Prime Videos’ newly released Telugu-drama series titled Kumari Srimathi is the creation of Srinivas Avasarala. The show follows the story of a young woman named Kumari Srimathi, the same as the title of the show, who refuses to follow the crowd and instead wishes to create her path and name in life.
The series was dropped on Prime Videos on September 28th, 2023, and has since gotten much attention from fans and critics. Made under the direction of Gomtesh Upadhye, this series has been produced by Priyanka and Swapna Dutt.
The movie stars actress Nithya Menen in the title role of Itekelapudi Kumari Srimathi, also called Siri by her family, actress Gauthami as Itekelapudi Devika, Siri’s mother, Thiruveer as Siri’s old friend, Abhinav, or Abhi, Talluri Rameshwari in the role of Itekelapudi Seshamma, Prem Sagar as Itekelapudi Keshav Rao, Mahesh Achanta as Chanti, and so many others who managed to bring the show’s plot together.
The story of Kumari Srimathi follows the story of a twenty-something-year-old woman who is so emotionally attached to her ancestral home that she decides to go against the norms of society to get the place back from the man who took it from them in the first place.
The show takes its time at the start of every episode to let us into Srimathi’s childhood memories that she holds so close to her heart, revealing the importance of the place to her. Hell-bent on getting her grandfather’s house back at any cost, Srimathi sets out to open a bar to gather money, not caring for the judgment of the women and society around her.
The way the story of this beautiful series is written makes it predictable yet intriguing. While you may be able to guess the makers’ next move, the characters’ simplicity and realness pull you in so hard, making it difficult for the viewers to not watch the show.
Despite its weak writing, The show has garnered positive attention from critics and audiences. Let us tell you more about the show’s plot and how the makers decided to end Srimathi’s story.

Kumari Srimathi’s Ending Explained
The show’s story is simple: Srimathi’s grandfather had a house where, as we discover over the course of the seven episodes, Srimathi spent much of her childhood and had great memories. But now, that house does not belong to her grandfather, as it was snatched away from the family by one of their backstabbing relatives.
Saddened by the fact that the house is with a man who shows no respect for the people who used to live there and does not care for the precious emotional memories Srimathi had there as a child. Srimathi takes this as a challenge and takes it upon herself to get the house back, no matter what.
Srimathi’s character is introduced in the series as a young middle-class woman hailing from a small town. But while she may not be as well off as others, she does not let it be her weakness. She is the righteous female lead, who is outspoken, confident, and does not back away from a good challenge.
Somehow, even with all these qualities, you can see hints of an introvert in her personality. So when the court orders her family to either bring the required amount to buy the house back and have it for themselves or let the house go forever, Srimathis finds herself with only six months to gather all that money.
Her dysfunctional middle-class family and life have forced her to lock away the quiet girl inside of her to put up a bold front in front of society. She was supposed to be like any other girl in town, but life’s obstacles did not let her live a normal life, pushing her to wage war to protect her memories, childhood, and the ancestral house.

Srimathi’s Plan
Srimathi knows that with only her family’s financial background, saving the house would be completely out of the window and that she would have to come up with something else. Her family might not be of much help, but the same goes for her own measly job, Srimathi, at a restaurant.
With the clocking ticking and only six months left, Srimathi takes matters into her own hands, deciding to set up her own bar place. This is not easy for her, considering the backward thinking of the society she is a part of. She gets judged and critiqued for her business, with people questioning her character and family values.
Many wonder why she is not thinking of getting married to a good man, and others question her audacity in running a bar place. But Srimathi did not have the luxury to care for the judgments, considering the fact that she had almost thirty-eight lakh rupees to gather if she wanted the house back.
With every passing episode, we get more and more insight into Srimathi’s family conditions, and we find that the situation is as unstable as possible. With her uncle taking the house and planning on selling it, the family ended up going to court, where the case had been ongoing for almost twenty years now, but it also caused Srimathi’s father to give up and walk away from their life.
Her grandmother and mother also continued to live with her, hating that Srimathi’s uncle acted so selfishly. Back to the present, Srimathi and her friend were hit with the realization that running a bar and a restaurant could probably do them well, where they would be able to take off the family and arrange money for the ancestral home.

Setting Up The Business
The two decide to go ahead with the plan and research whether this plan will be good for them or not. Learning the fact that one of Srimathi’s old friends was successfully running not just one but an entire chain of restaurants, Srimathi gets even more excited by the plan.
Throughout the process of setting up and running the business, Srimathi hears a lot of judgment and even faces obstacles in getting a license for the business and loans from the bank. No legal work in the country gets done the way it should be, and Srimathi experiences this firsthand when she learns about bribing the officials to get the work done.
After going through so much, Srimathi finally opened her business, naming it “Taj Mahal Bar and Restaurant.” While her uncle continues to come up with ways to shut her place down, Srimathi does her best to thrive.
Another Twist
But just when we think that things might be looking up for her, another twist is thrown her way when her father comes back into her life and house after twenty years of absence.
Turns out he had been working somewhere in the Middle East to get money to get the house back, but the fact that there was no contact between him and the family at all could not be easily forgiven. The women in the family had spent twenty years picking themselves up, starting to live their lives by themselves while taking care of each other.
They did not need Srimathi’s father to be back, and they made sure that he knew of this. Finally, her father, Vishweshwar Rao, did his duty as a father to protect his family by revealing to the evil uncle the fact that he knew about the fake will.
We find that the uncle who had wrongfully taken the house from them had done so using a fake will, and Vishweshwar knew of it and even threatened the former, telling him that he would go to court with the evidence. Vishweshwar did so to let his family know that he still cared for them and wanted to help them with the matter of the ancestral house.

Getting The House Back & Ending Explained
This little trick helped Srimathi get some more time, and finally, by the end of the six months, she was able to give the money to her uncle, who ended up handing over the papers of the house back to them. Though the money issue was resolved, Srimathis realized that she had kept her promise of getting the house back.
In the moment, she felt proud of herself, having discovered such strength in her. The journey had been extremely harsh, and surely, there were moments when she wanted to give up, but Srimathi did not back down, continued to prevail, and came back more empowered than before.
But just when you think that the story has finally reached its end with the family back in their ancestral home, living happily together, Srimathi accidentally comes across a small locked box that happens to have a document inside of it.
We are not told what it was exactly, but we believe it was the actual will that her grandfather had written where he actually appointed her uncle as the owner of the house after his death. Srimathi’s uncle is revealed to have been in a lot of financial trouble, which might have been why he was so desperate to sell the house.

Not wanting her uncle to pull some tricks again, Srimathi ends up tearing the document inside the box into pieces in hopes of no one ever finding it and offers to give her uncle her Taj Mahal Bar and Restaurant so that he could earn some money and pay back his piling debt.
The ending is vague and slightly confusing, and some even believe that it calls for another season. Why did Srimathi give up her business, especially after all that she had been through because of her uncle, is something the makers of the show do not address and leave up to the audience to interpret.
Overall, the show managed to tie the characters and the plotlines well enough, exploring the “feminist” aspect in a non-preachy manner. If you’re looking for a show that is empowering, wholesome, and hilarious with its perfectly timed comedy, then make sure to add this series to your watch list!