The Angels are among the most powerful beings in the Dragon Ball universe. Their abilities far exceed those of the Gods, placing them above even the Gods of Destruction.
It is said that no one has ever come close to matching their power. While we haven’t seen much of the Angels in terms of combat, Whis has demonstrated his strength by effortlessly surpassing Beerus, who is regarded as one of the most formidable Gods of Destruction.
For warriors like Goku and Jiren, challenging the Angels is nearly impossible, despite their immense strength.
In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Whis was first introduced, but at the time, his abilities did not appear to be of significant concern. However, it was later revealed that he serves as both a guide and mentor to Beerus, giving us a better understanding of just how powerful he truly is.
With the introduction of Champa, we were introduced to Universe 6, and it was revealed that Whis has a sister. The Dragon Ball Super manga later confirmed that all the Angels from different universes are actually siblings. Recently, Dragon Ball Super manga creator Toyotaro sketched two new Angels.
This revelation intrigued many fans, as it raised the possibility of one of the previously erased universes making a return.

However, before any assumptions could be made, Toyotaro clarified that it was merely a sketch. He posted the drawing on Twitter, stating, “Doodling Angels. There aren’t any Angels like this.”
It was simply a casual drawing done in his free time. A few days earlier, he had also sketched three Kaioshin, leading many to speculate about their significance in the series. However, it turned out they were just doodles as well. I wanted to share his sketches so that you could take a look at them.
The design of these Angels is certainly interesting, and it would be exciting to see them appear in the actual storyline. Who knows—perhaps in the future, a new Angel inspired by one of these sketches could make an official appearance.
While some fans were disappointed that they were just casual drawings, there are still many Angels we know very little about. Hopefully, we’ll learn more about them as the series progresses.