Tekken is by far one of the most well-known fighting games, yet it tells its story in an unusual way. The Mishima lineage is essential to the plot of the series. It’s a trend that appears to go on forever, from the great-grandfather to the great-grandson. The gameplay and combat styles of the characters, rather than the absurd tale, are the reasons for the franchise’s success. Jin Kazama, a Mishima bloodline descendant, is one of the series’ primary characters. With a new anime coming out this year that focuses on Jin Kazama as the primary character, let’s take a closer look at him.
If we look closely at Jin’s character, we may see similarities between him and his grandpa Heihachi Mishima and his father Kazuya Mishima. The only difference is that Jin wasn’t thrown off a cliff or into a raging volcano, pun intended. Another reason he may be unique is because of his mother. He did, however, follow the same pattern of hero to villain. The Tekken series demonstrated that if you have a devil within you, you can never be a decent man. Before we go into Jin’s tale, let’s take a look at the character’s storyline.
Who is Jin Kazama?
Jin is the main character in the Tekken series. He has been a popular character since his introduction to Tekken 3 and has played an important role in Tekken’s narrative. The figure is so well-known that he features on the cover of almost every sequel’s console version. Jin’s primary purpose has been to put an end to the cursed Mishima lineage. Jin has gone a long way from avenging his mother’s murder to creating a world war for his own purposes and killing countless in the process. The character’s background has had a significant influence on his growth. So, let’s look into his background.

Jin Kazama is the only son of Jun Kazama and Kazuya Mishima. However, he was unaware of his father’s existence until he battled him. Jun grabbed their son and hid in the jungle after Kazuya died. Jun did this because she did not want her kid to be consumed by the same Devil Gene that possessed Kazuya. In addition, the Devil Gene attempted to infiltrate Jin’s body as Heihachi was tossing his son Kazuya into the volcano, but Jun repelled it. Jun secretly raised Jin in a hidden place till the age of 15 and taught him Kazama-style karate. However, a ki sukcing beast known as Orge pursued Jun and Jin. Heihachi Mishima freed Orge so that he might continue his studies.
This beast throws Jin down and allegedly kills Jun. Jin awakens to discover that his mother is no longer alive, that his home has been destroyed, and that he has a mark on his arm. After all his mother attempted to do, it appears that he is possessed by the Devil Gene. Jin’s mother also advised him to find his Grandfather Heihachi Mishima if something horrible happened. Jin, traumatized by the sad situation, sets out to find his grandfather. Jin learns the Mishima Fighting Style after arriving at Heihachi’s Dojo called “Mishima Zaibatsu.” Despite gaining control over his mother’s murderer, he is still possessed by the devil. He strives to get rid of the Devil after beating the Orge, and his major goal has been to halt the cursed Mishima Bloodline.
Jin Kazama is a dynamic character, so to analyze his character and story, we will go arc by arc.
Defeating the orge
After seeing their mother’s death in such a horrific way, how can one’s aim not be to avenge it? As previously stated, Jin’s primary purpose is to assassinate the murderer of his mother, but because he is helpless, he embarks on a mission to locate his grandpa. He is able to defeat every opponent in the Tekken tournament and slay the Orge after mastering the Mishima Fighting Style and wielding the power of Devil Gene.
Throughout this, we can see Jin wanting to become a fighter not because he wants to, but because he wants to kill the murderer and revenge on his mother. He is a strong, determined warrior who is becoming close to and fond of his granddad. But, with a Devil’s power within him and an unpleasant experience in his upbringing, Jin has a furious and closed personality type. He is an introvert and shy person who grew up without anyone but his mother, yet a kind person.
Betrayal of Grandfather (of course he did)
As I have stated, Tekken follows a ludicrous plot pattern. It is always seen that if the Mishima Family does not have a common opponent, they will go for each other’s necks. Heihachi decides to murder his grandchild after becoming close to his grandfather for four years and learning the ancestral Mishima Fighting style. Heihachi was probably afraid of the Devil who lurks inside Jin and of being overthrown by Jin to take over Mishima Zaibatsu as its new successor.

Nonetheless, even after shooting Jin in the head, Heihachi is unable to kill him due to the Devil within him. The grandfather’s betrayal unleashes Devil Jin, an alternative version of Jin. This is the time in the tale when Jin’s character undergoes a radical transformation. And now his major aim is to bring the Mishima Bloodline to an end in order to free the world from their wickedness.
Abandoning the family fighting style and almost killing them
Jin abandons the Mishima Fighting Style after his grandfather’s treachery and is determined to end the Mishima Bloodline. He has reverted to his Kazuma combat technique. In the hunt for Jin, Heihachi launches another Tekken tournament. But, in addition to Jin, Kazuya has returned. Throwing him into the volcano, it appears, did not kill him. Heihachi’s main goal is to seize Jin’s power.

Jin is kidnapped and mentally tortured by Heihachi. But, because of Devil Jin’s strength, he is able to vanquish both his grandfather and father. Jun appears in Jin’s vision as he is ready to kill Heihachi and soothes him not to succumb to the evil side. He is able to calm down after hearing his mother’s voice and decides to spare his grandfather and father.
Helping Great-Grandfather to die
After Jin spares Heihachi and Kazuya and flees, the G-corps attack, killing Heihachi and destroying the Mishima Zaibatsu premises. Jin’s Great-grandfather, who has been imprisoned in the attic of Mishima Zaibatsu by Heihachi, appears. Jinpachi has been imprisoned for forty years. He is also possessed by the devil and announces Tekken 5 in the hopes of being killed by a warrior. Jin enters the competition and kills Jinpachi, a fighting legend possessed by the devil, and Jinpachi is finally laid to rest.
Finally, it appeared like Jin had achieved his aim in the Tekken series for the first time. And a Mishima is finally extinguished. You would suppose that from this moment forward, Jin is on the correct track, unlike his father and grandpa. But, after murdering Jinpachi, he takes over the Mishima Zaibatsu as his leader, and he is completely consumed by power. Mishima guy producing problems is a never-ending loop. Perhaps the Devil Gene within them is causing things, and until all the Mishima are dead, the Devil Gene will not perish. After all, his personality is similar to that of his father and grandfather.
Starting a world war
Instead of introducing the Tekken fight tournament, Jin declares a third world war. Thousands of people were killed as a result of it. The goal of the world war is to awaken Azazel, the Devil Gene’s host. Jin is the major antagonist in this arc since he created a world war for his own personal gain. He, like his grandpa, launched an initiative for his personal benefit. He eventually wakes Azazel and murders him.
Jin has come a long way from being a good youngster to becoming a World War Fascist. Despite the fact that he justifies his behavior by claiming to be possessed by the devil. But it doesn’t give you the right to launch a war, does it? Jin Kazama is a character that deteriorated from hero to zero.
Coming back to kill his Father in Tekken 8
Jin seems to have been killed while he was murdering Azazel. He does, however, survive and is discovered aimlessly wandering in the desert. And he still has the Devil Gene; World War did not help. Lars, Heihachi’s illegitimate son, assists Jin in getting back on his feet. The whole Tekken 7 series revolves around Heihachi and Kazuya battling, with Kazuya eventually murdering Heihachi. Heihachi died how many times? I’ve lost track.

Jin is depicted back and healthy after the credits of Tekken 7. And now his goal is to stop his father. Jin Kazamas’ storyline is ridiculous. However, Jin Kazama was a very intriguing character. Jin’s actions and the events that occurred to him fit the concept of a “tragic hero.” All of the major traumatic events in the hero’s life, like with many tragic heroes, are beyond his control. From a kind hero to a war criminal. It would also be intriguing to observe how Jin Kazama’s character develops in Tekken 8.
With the upcoming Netflix anime focused on Jin Kazama as the main character, let’s hope for a better tale. It’ll be interesting to see a new perspective in the Tekken series, as well as a fully developed story-focused character.
Also Read: Tekken: Bloodline First Look Revealed, What is the Anime About?