Here, we come with lots of drama and romance and a whole load of episodes in a single television series i.e. Neighbours. Neighbours is an Australian television soap opera. It first premiered on 18th March 1985 on the Seven Network. The television executive Reg Watson created this series. It is the longest-running drama series in Australian television history. Natalie Mandel and Andrew Thompson are its producers.
Network 10 overtook the series in 1986. It has a total of more than 8000 episodes, and maintaining such consistency is a huge achievement in itself. But the sad news is that nearly after 37 years, now, the production of the show is going to be ceased soon this summer after they could not obtain a new broadcaster.
The basic storyline of this series revolves around the lives of the people who live and work in Erinsborough ( originally Melbourne, Victoria ). Neighbours began with three families, namely the Ramsays, the Robinsons, and the Clarkes, who are friends living in a small street. It mostly focuses on family problems, school problems, romances, intergenerational clashes, and some domestic issues. The series has also covered many serious problems of our society like marital breakdowns, career problems, teenage pregnancy, abortion, financial issues, stalking, kidnapping, murders, adultery, alcoholism, and many more.

In 2005, the series was inducted into the Logie Hall of Fame. It has received a tremendous amount of awards and nominations throughout its airing, including Logie Awards, best Episode in A Television Drama in Australian Film Institue Awards, Australian Writers’ Guild awards, and so on. In 2021, the viewers of Neighbours were around 1.5 million per episode in the UK. It is nearly impossible to select the best episodes of Neighbours from around 9000 episodes of the series, still, a list of some episodes that are the best is here:
Episode 523
This Episode aired in 1987. Ray Harding wrote this episode, and Roy Hardy directed it. The episode showed the wedding of Scott and Charlene, whose recreations can’t match its magic. The whole wedding was completed in a single episode, and the entire cast appeared over it, making the wedding seem so real and beautiful. Also, the chemistry between the bride and groom, the two families during the wedding preparations, all the general hustle and bustle, everything was perfect as a real one or maybe even better than that. All the characters played their roles so well that we couldn’t take our eyes off during the whole episode.

Episode 4630
Ben Marshall was the writer of this episode, and Tony Osicka was the Director of Episode 4630. It can also be called The End of an Era. This episode came out in 2004 and is also the season finale. The pub, coffee shop, surgery, and law office burnt to the ground. Unfortunately, when the explosion occurred, Whilst Max Hoyland was also fire damaged, however, he survived.
A farewell to Lassiter’s complex, which we have known for 18 years, was really sad. It also created a lot of curiosity in its fans that what will happen next. It also signaled that a new era is beginning, and also Paul Robinson reappeared in the final seconds of the episode, thereby making it a memorable episode for everyone.

Episode 4502
This episode is titled Publish and be Damned. Jeff Truman was the writer, and Jovita O’Shaughnessy was the director of Neighbours Episode 4502, which came out in 2004. Here complete the ten years of the Kennedys, and celebrating this 10th Anniversary seems nearly insignificant. But the three members of the family, Alan, Jackie, and Kym, were the most successful family unit as they remained on the show for that time. Libby often takes Susan’s side over her dad, Karl but wasn’t laughing at the latest development as it was condemning her father’s latest fling. Karl was going to be a father again, and knowing that she hated him left him heartbroken.
Episode 2965
This 1997’s episode can’t be forgotten by anyone. Ray Kolle wrote this while Chris Adshead directed this episode of Neighbours. One of the longest-serving characters of the series, Helen Daniels, died. Also, there was a goodbye to Anne Haddy, the heart of Neighbours. Anne never let any scene down during the whole shoot. Hannah, with the rest of the family, is down to watch Scott and Charlene’s wedding video as that was the day when the family became one. The passing away of Anne in real life in 1999 even increases the value of this episode to all the Neighbours’ fans.

Episode 3740
This was the episode where another one of the most important characters of the series, Madge, died. The writer of Neighbours Episode 3740 was John Hanlon, and the director was Anna Johnson. The episode aired in 2001. Madge said goodbye to her old friend, Lou, and then peacefully left the world on the street, in her home. Her love, Harold, was there beside her, and also her children Paul and Tad were present. There ended a great love story which we loved for many years. Everyone who loved the show couldn’t stop their tears from coming out watching this episode of Neighbours.

Episode 2000
Episode 2000 of Neighbours aired in 1993, and Ray Kolle and Ian Watson were the writer and director of this episode, respectively. Till this episode, only one original Neighbours member was present in the show i.e. Anne Haddy as Helen Daniels. The focus of the episode was on celebrating Helen’s birthday. Also, the Waterhole was reopening. Helen was feeling extremely lonely following her son-in-law’s death despite her granddaughter staying just a few doors away. Thus, her good friend, as well as a neighbour, decided to cheer her up by celebrating her birthday. Paul and Lucy unexpectedly returned to Erinsborough, however, Scott and Charlene couldn’t, as Daniel was unwell. Brad broke up with Lauren and nearly reunited with Beth.
Episode 171
This was the Season Premiere in 1986. Reg Watson was the writer, and Brendan Maher was the director of the Neighbours Episode 171. As we know that the show was previously axed by channel Seven, the series once again premiered with its 171st episode on Ten Network in 1986. Everyone was confused about whether it will succeed or not. The episode opened up with a removal van and Jim decorating. Also, there was the addition of some new members. A number 22 came into the show as a new neighbour. The arrival of Madge Mitchell, who makes extremely loving chemistry with Harold, also amazes the viewers. Nobody could predict that the series will continue for so long.
Episode 3708
As the television series has already had a very good wedding that seems too realistic, this wedding of Drew and Libby also somehow competed with the previous one. We got to watch the episode in 2001, written by Lousie Le Nay and directed by Gary Conway. Drew and Libby married at the same church where Scott and Charlene tied their knots. Both the bride and groom were surrounded by their friends and neighbours. Karl’s speech at the reception, Susan’s tears, Libby’s joy, and all the reactions of the cast members made the wedding look so realistic and true. The Kennedy family seemed like a real family on-screen. Drew, with the help of Harold, sang Wild Mountain Thyme, making the moment even more memorable.

Episode 5179
This episode of Neighbours showed so much altogether. Judith Colquhoun and Megan Herbert wrote this episode, and Gary Conway and Riccardo Pellizzeri directed this. This episode of 2007 shows Karl and Susan in London. Susan accepted Karl’s proposal and is going to marry him. Susan woke up in the Ritz hostel finding a wedding dress with a note that a car would receive her. Reaching tower Bridge, Susan finds Karl waiting on a boat. With loads of love, the soulmates are all set to enjoy their wedding on a cruise, and then heavily pregnant Izzy came up and told them that her water broke. The cruise went back to the shore to get her to the hospital, where she reveals about her baby’s father i.e. Karl.
Episode 7000
This 7000th episode came out in 2014, written by Peter Mattesse and directed by Chris Langman. This episode was full of fun and comedy that anybody would love to watch. The episode revolves around a scratch card that Karl found which was worth 7000 dollars but lost the card. Then finding the same, he searched along almost half of the Erinsborough and then saw it stuck at Todie’s bum. Toadie was hosting a nude lunch over there and received an anonymous letter revealing something about his wife.

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