Black Anime Protagonists are a rare find. We live in a progressive society with a vision to eliminate racial hierarchies. Prejudice and discrimination on the basis of an individual’s characteristics are a common sight today. We aim to disregard racial disparities and attain equality for everyone. The Black, The Indigenous, The Asians, The tribals, everyone has the right to live their life with dignity. It comes with racial inclusion. It is one true measure of qualitative participation and representation. Inclusion is not only telling a marginalized group that they’re included. It is about making them feel valued, appreciated, and heard.
Media influences society in so many ways. It even acts as a public watchdog. It imparts information to the masses. Moreover, it helps them form an opinion. It plays a huge role in combating injustice. Inclusion through media is the need of the hour. Additionally, Social inclusion requires these emerging ideas to reach the people. Media significantly defines culture. Culture, in turn, defines exchange. Cultural exchange provides broader perspectives. It also makes people more welcoming and accepting. Movies, Tv series, and theatre is becoming more racially inclusive. The trend can be observed in anime as well with more and more black anime characters. Here is a list of 10 Black Male Anime Protagonists you’ll appreciate fondly:
1. Afro Samurai
Afro Samurai is the titular black anime protagonist of the series Afro Samurai. He is a skilled swordsman. His attire includes a white kimono like shirt and brown baggy pants. He wears a ‘number 2’ headband passed down to him. Additionally, his father passed his sword down to him. Afro wants to hunt Justice down. Justice killed his father for the ‘number 1’ title.

Afro is quiet and introverted. Additionally, he is very determined and serious. He deeply loves his father and friends. His friends are mostly dead. Afro has one purpose. He wants to attain ‘number 1’ headband. It signifies the greatest warrior in the world. Afro was a happy child during his childhood. However, he turned cold and heartless. His only aim is to move forward. On the other hand, his only companion is Ninja Ninja. Ninja Ninja, on the other hand, is quite introverted and talkative. Afro often tells him to shut up. This anime will keep you hooked with the black protagonist’s splendid duels.
2. Michiko Malandro
Michiko Malandro is one of the two black anime female protagonists featured in Michiko to Hachin. The anime is set in a fictional South African country, Diamanda. The city resembles Brazil. It signifies racial inclusion. Michiko has light brown eyes and is above the average height. She is lean and curvy. On top of her light brown skin, she has dark brown hair. Her hair reaches down to her waist. She is a splendid representation of a bold black woman. Additionally, she has a feather tattoo on her stomach. It matches the tattoo on Hachi’s stomach. Also, Hiroshi has the same tattoo on his arm.

Michiko is strong and independent. Also, she is childish, loud, and whimsical. She is often the center of attention. She is also jealous and competitive. On the other hand, she is caring and loves deeply. She breaks from jail after she discovers about Hachi, Horishi’s biological daughter. She rescues Hachi from her abusive foster parents. They both embark on a journey to find Hiroshi. Amidst their constant bickering and fights, they discover that they cannot live without each other. On top of that, Michiko steals money for Yolanda, who was sold. Also, She takes care of children at the orphanage. She brings them presents as well. This anime is based on two black female protagonists on a quest for freedom. It is guaranteed to keep you hooked.
3. Philly The Kid
Philly The Kid is one of the main black anime protagonists in Cannon Busters. The anime highlights various aspects of black culture. Philly is an immortal criminal. He keeps running from various assassins. Due to his immortality, he has a number of tattoos scattered over his body. He gains a tattoo every time he resurrects. Additionally, he has various scars on his body. He has light brown skin color, thick eyebrows, and dark hair. His attire includes a white shirt half-tucked into his pants. On the top, he wears a red tie.

Philly is blunt and carefree. He is also cynical and perverted. His ulterior motive is to avenge his parents. On top of that, he is greedy, selfish, and manipulative. He used his manipulation skills to convince two robots to work for him. He loves his vehicle bassie the most. Most of the time, it is unorganized. Philly keeps throwing his things around, still describing the car as neat. He is sarcastic and insults people often. He has a unique scent associated with that of suphur. Or he smells like hot garbage. This anime has a diverse cast with a lot of black characters.
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4. Rhonda
Rhonda is one of the best black female protagonists. She features in a short film: Children of Ether. This film is the epitome of racial depiction and inclusion. Set in a dystopian metropolis, almost all the characters in this short film are African-American. On top of that, the short film was produced by an African-American producer initially. Rhonda has crimson eyes and short black hair. Her hair is mostly tucked in the back. She wears a khaki shirt and black trousers. Over that, she wears a green overcoat covering all of her neck.

Rhonda is strong and mysterious. She possesses a power called ‘the ether’ awakening within her. She is also brave and beautiful. Accompanied by two orphans, she strolls through the city to elude her hunter. She often comes across various criminals and gangs. It is majorly after the death of her father. She even has to face supernatural creatures coming her way. With all the hardships around, she protects the orphans. She also makes sure they don’t sleep hungry at the night. It depicts she’s also gentle and caring. With strength, Courage, and power followed by wit, Rhonda is a perfect depiction of a strong black female anime protagonist.
5. Isaac
Isaac is one of the lead black anime protagonists. He is from a popular show on Netflix: Castlevania. Isaac appears as an Antagonist at first. He had a grudge against his former master and humans. A gang named Brigand Magicians wanted to sell his body parts. Isaac had a traumatizing childhood. After Dracula’s death, he gains clarity about life. Later on, he gives his genocidal plans and tries to find out his own path. Isaac is a tall man with dark skin. He is bald and dresses up in Forgemaster’s uniform. It is an all-black uniform with a red waistband.

Isaac is a Sufi and doesn’t drink liquor. He’s adept at hiding his emotions. As a child, he embarked on a journey to learn magic. For this, he traveled majorly through Africa and the Middle East. He holds loyalty above all values. Naturally, he disregards disloyalty as a crime. He wants to create a world where people are loyal and loving. Extremely misanthropic, he doesn’t bat an eye while killing humans. Later in the series, Isaac discovers that he wants to do more good. He feels at peace after killing the magician. This black anime protagonist transformation is attracting viewers from all over the world.
6. Kaz Kaan
Kaz Kaan is one of the most known black anime protagonists. He features in the anime Neo Yokio. He is voiced by a black singer and actor: Jaden Smith. It hugely signifies black representation. Kaz Kaan is a magistocrat. He is an eligible bachelor, the official caprese boy, and a demon slayer. His physical appearance includes dark skin and purple eyes. He has pink hair and a slim body. His signature attire is a navy blue double-breasted blazer and Khaki Pants. To quote Kaz himself, his designer preference is Chanel.

Kaz is polite and graceful. He carries himself extremely well and is the second most eligible bachelor in the city. On the other hand, he is sometimes selfish and arrogant. His former girlfriend breaks up with him due to his selfish attitude. He is outspoken. What’s more, he goes to any length to prove his point. He gets involved with another girl to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. However, he is kind and caring to people he respects. He loves and respects his aunt deeply. His personality changes, and he becomes less selfish at the end of the season. Kaz is one of the black anime protagonists subjected to huge love and appreciation by the fans. Especially, by the black community.
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7. Nadia
Another one of the black female anime protagonists Nadia. She is a circus performer and wishes to go back to her home in Africa. The titular anime she features in is Nadia: the secrets of blue water. The anime is long forgotten. It aired at the same time as Neon Genesis Evangelion. She is slim with teal eyes. Her hair is purple, short, and bluntly cut. She also has bangs. Her circus outfit includes a white tube top and a red vest. It is paired with a red and white slit skirt. She also accessorizes her attire with jewelry. One of her most prominent jewels is a pendant. It is called blue water. Many people are after Nadia for that pendant.

Nadia is introverted and lacks social skills. She is also stubborn. She can speak to animals of her will. Besides that, she is extremely empathetic. She turned vegetarian due to her traumatizing past at the circus and cannot bear the sight of meat. She is depressed and tries to attempt suicide at some point. What makes her one of the extremely appreciated black female anime protagonists is her struggle to go back home. On top of that, she is on a quest to find meaning in life. Fans, especially those belonging to the black community, sympathize and relate to her.
8. Yasuke
Yasuke is one of the most powerful black anime protagonists. He is the titular protagonist of the anime Yasuke. It is inspired by Japanese Feudal history. Yasuke is a skilled samurai. He swore his loyalty to Oda Nobunaga. He served as a retainer to Nobunaga. Additionally, he is the first African Nobunaga ever seen. He is tall and well built. At first, his hair is unkempt, long, and messy. Additionally, he has a thick beard. He wears a greenish-gray, torn robe. Later on, he cuts his lock and ties them back. He trims his beard as well. Deciding to change his looks, he changes into an untorn blue-colored robe.

Yasuke is a strong-willed man following his own principles. He is extremely loyal to Nobunaga. He proves his loyalty by killing the woman he loved. It was because he discovered that she was a spy. He puts well being of the village before anything else. He is kind and caring. It is depicted in his disliking of killing. The young man’s character, as inspired by real-life, is one of the most followed black anime protagonists.
9. Carole Stanley
Carole is a black woman, one of the two main protagonists of the anime series: Carole and Tuesday. She has black eyes and mid-length brown hair. She puts them up in a ponytail. However, she lets her hair loose before going to bed at night. She mostly wears casual clothing. Her attire includes pink overalls above a white tube top. She pairs them with brown boots. She, at times, also wears a black leather jacket and a mini skirt.

Carole is kind, patient, and welcoming. She bonds with people easily. Despite that, she does not have a lot of friends. She gets along with Tuesday extremely well. She is hardworking and dedicated. It is portrayed as her being willing to work multiple jobs. However, she has no luck with the Jobs. It is majorly because she is straightforward. She drives away antagonistic people. Fans relate to her in her quest of being financially stable. Moreover, she has a dream to become a musician. Again, her fan base constantly supports her in her journey to pursue her dreams. This is one of a few black anime protagonists who has won thousands of hearts by being as simple as she can be.
10. Dutch
Dutch is one of the most followed black anime protagonists. He features in Black Lagoon and is the Leader of Lagoon Trading Company. He was a U.S Marine Riverboat Crewman. Also, he fought in the Vietnam war. Dutch went AWOL and fled to Thailand. He started working as a mercenary there. He is heavily built and bald. His attire includes a flack jacket, military fatigue, and jungle boots.

Dutch is calm and easygoing. He is pragmatic and a great negotiator. He keeps his calm and doesn’t flinch, bending his morals to close a deal. Additionally, he is able to make wise decisions in the time of need. Being a U.S Marine Corp Patrol, he is excellent in Combat. His overall cool and calm personality makes him one of the most followed black anime protagonists.
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