Can you believe the latest Star Wars saga covering the life of the Jedi Master is almost done? Let’s do the Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 Review. First, this episode was completely action-packed, and kudos to Disney+ for that. If you’ve read my previous reviews, you’ll notice that I’ve been very demanding of the writers for bungling a couple of plot lines. But after watching this episode, I will give them the benefit of the doubt for the conclusion of the series. Moreover, this chapter gives us an in-depth look at some character arches we’ve been looking for, like Reva and Tala.
This episode picks up right where we left off from the previous one, with Reva putting a tracker device on Lola, Leia’s droid. And with that, the Empire draws closer to Obi-Wan and Leia’s trail. Meanwhile, Darth Vader’s patience with Reva’s incompetence grows bigger. Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at how this episode went.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 Review
Like all episodes, we begin with a small recap. Then, we see a flashback of Anakin and Obi-Wan doing some sparring with their lightsabers. Here, Obi-Wan tries to teach a lesson to Anakin on patience. With each more aggressive stroke and parry, Obi-Wan notices Anakin’s strength and desire to win. But he teaches him to be more patient. Still, Anakin pays no attention and continues his strength strikes. When he disarms Obi-Wan and tells him it’s over, the Jedi Master tells him that there are more ways to fight than with a weapon, so he force pushes Anakin and takes his lightsaber with the Force and tells him that until he learns to use patience, he will still be a Padawan.

We move to the present, and Darth Vader grows impatient with Reva. She informs him that they’ve located Kenobi and Leia in Dabiim. So, they set the course for the planet. As a reward, Vader promotes Reva to Grand Inquisitor, donning a badge indicating her new title on her lapel. Reva kneels before Vader and feels honored with her new title.
Leia The Grease Monkey
Meanwhile, in Dabiim, Leia and Kenobi are trying to rush things up as they know they have the Empire chasing them. With the rebels, they must fix a few things around the base to get everybody out safely. Meanwhile, we see how Leia’s Skywalker genetics kicks in when she volunteers to do some fixing for the rebels. Then, we see an emotional dialogue between Teva and Obi-Wan. We finally see more of Teva’s story arch as we learn why she defected from the empire and joined the Rebel Alliance when she saw the crimes of the Inquisitors against innocent children.
The Battle And The Decoy: Reva’s Story Revealed
The rebel outpost gets barricaded shut to delay the arrival of the Empire forces. Then Reva arrives with a large contingent of stormtroopers armed to the teeth. She and the Empire forces employ heavy artillery to breach in, and Obi-Wan and the rebels face them to make time. Then, a dialogue behind a welded door between Reva and Master Kenobi sheds light on Reva’s missing story arc: Kenobi asks her how she knew Vader was Anakin.
And turns out she was a youngling padawan when Anakin entered the temple to execute Order 66. Reva hid and played dead, then joined the Inquisitors. After that, Obi-Wan tells her it’s not too late to defect, touching Reva’s strong feelings. A battle ensues, and we see how sadly Teva must sacrifice herself to save the others with a grenade.

The Ruse
Obi-Wan surrenders to Reva, and Vader lands in Dabiim. Turns out that Obi-Wan convinced Reva to delay Vader and set a diversion with a spaceship. So, when Vader enters the spaceport and sees the spaceship flying away, he uses force to crash land it and tear it apart, only to find no one there. Flashback and Vader remember Obi-Wan’s lesson with scorn. After that, another spaceship with Leia and Obi-Wan takes off.
Right after, Reva tries to kill Vader with her lightsaber, and a nasty lightsaber battle ensues. Vader disarms Reva, tortures her, and stabs her with her lightsaber. Then, the former Grand Inquisitor removes the Grand Inquisitor signet badge from her lapel, and they leave her to die. Reva notices that Obi-Wan left a hologram communicator gadget behind.
And while on the travel, the Jedi Master senses something, we see a flashback that takes us to Tatooine, and we see young Luke, and the episode ends. Overall, this episode was chock full of emotional episodes, giving us conclusions to some story arches while leaving us some questions: Is Reva alive or just agonizing? And what’s going to happen to Luke? Is this an easter egg for another Kenobi adventure? We’ll just have to see. See you next week for the final review of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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