One Piece is undoubtedly one of the best animes on this planet, and if you have always wanted to try this series, then there can’t be a better time than now. The series sets up records with each episode and the sequences are floating on the peak. Not just the anime but the manga as well is creating records with each chapter. All the mysteries that the creator has set up in these years are finally going to reveal.
However, there might be only anime-specific fans who are not aware of the things happening outside Wano. The reign of Kaido is still going in the anime and our heroes are still hanging on the edge of Victory. Even Luffy is facing huge difficulty in defeating Kaido with his current strength and this is the reason, he faced terrible defeat multiple times against Kaido. Kaido one-shotted Luffy in the initial episodes of the Wano arc.
Even his Gear 4 didn’t work against Kaido and he faced a fierce Thunder Bagua straight under his belly. We will be discussing all the rounds as well in this article as well. Make sure to read the article till the end to get updated with the full battle of Kaido vs Luffy up till now.
One Piece is a Japanese anime series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It is also one of the largest manga series consisting of more than 1050+ chapters. The series revolves around Monkey D. Luffy, a boy from Windmill Village who aimed to become King of Pirates someday. Seeing the spark in his eyes, Shanks who took a short halt on that Island passes on his straw hat to him and asked him to return it whenever he becomes a great pirate. He later began his journey to the sea and finds a great crew along the way.
Luffy Vs Kaido: Round 1 & Round 2
Luffy vs Kaido is one of the most awaited battles in One Piece. Not because it will be entertaining but because fans are highly anticipated to see the Emperor of the sea at his full strength. We get to enjoy a short battle between the Kaido and the captain of the Straw Hats in the initial episodes of the Wano arc.
Luffy attacked Kaido with all of his might and even used his Gear 4 to counter Kaido’s fierce attacks. Not only this but he also lands some powerful attacks on Kaido. However, the result wouldn’t go in the favor of Luffy and he faced a strong hit right below his stomach. He is knocked out in one hit and this marks the end of round 1 between Luffy & Kaido.

Round 2 of Luffy & Kaido happened at the time of the Onigashima war. Luffy this time faced Kaido with better tactics. He was not alone this time as Zoro was there to assist him. Luffy landed some punches again on Kaido but the outcome was just the same. Luffy got fainted with Kaido’s heavy attacks.
Luffy vs Kaido Round 3
Luffy vs Kaido round 3 happened in episode 1026 of One Piece. This time, Luffy figures out the correct way to fight Kaido and he stops Kaido’s weapon attack with his Haki. Luffy coated his entire body in the color of the supreme king and fought Kaido head-to-head. This time, he landed a serious blow on Kaido and made him fall to the ground. Even Kaido got impressed with Luffy’s progress and he started enjoying the battle even more.

Even Law was impressed with Luffy’s progress. Unfortunately, the outcome was the same as before and Luffy got knocked out by Kaido in the end. Kaido threw Luffy into the ocean. Thankfully, Law’s crew saved Luffy from Drowning. As round 3 has finally been over, fans are now waiting for round 4 between these two captains. This may take some time as there are many fights that still remain in the anime.
How To Watch One Piece Episode 1026?
All the episodes of One Piece are available to stream on Crunchyroll including episode 1026. It is to be noted that not all regions will enjoy One Piece on Crunchyroll due to licensing limitations. If you want to read manga, it is available on Viz’s official website or the Shonen Jump mobile app. The subscription pricing of the mentioned platforms is quite affordable and provides great value to the customer.
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