The most fierce yet one of the most gentle characters of My Hero Academia is Eijiro Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima has always been a good character that also gained a lot of popularity, and he is not the protagonist. Due to his immense popularity, every word said by him becomes a quote. Even the simplest of the word is fascinating for the fans who admire Eijiro a lot. After all, he is from one of the top-rated anime series; he has to be special. Each and every character from My Hero Academia has some or other thing in them that makes them special for fans. This time it is about Eijiro Kirishima and his most inspirational and crazy quotes.
The Japanese manga series Boku no Hero Academia, popularly known as My Hero Academia was drafted and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi. The manga series was published by Shueisha and was released on 7th July 2014, and is still going on. Till now, the manga has been collected into 32 tankobon volumes. After the immense popularity of manga, two years later, on 3rd April 2016, an anime adaption television series was also produced by Bones Studio. A lot of other short manga and anime films based on the series were also released that received a similar response from the viewers.
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About Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima, also known as the Sturdy Hero: Red Riot, is a student at U.A. High School in Class 1-A and is getting trained to become a pro hero. Eijiro is known for his very muscular body and red spiked hair. He has an average height, but his physique is what makes him noticeable. Eijiro Kirishima has red eyes that are slightly inwards and have a small scar above his right eye that actually adds up to his look.
The main thing about Eijiro is his personality. He is a very outgoing guy that has a fondness for the concept of “Manliness”. Throughout the series, we have witnessed him many mentioning the terms “manly” and “unmanly” based on someone’s action. He has a very weird personality of judging people by their actions. If someone did something noble, brave, and determined, he tends to give them all of his respect and admiration. But if someone did something opposite to it, prepare to listen to words like coward, unmanly, and whatnot.
His personality is what makes it really interesting to listen to what he says, how he has one or other things to say in altogether different situations. He tends his mood and lets out some encouraging words that are enough to make your blood rush with adrenaline. So, let’s check out the best quotes Eijiro Kirishima has said in the entire series of My Hero Academia.

Best Eijiro Kirishima Quotes
Before we start mentioning some sentences and phrases quoted by Eijiro, we would like to tell you that the quotes mentioned below are from the whole series My Hero Academia both manga and anime. These are English-translated versions of episodes and chapters for the quotes that might not be mentioned in English. But the actual meaning and very depth of the quote will be there with the respective quotes. Stick till the end to know everything you need to know about this matter. Let’s start quoting.
“They might be really hurt, we can’t just let them die here”
From the personality traits above, we get to know that Eijiro is a very arrogant man that only judges a person based on his bravery, determination, and actions of their strengths. But when we talk about Eijiro, he is not only arrogant and bragging. He also has this kind and gentle side that comes up from time to time. Eijiro is very kind-hearted and has a straightforward way of thinking and living. He has this fixed code and motives that make him live without regrets.
He not always goes around with strong people but has the same respectful and encouraging attitude as every kind of person. This personality trait of his makes it very easy for him to make friends. The quote above is also associated with his kind personality trait. Here he is asking to help someone who is in need, probably very hurt, so he can’t leave them behind.
“These dudes are acting really though, but we can take them down”
This is something that Eijiro Kirishima might say almost every time. He is that tough dude who can make you crawl in no time. While standing against a powerful opponent, not many people are able to keep that attitude. But Eijiro is one of the exceptions, not because he is being arrogant, but because he is very powerful. He is one of those students who are rated as top-ranked heroes and one of the most powerful characters from My Hero Academia. However, being like this is super awesome. It makes the opponent doubt his life decision. Being confident is the solution to solve any difficulty that comes in life. While being overconfident can lead us to have the opposite results.

“Oh! that doesn’t sound Heroic at all”
Yes, this is not heroic at all. You are standing in front of Eijiro Kirishima, aka Sturdy Hero: Red Riot, and you are acting like a coward. This is not it. This quote sounds typically “Eijiro”. I don’t have to add anything. This is something that Eijiro would have said to someone who is not matching to his expectation. His expectations for someone to be very brave, determined, and most importantly, manly. He expects everyone, even his opponent, to act brave, fight hard to defeat him, be determined to stand against the opponent till the end. Otherwise, you are going to hear some good “not-so motivational words from Eijiro.
From another context also, sometimes in real life, we come face to face with these types of situations where we feel ourselves being cowardly. At that time, these words from Eijrio play in a loop in our brain, and it helps a lot.
“Instead of small tricks, I need to bulldoze my way through”
This is what everyone needs to do. Eijiro is one of those characters who doesn’t sit back until he gets what he wants. When the small tricks and tries don’t work anymore, he will bulldoze of the hurdles and get his way out. This is what we should do as human beings. There are moments in life when we feel like giving up, but this is not heroic at all (Eijiro’s voice inserted). We should try so hard until we get our way out. Even when the problem is not solved, the mess is not clearing up. We should act like a bulldozer to bulldoze all the problems or should act like a vacuum cleaner to clean all the mess that life throws at us.
This is what life is about, we should never give up, and someday, good things will surely come our way. I must say, we should take some life lessons from Eijiro.
“If I don’t act now, forget being a hero, I can’t even be a man”
Finally, here we are with a “manly” associated quote, stated by Eijiro. Why does he always bring up something which is associated with his manliness? Why can’t he be like a normal man? Why does he have to be so brave? Why does he have to have such high expectations from his fellow men? The answer to all of these questions is because he is Eijiro Kirishima from My Hero Academia. He has to differ in one way or another. But sometimes, his self-expectations can make a big difference.
Throughout the series, there were many instances that show that if Eijiro had not acted the way he did, some characters and people would not have been able to make it till the end of the series. And this is what we should do when faced with difficulties and situations. Acting in an intelligent way will not only lead you out of the complications but can also have other people too.

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“I am shaking with excitement”
This is not only associated with Eijiro. Once in our life, we all have also felt this shaking sensation due to excitement. Unlike him, we don’t get excited over fighting against strong opponents being strong ourselves. We get excited over small things like trips, picnics, new stuff that we bought, or something big like getting a great job or getting good marks in exams. This is exciting for us, but excitement for Eijiro is getting the chance to break someone’s jaw, getting to make an opponent crawl in front of him, getting to witness his opponent beg to him, totally anime stuff. And what else we can expect from anime characters. Someone like Eijiro takes fun to prove his strength, grow stronger after defeating a worthy opponent and let go of his past to live to be strong in the present. We can easily expect him to shake in excitement.
“One day I will become a hero who can protect everyone”
Now let’s begin with Eijiro’s past life. Till now, we only talked about Eijiro being a big-mouthed who is always blabbering about being strong and brave. Why does his mind only go around being manly? The reason is here, every character that seems absolutely fine from above hides something within themselves. From his very childhood, Eijiro has very low self-esteem. He underestimates himself very much. He always thinks that his hardening quirk is not so good and can’t be compared to the quirks of other students. To this feeling of his, he always carries this attitude of being very confident when from within he is that one insecure boy. Even though he is extremely powerful and has proved his strength many times, he still wishes to get stronger one day so that he can able to protect the ones he holds dear.

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“Get harder, more and more, my body and soul”
This must come out somewhere from a fight as I have mentioned that he only dreams of getting stronger in order to be useful in every way. In this quote, he is talking in context with his quirk. His quirk is known as “Hardening Quirk,” which is indeed very wonderful. Eijiro’s quirk lets him harden and shape any part of his body according to his need and situation. He can shape one of his hands into a knife or spear and another hand into a stone or hammer. Amazing, isn’t it?
The quote above says it loud and clear that he wanted his body and spirit to go harder and harder to let him smash his opponent. He can do a lot with the help of his quirk but still let his insecurity hold the best of him. This happens not only with any two-dimensional character but also with real humans too.
“Get harder and become a wall that can never fall”
Guess with what this quote is associated? This is really simple to guess. Of course, he is talking about his quirk. Eijiro has stated more than once that he thinks that his quirk is not good enough. He thinks that his quirk lacks that flashiness that we can often witness in other pro hero’s quirk. He even tends to get offended when he sees someone else with a similar quirk. Eijiro thinks very low of himself and thinks that his quirk is not ideal of hero’s work, and he lacks as compared to hero prospects. So, throughout the series, we will get to witness this very often him mentioning his quirk to get stronger and harder. Even though he won’t be getting satisfied from any level of powers, all because of his low self-esteem.

“Come ON!”
Yeah, come on! But for what? You must know, our Eijiro is getting excited about having another battle. This is the most repeated quote by not only Eijiro but also by almost every character of My Hero Academia. “Come on!” is the common phrase for almost every situation. Whenever any character gets excited over a fight, whenever a character wants to encourage another character, when a character provokes the other character, this goes with almost every situation. Not only for anime characters, but we also use “come on” in many situations. After listening to this quote, I can imagine this into fifty different tones, based on fifty different situations. This is literally evergreen with every situation, so let’s stop it here.
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