There are two equally long lists of characters that Jujutsu Kaisen fans love and love to hate. It has a wide range of characters, from the Nanami to the all-powerful and goofy Gojou Satoru. The anime is known for its great fight scenes and is one of the best anime of the action genres. Even though the list of lovable characters runs on and on, there is a similarly big list of characters that fans don’t love. However, the cunning and evil they bring to the anime add to its essence, and we are only able to see our heroes reaching their limits of strength and wit.
Characters like Jogo, Hanami, and Gakuganji are a few of the most demonic entities in the whole series. They try to execute the heroes and have an urgent need for world domination. However, the worst of them all would be Mahito. He is the embodiment of human fear and hatred and has a great number of tricks up his sleeve. He has a human body and all human-like attributes. He can prove to be one of the meanest and crude as he is the literal amalgamation of all the bad of humankind. Here is a list of the top 5 reasons why Mahito is the most hated villain of Jujutsu Kaisen.
1. Mahito draws pleasure from fights
Mahito is an extremely dark character in the series. He is the perfect foil character to our protagonist Itadori Yuji and thus, challenges all that he stands for. You know a strong villain when you see that they are enjoying their battles and wars. It also becomes extremely difficult to defeat or break the morale of a villain who loves to fight and make other people’s lives miserable. Mahito is such a character. We would get frustrated fighting someone who is doing it for the sake of enjoyment rather than fulfilling any other motive.

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2. Mahito is cold yet, rational
As Jogo’s power is the fire and he is a volcano, the series has done a great deal to show his hot-headedness. In the same manner, Mahito has been portrayed as the character who possesses everything bad in mankind. As mentioned before, he is the embodiment of human fear and hatred. Hence, just like hatred, he seems quite cold. We do not find any sort of emotion in him which could be moved or make him understand the goodness in the world. However, he is not like other villains who lose their rationale easily. He keeps his cool and is very rational about all his plans and schemes.

3. Mahito has his philosophy
Mahito believes in nihilism and thinks that there is no meaning to anything. It can be attributed to his human-like stature. Moreover, as he is the culmination of all the bad in human beings, he is more like a real person. Just like a person, he has strong grounds of philosophy that he would not deter from. Another sign of a great Anime villain, and also the worst, is that they only see the world through their philosophies and policies. They become so engrossed in their philosophies that they get misguided and turn into evil paths.

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4. Mahito believes in pure malice
Unlike Yuji, Mahito believes in malice and rejects all morals. He is the foil character to Yuji, and at the end of chapter 132, he says that he would kill Mahito in any shape or form or in any number of births. Yuji solemnly vows to kill the devil as a person like him can never be up to any good. He even says Hanami to enjoy his fights and be in love with the act of slaughtering.

5. Mahito kills some of the favorites
We can all agree that Mahito is responsible for killing off some of the favorite characters. Anime lovers can always relate to the Junpei story of how Mahito entraps him and makes him suffer invariably. Of course, no one would tolerate their favorite heroes being tortured by the villains. Also, whatever Mahito does seems to be always on the extreme, and he doesn’t seem to be moved at all. This is what infuriates the fans more, and they could not stand the sight of Mahito.

These were the Top 5 reasons why Mahito is the most hated villain of Jujutsu Kaisen. If you have any more reasons, do tell us about them in the comment section!
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