Here, we shall discuss everything about the viral Tiktok trend, the Side Walk Rule. This is doing rounds since the end of March of this year. Both men and women are going crazy with these. Those who aren’t aware exactly of what it is must have gotten a little idea that it’s something related to walking side by side. Isn’t it? How can something like this become so famous on social media? Well, the side walking rule may have different meanings.
Let’s dive into this piece to learn what the Side Walk Rule in Tiktok is.
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The Side Walk Rule In Tiktok: All You Need To Know
In the case of relationships, the Side Walk Rule in Tiktok means men would walk on the side that is open to the road to protect their love interest from any kind of danger that can happen on the road. Girls do love and prefer boys who already know this side walking rule. This is not just on Tiktok but also a general good manner that boys should follow for their loved ones. Briefly, it is more like the old-school gentleman behavior. On Tiktok, the Side Walk Rule hashtag has over 816,000 views. Now, if he doesn’t know this side walking rule, then he is a turn-off!

However, this isn’t just limited to the romantic partners but also other relationships. Don’t you want to safeguard your parents or younger siblings from the danger that may happen on the road? In that case, you do follow the same. Isn’t it? Whatever it is, this manner strengthens the bond you share with the other person.
Most of the Tiktok users are filming the video of them side walking, using the song Big Girls Don’t Cry, sung by Fergie. It says, “yes you can hold my hand if you want to, cause I wanna hold yours too.” What are you waiting for? Ask your boyfriend if he knows what this manner means. Keep the trend ongoing!
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