2023
- USA (EST): 11:00 AM on Monday, 28 August 2023
- UK (GMT): 4:00 PM on Monday, 28 August 2023
- Philippines (PHT): 11:00 PM on Monday, 28 August 2023
- Australia (AEST): 1:00 AM on Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Where to Read I Am the Fated Villain
You can read I Am the Fated Villain Chapter 98 Raws on Kuaikan Manhua.
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