26 years after the first release of Pokémon – the love for which show never diminished. Released in the year 1997, with a total of 26 seasons and more to be released, Pokémon has released a new season every year, and may it be a child, a teen, or even an adult – the craze for Pokémon is evergreen. From the collectibles – the Pokémon cards to the viral mobile game Pokémon Go, it has never failed as a franchise to excite fans with the new trends.
For every Pokémon nerd out there, here is a complete list of all the pokémon mentioned in the Pokédex! They are sorted according to their type and, further, their primary and secondary types. With IX generations of pokémon to date, there are a total of a little over 1000 different pokémon.
There are 18 main divisions of Pokémon, namely Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Poison, Rock, Dark, Bug, Normal, Ground, Steel, Ice, Fairy, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, and Dragon.
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1. Grass Type Pokémon
The Grass-type moves are effective against the water, ground, and rock-type pokémon, while the Grass-type pokémon are weak to bug, Fire, flying, and poison-type moves. The popular grass-type pokémon that you may know of are Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Snivy, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are 125 Grass-type pokémon. Here is a complete list:
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Pure Grass-type Pokémon
114: Tangela
152: Chikorita
153: Bayleef
154: Meganium
182: Bellossom
191: Sunkern
192: Sunflora
252: Treecko
253: Grovyle
254: Sceptile
273: Seedot
285: Shroomish
331: Cacnea
387: Turtwig
388: Grotle
420: Cherubi
421: Cherrim
455: Carnivine
465: Tangrowth
470: Leafeon
495: Snivy
496: Servine
497: Serperior
511: Pansage
512: Simisage
548: Petilil
549: Lilligant
556: Maractus
650: Chespin
651: Quilladin
672: Skiddo
673: Gogoat
753: Formantis
754: Lurantis
761: Bounsweet
762: Steenee
763: Tsareena
810: Grookey
811: Thwackey
812: Rillaboom
829: Gossifleur
830: Eldegloss
906: Sprigatito
907: Floragato
951: Capsakid
Half Grass-type Pokémon
Primary Grass-type Pokémon
001: Bulbasaur (Grass + Poison)
002: Ivysaur (Grass + Poison)
003: Venusaur (Grass + Poison)
043: Oddish (Grass + Poison)
044: Gloom (Grass + Poison)
045: Vileplume (Grass + Poison)
069: Bellsprout (Grass + Poison)
070: Weepinbell (Grass + Poison)
071: Victreebel (Grass + Poison)
102: Exeggcute (Grass + Psychic)
103: Exeggutor (Grass + Psychic)
187: Hoppip (Grass + Flying)
188: Skiploom (Grass + Flying)
189: Jumpluff (Grass + Flying)
254: Sceptile Mega (Grass + Dragon)
274: Nuzleaf (Grass + Dark)
275: Shiftry (Grass + Dark)
286: Breloom (Grass + Fighting)
315: Roselia (Grass + Poison)
332: Cacturne (Grass + Dark)
357: Tropius (Grass + Flying)
389: Torterra (Grass + Ground)
406: Budew (Grass + Poison)
407: Roserade (Grass + Poison)
459: Snover (Grass + Ice)
460: Abomasnow (Grass + Ice)
492: Shaymin (Grass + Flying)
546: Cottonee (VI+) (Grass + Fairy)
547: Whimsicott (VI+) (Grass + Fairy)
549: Lilligant (Grass + Fighting)
590: Foongus (Grass + Poison)
591: Amoonguss (Grass + Poison)
597: Ferroseed (Grass + Steel)
598: Ferrothorn (Grass + Steel)
640: Virizion (Grass + Fighting)
652: Chesnaught (Grass + Fighting)
722: Rowlet (Grass + Flying)
723: Dartrix (Grass + Flying)
724: Decidueye (Grass + Ghost)
755: Morelull (Grass + Fairy)
756: Shiinotic (Grass + Fairy)
787: Tapu Bulu (Grass + Fairy)
798: Kartana (Grass + Steel)
840: Applin (Grass + Dragon)
841: Flapple (Grass + Dragon)
842: Appletun (Grass + Dragon)
908: Meowscarada (Grass + Dark)
928: Smoliv (Grass + Normal)
929: Dolliv (Grass + Normal)
930: Arboliva (Grass + Normal)
946: Bramblin (Grass + Ghost)
947: Brambleghas (Grass + Ghost)
952: Scovillain (Grass + Fire)
986: Brute Bonnet (Grass + Dark)
1010: Iron Leaves (Grass + Psychic)
Secondary Grass-type Pokémon
46: Paras (Bug + Grass)
47: Parasect (Bug + Grass)
251: Celebi (Psychic + Grass)
270: Lotad (Water + Grass)
271: Lombre (Water + Grass)
272: Ludicolo (Water + Grass)
345: Lileep (Rock + Grass)
346: Cradily (Rock + Grass)
413: Wormadam Plant Cloak (Bug + Grass)
479: Rotom Mow (Electric + Grass)
540: Sewaddle (Bug + Grass)
541: Swadloon (Bug + Grass)
542: Leavanny (Bug + Grass)
585: Deerling (Normal + Grass)
586: Sawsbuck (Normal + Grass)
708: Phantump (Ghost + Grass)
709: Trevenant (Ghost + Grass)
710: Pumpkaboo (Ghost + Grass)
711: Gourgeist (Ghost + Grass)
781: Dhelmise (Ghost + Grass)
893: Zarude (Dark + Grass)
898: Calyrex (Psychic + Grass)
948: Toedscool (Ground + Grass)
949: Toedscruel (Ground + Grass)
1001: Wo-Chien (Dark + Grass)
2. Fire Type Pokémon
The Fire-type moves are super effective against Bug, Grass, Ice, and Steel-type pokémon, while Fire-type pokémon are weak against Ground, Rock, and Water-type moves. A few of the popular fire-type pokémons you’ve heard of are Charmander, Charizard, Magmar, Flareon, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are 85 Fire-type pokémon. Here’s a complete list:
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Pure Fire-Type Pokémon
004: Charmander
005: Charmeleon
037: Vulpix
038: Ninetales
058: Growlithe
059: Arcanine
077: Ponyta
078: Rapidash
126: Magmar
136: Flareon
155: Cyndaquil
156: Quilava
157: Typhlosion
218: Slugma
240: Magby
244: Entei
255: Torchic
324: Torkoal
351: Castform
390: Chimchar
467: Magmortar
498: Tepig
513: Pansear
514: Simisear
554: Darumaka
555: Darmanitan
631: Heatmor
653: Fennekin
654: Braixen
725: Litten
726: Torracat
813: Scorbunny
814: Raboot
815: Cinderace
909: Fuecoco
910: Crocalor
935: Charcadet
Half Fire-type Pokémon
Primary Fire-type Pokémon
006: Charizard (Fire + Flying)
058: Growlithe (Fire + Rock)
059: Arcanine (Fire + Rock)
105: Marowak (Fire + Ghost)
146: Moltres (Fire + Flying)
157: Typhlosion (Fire+ Rock)
219: Magcargo (Fire + Rock)
250: Ho-Oh (Fire + Flying)
256: Combusken (Fire + Fighting)
257: Blaziken (Fire + Fighting)
322: Numel (Fire + Ground)
323: Camerupt (Fire + Ground)
391: Monferno (Fire + Fighting)
392: Infernape (Fire + Fighting)
485: Heatran (Fire + Steel)
499: Pignite (Fire + Fighting)
500: Emboar (Fire + Fighting)
555: Darmanitan (Fire + Psychic)
655: Delphox (Fire + Psychic)
662: Fletchinder (Fire + Flying)
663: Talonflame (Fire + Flying)
667: Litleo (Fire + Normal)
668: Pyroar (Fire + Normal)
721: Volcanion (Fire + Water)
727: Incineroar (Fire + Dark)
741: Oricorio (Fire + Flying)
776: Turtonator (Fire + Dragon)
806: Blacephalon (Fire + Ghost)
850: Sizzlipede (Fire + Bug)
851: Centiskorch (Fire + Bug)
911: Skeledirge (Fire + Ghost)
936: Armarouge (Fire + Psychic)
937: Ceruledge (Fire +Ghost)
994: Iron Moth (Fire + Poison)
Secondary Fire-type Pokémon
228: Houndour (Dark + Fire)
229: Houndoom (Dark +Fire)
383: Groudon (Ground + Fire)
479: Rotom Heat (Electric + Fire)
494: Victini (Psychic + Fire)
555: Darmanitan (Ice + Fire)
607: Litwick (Ghost + Fire)
608: Lampent (Ghost +Fire)
609: Chandelure (Ghost + Fire)
636: Larvesta (Bug + Fire)
637: Volcarona (Bug + Fire)
643: Reshiram (Dragon + Fire)
757: Salandit (Poison + Fire)
758: Salazzle (Poison + Fire)
838: Carkol (Rock + Fire)
839: Coalossal (Rock + Fire)
952: Scovillain (Grass + Fire)
1004: Chi-Yu (Dark + Fire)
3. Water Type Pokémon
The Water-type moves are super effective against Fire, Ground, and Rock-type pokémon, while The Water-type pokémon are weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. The popular Water type pokémon that you may be familiar with are Squirtle, Lapras, Piplup, Oshawott, etc.
The Water-type pokémon are the most common type of the 18 types, and there are 158 of these. Here is a complete list:

Pure Water-type Pokémon
007: Squirtle
008: Wartortle
009: Blastoise
054: Psyduck
055: Golduck
060: Poliwag
061: Poliwhirl
086: Seel
090: Shellder
098: Krabby
099: Kingler
116: Horsea
117: Seadra
118: Goldeen
119: Seaking
120: Staryu
129: Magikarp
134: Vaporeon
158: Totodile
159: Croconaw
160: Feraligatr
186: Politoed
223: Remoraid
224: Octillery
245: Suicune
258: Mudkip
320: Wailmer
321: Wailord
341: Corphish
349: Feebas
350: Milotic
351: Castform
366: Clamperl
367: Huntail
368: Gorebyss
370: Luvdisc
382: Kyogre
393: Piplup
394: Prinplup
418: Buizel
419: Floatzel
422: Shellos
456: Finneon
457: Lumineon
489: Phione
490: Manaphy
501: Oshawott
502: Dewott
503: Samurott
515: Panpour
516: Simipour
535: Tympole
550: Basculin
594: Alomomola
656: Froakie
657: Frogadier
692: Clauncher
693: Clawitzer
728: Popplio
729: Brionne
746: Wishiwashi
771: Pyukumuku
816: Sobble
817: Drizzile
818: Inteleon
833: Chewtle
846: Arrokuda
847: Barraskewda
912: Quaxly
913: Quaxwell
960: Wiglett
961: Wugtrio
963: Finizen
964: Palafin Palafin
977: Dondozo
Half Water-type Pokémo
Primary Water-type Pokémon
062: Poliwrath (Water + Fighting)
072: Tentacool (Water + Poison)
073: Tentacruel (Water + Poison)
079: Slowpoke (Water + Psychic)
080: Slowbro (Water + Psychic)
087: Dewgong (Water + Ice)
091: Cloyster (Water + Ice)
121: Starmie (Water + Psychic)
130: Gyarados (Water + Flying)
131: Lapras (Water + Ice)
170: Chinchou (Water + Electric)
171: Lanturn (Water + Electric)
183: Marill (Water + Fairy)
184: Azumarill (Water + Fairy)
194: Wooper (Water + Ground)
195: Quagsire (Water + Ground)
199: Slowking (Water + Psychic)
211: Qwilfish (Water + Poison)
222: Corsola (Water + Rock)
226: Mantine (Water + Flying)
230: Kingdra (Water + Dragon)
259: Marshtomp (Water + Ground)
260: Swampert (Water + Ground)
270: Lotad (Water + Grass)
271: Lombre (Water + Grass)
272: Ludicolo (Water + Grass)
278: Wingull (Water + Flying)
279: Pelipper (Water + Flying)
318: Carvanha (Water + Dark)
319: Sharpedo (Water + Dark)
339: Barboach (Water + Ground)
340: Whiscash (Water + Ground)
342: Crawdaunt (Water + Dark)
369: Relicanth (Water + Rock)
395: Empoleon (Water + Steel)
423: Gastrodon (Water + Ground)
458: Mantyke (Water + Flying)
484: Palkia (Water + Dragon)
503: Samurott (Water Dark)
536: Palpitoad (Water + Ground)
537: Seismitoad (Water + Ground)
564: Tirtouga (Water + Rock)
565: Carracosta (Water + Rock)
580: Ducklett (Water + Flying)
581: Swanna (Water + Flying)
592: Frillish (Water + Ghost)
593: Jellicent (Water + Ghost)
647: Keldeo (Water + Fighting)
658: Greninja (Water + Dark)
730: Primarina (Water + Fairy)
751: Dewpider (Water + Bug)
752: Araquanid (Water + Bug)
779: Bruxish (Water + Psychic)
788: Tapu Fini (Water + Fairy)
834: Drednaw (Water + Rock)
882: Dracovish (Water + Dragon)
883: Arctovish (Water + Ice)
902: Basculegion (Water + Ghost)
914: Quaquaval (Water + Fighting)
976: Veluza (Water + Psychic)
1009: Walking Wake (Water + Dragon)
Secondary Water-Type Pokémon
138: Omanyte (Rock + Water)
139: Omastar (Rock + Water)
140: Kabuto (Rock + Water)
141: Kabutops (Rock + Water)
283: Surskit (Bug + Water)
363: Spheal (Ice + Water)
364: Sealeo (Ice + Water)
365: Walrein (Ice + Water)
400: Bibarel (Normal + Water)
479: Rotom (Electric + Water)
688: Binacle (Rock + Water)
689: Barbaracle (Rock + Water)
690: Skrelp (Poison + Water)
721: Volcanion (Fire + Water)
747: Mareanie (Poison + Water)
748: Toxapex (Poison + Water)
767: Wimpod (Bug + Water)
768: Golisopod (Bug + Water)
845: Cramorant (Flying + Water)
892: Urshifu (Fighting + Water)
978: Tatsugiri (Dragon + Water)
991: Iron Bundle (Ice + Water)
4. Electric Type Pokemon
The Electric-type moves are super effective against Flying and Water type pokémon while Electric type pokémon are weak against Ground-type moves. The popular Electric type pokémon that you may know of are Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx, Voltorb, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 72 Electric-type pokémon. Here’s a complete list:
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Pure Electric-Type Pokémon
025: Pikachu
026: Raichu
100: Voltorb
101: Electrode
125: Electabuzz
135: Jolteon
172: Pichu
179: Mareep
180: Flaafy
181: Ampharos
239: Elekid
243: Raikou
309: Electrike
310: Manectric
311: Plusle
312: Minun
403: Shinx
404: Luxio
405: Luxray
417: Pachirisu
466: Electivire
522: Blitzle
523: Zebstrika
602: Tynamo
603: Eelektrik
604: Eelektross
796: Xurkitree
807: Zeraora
835: Yamper
836: Boltund
871: Pincurchin
894: Regieleki
921: Pawmi
938: Tadbulb
939: Bellibolt
Half Electric-Type Pokémon
Primary Electric-Type Pokémon
081 Magnemite (Electric + Steel)
082 Magneton (Electric + Steel)
145 Zapdos (Electric + Flying)
462: Magnezone (Electric + Steel)
479: Rotom (Electric + Ghost)
587: Emolga (Electric + Flying)
642: Thundurus (Electric + Flying)
694: Helioptile (Electric + Normal)
695: Heliolisk (Electric + Normal)
702: Dedenne (Electric + Fairy)
741: Oricorio (Electric + Flying)
777: Togedemaru (Electric + Steel)
785: Tapu Koko (Electric + Fairy)
848: Toxel (Electric + Poison)
849: Toxtricity (Electric + Poison)
877: Morpeko (Electric + Dark)
880: Dracozolt (Electric + Dragon)
881: Arctozolt (Electric + Ice)
922: Pawmo (Electric + Fighting)
923: Pawmot (Electric + Fighting)
940: Wattrel (Electric + Flying)
941: Kilowattrel (Electric + Flying)
989: Sandy Shocks (Electric + Ground)
1008: Miraidon (Electric + Dragon)
Secondary Electric-Type Pokémon
170: Chinchou (Water + Electric)
171: Lanturn (Water + Electric)
595: Joltik (Bug + Electric)
596: Galvantula (Bug + Electric)
618: Stunfisk (Ground + Electric)
644: Zekrom (Dragon + Electric)
737: Charjabug (Bug + Electric)
738: Vikavolt (Bug + Electric)
992: Iron Hands (Fighting + Electric)
995: Iron Thorns (Rock + Electric)
5. Psychic Type Pokémon
The Psychic type moves are super effective against Fighting and Poison type pokémon while Psychic type pokémon are weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type pokémon. The popular Psychic type pokémon are Kadabra, Mewtwo, Wobbufet, Mr. Mime, etc.
Till Generation IX, there have been a total of 106 Psychic type pokémon. Here’s a full list:
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Pure Psychic-Type Pokémon
063: Abra
064: Kadabra
065: Alakazam
096: Drowzee
097: Hypno
150: Mewtwo
151: Mew
196: Espeon
201: Unown
202: Wobbufet
325: Spoink
326: Grumpig
358: Chimecho
360: Wynaut
386: Deoxys
433: Chingling
480: Uxie
481: Mespirit
482: Azelf
488: Cresselia
517: Munna
518: Musharna
574: Gothita
575: Gothorita
576: Gothitelle
577: Solosis
578: Reuniclus
605: Elgyem
606: Beheeyem
677: Espurr
678: Meowstic
789: Cosmog
790: Cosmoem
800: Necrozma
856: Hatenna
857: Hattrem
955: Flittle
956: Espathra
Half Psychic-type Pokémon
Primary Psychic-type Pokémon
122: Mr. Mime (Psychic + Fairy)
177: Natu (Psychic + Flying)
178: Xatu (Psychic + Flying)
249: Lugia (Psychic + Flying)
251: Celebi (Psychic + Grass)
280: Ralts (Psychic + Fairy)
281: Kirlia (Psychic + Fairy)
282: Gardevoir (Psychic + Fairy)
439: Mime Jr. (Psychic + Fairy)
475: Gallade: Psychic + Fighting)
494: Victini (Psychic + Fire)
527: Woobat (Psychic + Flying)
528: Swoobat (Psychic + Flying)
561: Sigilyph (Psychic + Flying)
720: Hoopa (Psychic + Ghost)
741: Oricorio Pa’u Style (Psychic + Flying)
791: Solgaleo (Psychic + Steel)
792: Lunala (Psychic + Ghost)
858: Hatterene (Psychic + Fairy)
876: Indeedee (Psychic + Normal)
898: Calyrex (Psychic + Normal)
Secondary Psychic-Type Pokémon
079: Slowpoke (Water + Psychic)
080: Slowbro (Water + Psychic)
102: Exeggcute (Grass + Psychic)
103: Exeggutor (Grass + Psychic)
121: Starmie (Water + Psychic)
124: Jynx (Ice + Psychic)
199: Slowking (Water + Psychic)
203: Girafarig (Normal + Psychic)
238: Smoochum (Ice + Psychic)
307: Meditite (Fighting + Psychic)
308: Medicham (Fighting + Psychic)
337: Lunatone (Rock + Psychic)
338: Solrock (Rock + Psychic)
343: Baltoy (Ground + Psychic)
344: Claydol (Ground + Psychic)
374: Beldum (Steel + Psychic)
375: Metang (Steel + Psychic)
376: Metagross (Steel + Psychic)
380: Latias (Dragon + Psychic)
381: Latios (Dragon + Psychic)
385: Jirachi (Steel + Psychic)
436: Bronzor (Steel + Psychic)
437: Bronzong (Steel + Psychic)
655: Delphox (Fire + Psychic)
686: Inkay (Dark + Psychic)
687: Malamar (Dark + Psychic)
765: Oranguru (Normal + Psychic)
779: Bruxish (Water + Psychic)
825: Dottler (Bug + Psychic)
826: Orbeetle (Bug + Psychic)
866: Mr. Rime (Ice + Psychic)
899: Wyrdeer (Normal + Psychic)
936: Armarouge (Fire + Psychic)
954: Rabsca (Bug + Psychic)
976: Velzula (Water + Psychic)
981: Farigiraf (Normal + Psychic)
985: Scream Tail (Fairy + Psychic)
1010: Iron Leaves (Grass + Psychic)
6. Poison Type Pokémon
The Poison-type moves are super effective against Fairy and Grass-type pokémon, while the Poison-type pokémon are weak to Ground and Psychic-type moves. The popular Poison-type pokémon that you may know of are Arbok, Croagunk, Venomoth, Venusaur, etc.
Till Generation IX, there are a total of 83 Poison-type pokémon. Here is the complete list:

Pure Poison-Type Pokémon
023: Ekans
024: Arbok
029: Nidoran
030: Nidorina
032: Nidoran
033: Nidorino
088: Grimer
089: Muk
109: Koffing
110: Weezing
316: Gulpin
317: Swalot
336: Seviper
568: Trubbish
569: Garbodor
803: Poipole
Half Poison-Type Pokémon
Primary Poison-Type Pokémon
031: Nidoqueen (Poison + Ground)
034: Nidoking (Poison + Ground)
041: Zubat (Poison + Flying)
042: Golbat (Poison + Flying)
169: Crobat (Poison + Flying)
434: Stunky (Poison + Dark)
435: Skunktank (Poison + Dark)
451: Skorupi (Poison + Bug)
452: Drapion (Poison + Dark)
453: Croagunk (Poison + Fighting)
454: Toxicroak (Poison + Fighting)
690: Skrelp (Poison + Water)
691: Dragalge (Poison + Dragon)
747: Mareanie (Poison + Water)
748: Toxapex (Poison + Water)
757: Salandit (Poison + Fire)
758: Salazzle (Poison + Fire)
804: Naganadel (Poison + Dragon)
890: Eternatus (Poison + Dragon)
944: Shroodle (Poison + Normal)
945: Grafaiai (Poison + Normal)
980: Clodsire (Poison + Ground)
Secondary-Type Pokémon
001: Bulbasaur (Grass + Poison)
002: Ivysaur (Grass + Poison)
003: Venusaur (Grass + Poison)
013: Weedle (Bug + Poison)
014: Kakuna (Bug + Poison)
015: Beedrill (Bug + Poison)
043: Oddish (Grass + Poison)
044: Gloom (Grass + Poison)
045: Vileplume (Grass + Poison)
048: Venonat (Bug + Poison)
049: Venomoth (Bug + Poison)
069: Bellsprout (Grass + Poison)
070: Weepinbell (Grass + Poison)
071: Victreebel (Grass + Poison)
072: Tentacool (Water + Poison)
073: Tentacruel (Water + Poison)
092: Gastly (Ghost + Poison)
093: Haunter (Ghost + Poison)
094: Gengar (Ghost + Poison)
167: Spinarak (Bug + Poison)
168: Ariados (Bug + Poison)
211: Qwilfish (Water + Poison)
269: Dustox (Bug + Poison)
315: Roselia (Grass + Poison)
406: Budew (Grass + Poison)
407: Roseade (Grass + Poison)
543: Venipede (Bug + Poison)
544: Whirlipede (Bug + Poison)
545: Scolipede (Bug + Poison)
590: Foongus (Grass + Poison)
591: Amoonguss (Grass + Poison)
793: Nihilego (Rock + Poison)
848: Toxel (Electric + Poison)
903: Sneasler (Fighting + Poison)
904: Overqwill (Dark + Poison)
965: Varoom (Steel + Poison)
966: Revavroom (Steel + Poison)
969: Glimmet (Rock + Poison)
970: Glimmora (Rock + Poison)
994: Iron Moth (Fire + Poison)
7. Rock Type Pokémon
The Rock-type moves are super effective against Bug, Fire, Flying, and Ice-type pokémon while Rock-type pokémon are weak to Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water-type moves. The popular rock type pokémon are Geodude, Golem, Onix, etc.
As of Generation IX, there is a total of 76 Rock-type pokémon. Here is the full list:
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Pure Rock-Type Pokémon
185: Sudowoodo
299: Nosepass
377: Regirock
408: Cranidos
409: Rampardos
438: Bonsly
524: Roggenrola
525: Boldore
526: Gigalith
744: Rockruff
837: Rolycoly
874: Stonjourner
932: Nacli
933: Naclstack
934: Garganacl
950: Klawf
Half Rock-type Pokémon
Primary Rock-Type Pokémon
074: Geodude (Rock + Ground)
075: Graveler (Rock + Ground)
076: Golem (Rock + Ground)
095: Onix (Rock + Ground)
138: Omanyte (Rock + Water)
139: Omastar (Rock + Water)
140: Kabuto (Rock + Water)
141: Kabutops (Rock + Water)
142: Aerodactyl (Rock + Flying)
246: Larvitar (Rock + Ground)
247: Pupitar (Rock + Ground)
248: Tyranitar (Rock + Dark)
337: Lunatone (Rock + Psychic)
338: Solrock (Rock + Psychic)
345: Lileep (Rock + Grass)
346: Cradily (Rock + Grass)
347: Anorith (Rock + Bug)
348: Armaldo (Rock + Bug)
410: Shieldon (Rock + Steel)
411: Bastiodon (Rock + Steel)
476: Probopass (Rock + Steel)
639: Terrakion (Rock + Fighting)
688: Binacle (Rock + Water)
689: Barbaracle (Rock + Water)
696: Tyrunt (Rock + Dragon)
697: Tyrantrum (Rock + Dragon)
698: Amaura (Rock + Ice)
699: Aurorus (Rock + Ice)
703: Carbink (Rock + Fairy)
719: Diance (Rock + Fairy)
774: Minior (Rock + Flying)
793: Nihilego (Rock + Poison)
805: Stakataka (Rock + Steel)
838: Carkol (Rock + Fire)
839: Coalossal (Rock + Fire)
969: Glimmet (Rock + Poison)
970: Glimmora (Rock + Poison)
995: Iron Thorns (Rock + Electric)
Secondary Rock-Type Pokémon
111: Rhyhorn (Ground + Rock)
112: Rhydon (Ground + Rock)
213: Shuckle (Bug + Rock)
219: Magcargo (Fire + Rock)
222: Corsola (Water + Rock)
304: Aron (Steel + Rock)
305: Lairon (Steel + Rock)
306: Aggron (Steel + Rock)
369: Relicanth (Water + Rock)
464: Rhyperior (Ground + Rock)
557: Dwebble (Bug + Rock)
558: Crustle (Bug + Rock)
564: Tirtouga (Water + Rock)
565: Carracosta (Water + Rock)
834: Drednaw (Water + Rock)
900: Kleavor (Bug + Rock)
8. Dark Type Pokémon
The Dark type moves are effective against Ghost and Psychic-type pokémon, while the Dark type pokémon are weak against Bug, Fairy, and Fighting-type moves. The popular Dark type of pokémon that you may know of are Umbreon, Absol, Scraggy, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 82 Dark type Pokémon. Here is a complete list:

Pure Dark-Type Pokémon
197: Umbreon
261: Poochyena
262: Mightyena
359: Absol
491: Darkrai
509: Purrloin
510: Liepard
570: Zorua
571: Zoroark
827: Nickit
828: Thievul
942: Maschiff
943: Mabosstiff
Half Dark-type Pokémon
Primary Dark-type Pokémon
198: Murkrow (Dark + Flying)
211: Qwilfish (Dark + Poison)
215: Sneasel (Dark + Ice)
228: Houndour (Dark + Fire)
229: Houndoom (Dark + Fire)
263: Zigzagoon (Dark + Normal)
264: Linoone (Dark + Normal)
302: Sableye (Dark + Ghost)
430: Honchkrow (Dark + Flying)
461: Weavile (Dark + Ice)
559: Scraggy (Dark + Fighting)
560: Scrafty (Dark + Fighting)
624: Pawniard (Dark + Steel)
625: Bisharp (Dark + Steel)
629: Vullaby (Dark + Flying)
630: Mandibuzz (Dark + Flying)
633: Deino (Dark + Dragon)
634: Zweilous (Dark + Dragon)
635: Hydreigon (Dark + Dragon)
686: Inkay (Dark + Psychic)
687: Malamar (Dark + Psychic)
717: Yveltal (Dark + Flying)
799: Guzzlord (Dark + Dragon)
859: Impidimp (Dark + Fairy)
860: Morgrem (Dark + Fairy)
861: Grimmsnarl (Dark + Fairy)
862: Obstagoon (Dark + Normal)
893: Zarude (Dark + Grass)
904: Overqwil (Dark + Poison)
983: Kingambit (Dark + Steel)
993: Iron Jugulis (Dark + Flying)
1001: Wo-Chien (Dark + Grass)
1002: Chien-Pao (Dark + Ice)
1003: Ting-Lu (Dark + Ground)
1004: Chi-Yu (Dark + Fire)
Secondary Dark-Type Pokémon
248: Tyranitar (Rock + Dark)
274: Nuzleaf (Grass + Dark)
275: Shiftry (Grass + Dark)
318: Carvanha (Water + Dark)
319: Sharpedo (Water + Dark)
332: Cacturne (Grass + Dark)
342: Crawdaunt (Water + Dark)
434: Stunky (Poison + Dark)
435: Skuntank (Poison + Dark)
442: Spiritomb (Ghost + Dark)
452: Drapion (Poison + Dark)
503: Samurott (Water + Dark)
551: Sandile (Ground + Dark)
552: Krokorok (Ground + Dark)
553: Krookodile (Ground + Dark)
658: Greninja (Water + Dark)
675: Pangoro (Fighting + Dark)
720: Hoopa (Psychic + Dark)
727: Incineroar (Fire + Dark)
877: Morpeko (Electric + Dark)
892: Urshifu (Fighting + Dark)
908: Meowscarada (Grass + Dark)
920: Lokix (Bug + Dark)
962: Bombirdier (Flying + Dark)
986: Brute Bonnet (Grass + Dark)
1005: Roaring Moon (Dragon + Dark)
9. Bug Type Pokémon
The Bug-type moves are effective against Dark, Grass, and Psychic-type pokémon, while Bug-type pokémon are weak against Fire, Flying, and Rock-type moves. The popular Bugg-type pokémon that you may know of are Caterpie, Butterfree, Venomoth, Dustox, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 92 Bug-type pokémon. Here is a complete list:
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Pure Bug-Type Pokémon
010: Caterpie
011: Metapod
204: Pineco
265: Wurmple
268: Cascoon
313: Volbeat
314: Illumise
401: Kricketot
402: Kricketune
412: Burmy
588: Karrablast
616: Shelmet
617: Accelgor
664: Scatterbug
665: Spewpa
736: Grubbin
824: Blipbug
917: Tarountula
918: Spidops
919: Nymble
953: Rellor
Half Bug-type Pokémon
Primary Bug-type Pokémon
012: Butterfree (Bug + Flying)
013: Weedle (Bug + Poison)
014: Kakuna (Bug + Poison)
015: Beedrill (Bug + Poison)
046: Paras (Bug + Grass)
047: Parasect (Bug + Grass)
048: Venonat (Bug + Poison)
049: Venomoth (Bug + Poison)
123: Scyther (Bug + Flying)
127: Pinsir (Bug + Flying)
165: Ledyba (Bug + Flying)
166: Ledian (Bug + Flying)
167: Spinarak (Bug + Poison)
168: Ariados (Bug + Poison)
193: Yanma (Bug + Flying)
205: Forretress (Bug + Steel)
212: Scizor (Bug + Steel)
213: Shuckle (Bug + Rock)
214: Heracross (Bug + Fighting)
267: Beautifly (Bug + Flying)
269: Dustox (Bug + Poison)
283: Surskit (Bug + Water)
284: Masquerain (Bug + Flying)
290: Nincada (Bug + Ground)
291: Ninjask (Bug + Flying)
292: Shedinja (Bug + Ghost)
413: Wormadam (Bug + Grass)
414: Mothim (Bug + Flying)
415: Combee (Bug + Flying)
416: Vespiquen (Bug + Flying)
469: Yanmega (Bug + Flying)
540: Sewaddle (Bug + Grass)
541: Swadloon (Bug + Grass)
542: Leavanny (Bug + Grass)
543: Venipede (Bug + Poison)
544: Whirlipede (Bug + Poison)
545: Scolipede (Bug + Poison)
557: Dwebble (Bug + Rock)
558: Crustle (Bug + Rock)
589: Escavalier (Bug + Steel)
595: Joltik (Bug + Electric)
596: Galvantula (Bug + Electric)
632: Durant (Bug + Steel)
636: Larvesta (Bug + Fire)
637: Volcarona (Bug + Fire)
649: Genesect (Bug + Steel)
666: Vivillon (Bug + Flying)
737: Charjabug (Bug + Electric)
738: Vikavolt (Bug + Electric)
742: Cutiefly (Bug + Fairy)
743: Ribombee (Bug + Fairy
767: Wimpod (Bug + Water)
768: Golisopod (Bug + Water)
794: Buzzwole (Bug + Fighting)
795: Pheromosa (Bug + Fighting)
825: Dottler (Bug + Psychic)
826: Orbeetle (Bug + Psychic)
900: Kleavor (Bug + Rock)
920: Lokix (Bug + Dark)
954: Rabsca (Bug + Psychic)
988: Slither Wing (Bug + Fighting)
Secondary Bug-Type Pokémon
347: Anorith (Rock + Bug)
348: Armaldo (Rock + Bug)
451: Skorupi (Poison + Bug)
751: Dewpider (Water + Bug)
752: Araquanid (Water + Bug)
850: Sizzlipede (Fire + Bug)
851: Centiskorch (Fire + Bug)
872: Snom (Ice + Bug)
873: Frosmoth (Ice + Bug)
10. Normal Type Pokémon
The Normal type moves are not effective against any pokémon, but Normal type pokémon are weak to Fighting type pokémon. The popular Normal type pokémon are Meowth, Chansey, Evee, Snorlax, etc.
Till Generation IX, there were a total of 132 Normal type pokémon. Here is the full list:
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Pure Normal-Type Pokémon
019: Rattata
020: Raticate
052: Meowth
053: Persian
108: Lickitung
113: Chansey
115: Kangaskhan
128: Tauros
132: Ditto
133: Eevee
137: Porygon
143: Snorlax
161: Senret
162: Furret
190: Aipom
206: Dunsparce
216: Teddiursa
217: Ursaring
233: Porygon2
234: Stanler
235: Smeargle
241: Miltank
242: Blissey
263: Zigzagoon
264: Linoone
287: Slakoth
288: Vigoroth
289: Slaking
293: Whismur
294: Loudred
295: Exploud
300: Skitty
301: Delcatty
327: Spinda
335: Zangoose
351: Castform
352: Kecleon
399: Bidoof
424: Ambipom
427: Buneary
428: Lopunny
431: Glameow
432: Purugly
440: Happiny
446: Munchlax
463: Lickilicky
474: Porygon-Z
486: Regigigas
493: Arceus
504: Patrat
505: Watchog
506: Lillipup
507: Herdier
508: Stoutland
531: Audino
572: Minccino
573: Cinccino
626: Bouffalan
659: Bunnelby
676: Furfrou
734: Yungoos
735: Gumshoos
772: Type: Null
773: Silvally
775: Komala
819: Skwovet
820: Greedent
832: Wooloo
832: Dubwool
915: Lechonk
916: Oinkologne
924: Tandemaus
Half Normal-type Pokémon
Primary Normal-type Pokémon
016: Pidgey (Normal + Flying)
017: Pidgeotto (Normal + Flying)
018: Pidgeot (Normal + Flying)
021: Spearow (Normal + Flying)
022: Fearow (Normal + Flying)
039: Jigglypuff (Normal + Fairy)
040: Wigglytuff (Normal + Fairy)
083: Farfetch’d (Normal + Flying)
084: Doduo (Normal + Flying)
085: Dodrio (Normal + Flying)
163: Hoothoot (Normal + Flying)
164: Noctowl (Normal + Flying)
174: Igglybuff (Normal + Fairy)
203: Girafarig (Normal + Psychic)
276: Taillow (Normal + Flying)
277: Swellow (Normal + Flying)
298: Azurill (Normal + Fairy)
333: Swablu (Normal + Flying)
396: Starly (Normal + Flying)
397: Staravia (Normal + Flying)
398: Staraptor (Normal + Flying)
400: Bibarel (Normal + Water)
428: Lopunny (Normal + Fighting)
441: Chatot (Normal + Flying)
519: Pidove (Normal + Flying)
520: Tranquill (Normal + Flying)
521: Unfezant (Normal + Flying)
531: Audino (Normal + Fairy)
570: Zorua (Normal + Ghost)
571: Zoroark (Normal + Ghost)
585: Deerling (Normal + Grass)
586: Sawsbuck (Normal + Grass)
627: Rufflet (Normal + Flying)
628: Braviary (Normal + Flying)
648: Meloetta (Normal + Fighting)
660: Diggersby (Normal + Ground)
661: Fletchling (Normal + Flying)
731: Pikipek (Normal + Flying)
732: Trumbeak (Normal + Flying)
733: Toucannon (Normal + Flying)
759: Stufful (Normal + Fighting)
760: Bewear (Normal + Fighting)
765: Oranguru (Normal + Psychic)
780: Drampa (Normal + Dragon)
899: Wyrdeer (Normal + Psychic)
Secondary Normal-type Pokémon
667: Litleo (Fire + Normal)
668: Pyroar (Fire + Normal)
694: Helioptile (Electric + Normal)
695: Heliolisk (Electric + Normal)
862: Obstagoon (Dark + Normal)
876: Indeedee (Psychic + Normal)
901: Ursaluna (Ground + Normal)
928: Smoliv (Grass + Normal)
929: Dolliv (Grass + Normal)
930: Arboliva (Grass + Normal)
944: Shroodle (Poison + Normal)
945: Grafaiai (Poison + Normal)
967: Cyclizar (Dragon + Normal)
11. Ground Type Pokémon
The Ground-type moves to act well against Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, and Steel type pokémon, while Ground-type pokémon are weak against Grass, Ice, and Water-type moves. The popular Ground-type pokémon are Diglett, Marowak, Gligar, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 77 Ground-type pokémon. Here is a complete list.
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Pure Ground-Type Pokémon
027: Sandshrew
028: Sandslash
050: Diglett
051: Dugtrio
104: Cubone
105: Marowak
231: Phanpy
232: Donphan
328: Trapinch
383: Groudon
449: Hippopotas
450: Hippowdon
529: Drilbur
749: Mudbray
750: Mudsdale
843: Silicobra
844: Sandaconda
Half Ground-Type Pokémon
Primary Ground-Type Pokémon
111: Rhyhorn (Ground + Rock)
112: Rhydon (Ground + Rock)
207: Gligar (Ground + Flying)
329: Vibrava (Ground + Dragon)
330: Flygon (Ground + Dragon)
343: Baltoy (Ground + Psychic)
344: Claydol (Ground + Psychic)
464: Rhyperior (Ground + Rock)
472: Gliscor (Ground + Flying)
530: Excadrill (Ground + Steel)
551: Sandile (Ground + Dark)
552: Krokokrok (Ground + Dark)
553: Krookodile (Ground + Dark)
618: Stunfisk (Ground + Electric)
622: Golett (Ground + Ghost)
623: Golurk (Ground + Ghost)
867: Runerigus (Ground + Ghost)
948: Toedscool (Ground + Grass)
949: Toedscruel (Ground + Grass)
984: Great Tusk (Ground + Fighting)
990: Iron Treads (Ground + Steel)
Secondary Ground-Type Pokémon
031: Nidoqueen (Poison + Ground)
034: Nidoking (Poison + Ground)
074: Geodude (Rock + Ground)
075: Graveler (Rock + Ground)
076: Golem (Rock + Ground)
095: Onix (Rock + Ground)
194: Wooper (Water + Ground)
195: Quagsire (Water + Ground)
208: Steelix (Steel + Ground)
220: Swinub (Ice + Ground)
221: Piloswine (Ice + Ground)
246: Larvitar (Rock + Ground)
247: Pupitar (Rock + Ground)
259: Marshtomp (Water + Ground)
260: Swampert (Water + Ground)
290: Nincada (Bug + Ground)
322: Numel (Fire + Ground)
323: Camerupt (Fire + Ground)
339: Barboach (Water + Ground)
340: Whiscash (Water + Ground)
389: Torterra (Grass + Ground)
413: Wormadam Sandy Cloak (Bug + Ground)
423: Gastrodon (Water + Ground)
443: Gible (Dragon + Ground)
444: Gabite (Dragon + Ground)
445: Garchomp (Dragon + Ground)
473: Mamoswine (Ice + Ground)
536: Palpitoad (Water + Ground)
537: Seismitoad (Water + Ground)
660: Diggersby (Normal + Ground)
718: Zygarde Zygarde (Dragon + Ground)
769: Sandygast (Ghost + Ground)
770: Palossand (Ghost + Ground)
980: Clodsire (Poison + Ground)
989: Sandy Shocks (Electric + Ground)
1003: Ting-Lu (Dark + Ground)
12. Steel Type Pokémon
The Steel-type moves work effectively against Fairy, Ice, and Rock-type pokémon while the Steel-type pokémon are weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground-type moves. The popularly known Steel type pokémon are Steelix, Metang, Magnemite, Magneton, etc.
Till Generation IX, there were a total of 75 steel-type pokémon. Here is a full list:
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Pure Steel-Type Pokémon
379: Registeel
599: Klink
600: Klang
601: Klinklang
808: Meltan
809: Melmetal
863: Perrserker
878: Cufant
879: Copperajah
968: Orthworm
Half Steel-Type Pokémon
Primary Steel-Type Pokémon
208: Steelix (Steel + Ground)
227: Skarmony (Steel + Flying)
303: Mawile (Steel + Fairy)
304: Aron (Steel + Rock)
305: Lairon (Steel + Rock)
306: Aggron (Steel + Rock)
374: Beldum (Steel + Psychic)
375: Metang (Steel + Psychic)
376: Metagross (Steel + Psychic)
385: Jirachi (Steel + Psychic)
436: Bronzor (Steel + Psychic)
437: Bronzong (Steel + Psychic)
483: Dialga (Steel + Dragon)
638: Cobalion (Steel + Fighting)
679: Honedge (Steel + Ghost)
680: Doublade (Steel + Ghost)
707: Klefki (Steel + Fairy)
797: Celesteela (Steel + Flying)
801: Magearna (Steel + Fairy)
884: Duraludron (Steel + Dragon)
965: Varoom (Steel + Poison)
966: Revavroom (Steel + Poison)
1000: Gholdengo (Steel + Ghost)
Secondary-Type Pokémon
081: Magnemite (Electric + Steel)
082: Magneton (Electric + Steel)
205: Forretress (Bug + Steel)
212: Scizor (Bug + Steel)
395: Empoleon (Water + Steel)
410: Shieldon (Rock + Steel)
411: Bastiodon (Rock + Steel)
413: Wormadam Trash Cloak (Bug + Steel)
448: Lucario (Fighting + Steel)
462: Magnezone (Electric + Steel)
476: Probopass (Rock + Steel)
485: Heatran (Fire + Steel)
530: Excadrill (Ground + Steel)
589: Escavalier (Bug + Steel)
597: Ferroseed (Grass + Steel)
598: Ferrothorn (Grass + Steel)
618: Stunfisk (Ground + Steel)
624: Pawniard (Dark + Steel)
625: Bisharp (Dark + Steel)
632: Durant (Bug + Steel)
649: Genesect (Bug + Steel)
777: Togedemaru (Electric + Steel)
791: Solgaleo (Psychic + Steel)
798: Kartana (Grass + Steel)
800: Necrozma (Psychic + Steel)
805: Stakataka (Rock + Steel)
823: Corviknight (Flying + Steel)
888: Zacian (Fairy + Steel)
889: Zamazenta (Fighting + Steel)
957: Tinkatink (Fairy + Steel)
958: Tinkatuff (Fairy + Steel)
959: Tinkaton (Fairy + Steel)
983: Kingambit (Dark + Steel)
990: Iron Treads (Ground + Steel)
13. Ice Type Pokémon
The Ice-type moves are super effective against Dragon, Flying, Grass, and Ground-type pokémon, while the Ice-type pokémon are weak to Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel-type moves. The popular Ice type of pokémon that you may know of are Glaceon, Jynx, Sealeo, Lapras, etc.
As of Generation IX, there is a total of 58 Ice type pokémon, which makes it the rarest type. Here is the complete list:
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Pure Ice-Type Pokémon
361: Snorunt
362: Glalie
378: Regice
471: Glaceon
582: Vanillite
583: Vanillish
584: Vanilluxe
613: Chubchoo
614: Beartic
615: Cyrogonal
712: Bergmite
713: Avalugg
875: Eiscue
896: Glastrier
974: Cetoddle
975: Cetitan
Half Ice-Type Pokémon
Primary Ice-Type Pokémon
124: Jynx (Ice + Psychic)
144: Articuno (Ice + Flying)
220: Swinub (Ice + Ground)
221: Piloswine (Ice + Ground)
225: Delibird (Ice + Flying)
238: Smoochum (Ice + Psychic)
363: Spheal (Ice + Water)
364: Sealeo (Ice + Water)
365: Walrein (Ice + Water)
473: Mamoswine (Ice + Ground)
478: Froslass (Ice + Ghost)
866: Mr. Rime (Ice + Psychic)
872: Snom (Ice + Bug)
873: Frosmoth (Ice + Bug)
991: Iron Bundle (Ice + Water)
Secondary Ice-Type Pokémon
087: Dewgong (Water + Ice)
091: Cloyster (Water + Ice)
131: Lapras (Water + Ice)
215: Sneasel (Dark + Ice)
459: Snover (Grass + Ice)
460: Abomasnow (Grass + Ice)
461: Weavile (Dark + Ice)
479: Frost Rotom (Electric + Ice)
646: Kyurem (Dragon + Ice)
698: Amaura (Rock + Ice)
699: Aurorus (Rock + Ice)
740: Crabominable (Fighting + Ice)
881: Arctozolt (Electric + Ice)
883: Arctovish (Water + Ice)
898: Ice Rider Calyrex (Psychic + Ice)
996: Frigibax (Dragon + Ice)
997: Arctibax (Dragon + Ice)
998: Baxcalibur (Dragon + Ice)
1002: Chien-Pao (Dark + Ice)
14. Fairy Type Pokémon
The Fairy-type moves are effective against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type pokémon while Fairy-type pokémon are weak to Poison and Steel-type moves. The popular Fairy type pokémons are Chansea, Clefairy, Togepi, Jigglypuff, etc.
Till Generation IX, there are a total of 68 Fairy type pokémon, making it the second-rarest type. Here is a complete list:

Pure Fairy-Type Pokémon
035: Clefairy
036: Clefable
173: Cleffa
175: Togepi
209: Snubbull
210: Granbull
669: Flabebe
670: Floette
671: Florges
682: Spritzee
683: Aromatisse
684: Swirlix
685: Slurpuff
700: Sylveon
716: Xerneas
764: Comfey
868: Milcery
869: Alcremie
888: Zacian
926: Fidough
927: Dachsbun
Half Fairy-Type Pokémon
Primary Fairy-Type Pokémon
176: Togetic (Fairy + Flying)
468: Togekiss (Fairy + Flying)
905: Enamorus (Fairy + Flying)
957: Tinkatink (Fairy + Steel)
958: Tinkatuff (Fairy + Steel)
959: Tinkaton (Fairy + Steel)
985: Scream Tail (Fairy + Psychic)
1006: Iron Valiant (Fairy + Fighting)
Secondary Fairy-Type Pokémon
039: Jigglypuff (Normal + Fairy)
040: Wigglytuff (Normal + Fairy)
122: Mr. Mime (Psychic + Fairy)
174: Igglybuff (Normal + Fairy)
183: Marill (Water + Fairy)
184: Azumarill (Water + Fairy)
280: Ralts (Psychic + Fairy)
281: Kirlia (Psychic + Fairy)
282: Gardevoir (Psychic + Fairy)
298: Azurill (Normal + Fairy)
303: Mawile (Steel + Fairy)
334: Altaria (Dragon + Fairy)
439: Mime Jr. (Psychic + Fairy)
531: Audino (Normal + Fairy)
546: Cottonee (Grass + Fairy)
547: Whimsicott (Grass + Fairy)
702: Dedenne (Electric + Fairy)
703: Carbink (Rock + Fairy)
707: Klefki (Steel + Fairy)
719: Diancie (Rock + Fairy)
730: Primarina (Water + Fairy)
742: Cutiefly (Bug + Fairy)
743: Ribombe (Bug + Fairy)
755: Morelull (Grass + Fairy)
756: Shiinotic (Grass + Fairy)
778: Mimikyu (Ghost + Fairy)
785: Tapu Koko (Electric + Fairy)
786: Tapu Lele (Psychic + Fairy)
787: Tapu Bulu (Grass + Fairy)
788: Tapu Fini (Water + Fairy)
801: Magearna (Steel + Fairy)
858: Hatterene (Psychic + Fairy)
859: Impidimp (Dark + Fairy)
860: Morgrem (Dark + Fairy)
861: Grimmsnarl (Dark + Fairy)
987: Flutter Mane (Ghost + Fairy)
15. Fighting Type Pokémon
The Fighting type moves are effective against Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, and Steel type pokémon while Fighting type pokémon are weak to Flying, Fairy, and Psychic-type moves. The popular Fighting type pokémon that you may know of are Lucario, Infernape, Machamp, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 81 Fighting-type pokémon. Here is the full list:
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Pure Fighting-Yype Pokémon
056: Mankey
057: Primeape
062: Poliwrath
066: Machop
067: Machoke
068: Machamp
106: Hitmonlee
107: Hitmonchan
236: Tyrogue
237: Hitmontop
296: Makuhita
297: Hariyama
447: Riolu
532: Timburr
533: Gurdurr
534: Conkeldurr
538: Throh
539: Sawk
619: Mienfoo
620: Mienshao
674: Pancham
739: Crabrawler
766: Passimian
852: Clobbopus
853: Grapploct
865: Sirfetch’d
870: Falinks
889: Zamazenta
891: Kubfu
Half Fighting-Type Pokémon
Primary Fighting-Type Pokémon
307: Meditite (Fighting + Psychic)
308: Medicham (Fighting + Psychic)
448: Lucario (Fighting + Steel)
675: Pangoro (Fighting + Dark)
701: Hawlucha (Fighting + Flying)
740: Crabominable (Fighting + Ice)
802: Marshadow (Fighting + Ghost)
889: Zamazenta (Fighting + Steel)
892: Urshifu (Fighting + Dark)
903: Sneasler (Fighting + Poison)
979: Annihilape (Fighting + Ghost)
992: Iron Hands (Fighting + Electric)
1007: Koraidon (Fighting + Dragon)
Secondary Fighting-Type Pokémon
062: Poliwrath (Water + Fighting)
214: Heracross (Bug + Fighting)
256: Combuske (Fire + Fighting)
257: Blaziken (Fire + Fighting)
286: Breloom (Grass + Fighting)
391: Monferno (Fire + Fighting)
392: Infernape (Fire + Fighting)
428: Lopunny (Normal + Fighting)
453: Croagunk (Poison + Fighting)
454: Toxicroak (Poison + Fighting)
475: Gallade (Psychic + Fighting)
499: Pignite (Fire + Fighting)
500: Emboar (Fire + Fighting)
559: Scraggy (Dark + Fighting)
560: Scrafty (Dark + Fighting)
638: Cobalion (Steel + Fighting)
639: Terrakion (Rock + Fighting)
640: Virizion (Grass + Fighting)
647: Keldeo (Water + Fighting)
652: Chesnaught (Grass + Fighting)
759: Stufful (Normal + Fighting)
760: Bewear (Normal + Fighting)
783: Hakamo-o (Dragon + Fighting)
784: Kommo-o (Dragon + Fighting)
794: Buzzwole (Bug + Fighting)
795: Pheromosa (Bug + Fighting)
914: Quaquaval (Water + Fighting)
922: Pawmo (Electric + Fighting)
923: Pawmot (Electric + Fighting)
973: Flamigo (Flying + Fighting)
984: Great Tusk (Ground + Fighting)
988: Slither Wing (Bug + Fighting)
1006: Iron Valiant (Fairy + Fighting)
16. Ghost Type Pokémon
The Ghost-type moves are super effective against Ghost and Psychic-type pokémon, while Ghost-type pokémon are weak to Dark and Ghost-type moves. The popular Ghost type pokémon that you may know of are Gastly, Gengar, Litwick, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 70 Ghost-type pokémon. Here is the full list:
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Pure Ghost-Type Pokémon
200: Misdreavus
353: Shuppet
354: Banette
355: Duskull
356: Dusclops
429: Mismagius
477: Dusknoir
562: Yamask
563: Cofagrigus
854: Sinistea
855: Polteageist
864: Cursola
897: Spectier
971: Greavard
972: Houndstone
999: Gimmighoul
Half Ghost-Type Pokémon
Primary Ghost-Type Pokémon
092: Gastly (Ghost + Poison)
093: Haunter (Ghost + Poison)
094: Gengar (Ghost + Poison)
425: Drifloon (Ghost + Flying)
426: Drifblim (Ghost + Flying)
442: Spiritomb (Ghost + Dark)
487: Giratina (Ghost + Dragon)
607: Litwick (Ghost + Fire)
608: Lampent (Ghost + Fire)
609: Chandelure (Ghost + Fire)
708: Phantump (Ghost + Grass)
709: Trevenant (Ghost + Grass)
710: Pumpkaboo (Ghost + Grass)
711: Gourgeist (Ghost + Grass)
741: Oricorio (Ghost + Flying)
769: Sandygast (Ghost + Ground)
770: Palossand (Ghost + Ground)
778: Mimikyu (Ghost + Fairy)
781: Dhelmise (Ghost + Grass)
987: Flutter Mane (Ghost + Fairy)
Secondary Ghost-Type Pokémon
292: Shedinja (Bug + Ghost)
302: Sableye (Dark + Ghost)
478: Froslass (Ice + Ghost)
479: Rotom (Electric + Ghost)
562: Yamask (Ground + Ghost)
570: Zorua (Normal + Ghost)
571: Zoroark (Normal + Ghost)
592: Frillish (Water + Ghost)
593: Jellicent (Water + Ghost)
622: Golett (Ground + Ghost)
623: Golurk (Ground + Ghost)
679: Honedge (Steel + Ghost)
680: Doublade (Steel + Ghost)
681: Aegislash (Steel + Ghost)
720: Hoopa (Psychic + Ghost)
724: Decidueye (Grass + Ghost)
792: Lunala (Psychic + Ghost)
802: Marshadow (Fighting + Ghost)
806: Blacephalon (Fire + Ghost)
867: Runerigus (Ground + Ghost)
885: Dreepy (Dragon + Ghost)
886: Drakloak (Dragon + Ghost)
887: Dragapult (Dragon + Ghost)
898: Calyrex (Psychic + Ghost)
902: Basculegion (Water + Ghost)
911: Skeledirge (Fire + Ghost)
937: Ceruledge (Fire + Ghost)
946: Bramblin (Grass + Ghost)
947: Brambleghast (Grass + Ghost)
979: Annihilape (Fighting + Ghost)
1000: Gholdengo (Steel + Ghost)
17. Flying Type Pokémon
The Flying-type moves are effective against Bug, Fighting, and Grass-type pokémon, while Flying-type pokémon are weak to Electric, Ice, and Rock-type moves. The popular flying type pokémon are Charizard, Pidgeot, Doduo, Starly, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 112 Flying type pokémon. Here is the entire list:
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Pure Flying-Type Pokémon
641: Tornadus
821: Rookidee
822: Corvisquire
Half Flying-Type Pokémon
Primary Flying-Type Pokémon
714: Noibat (Flying + Dragon)
715: Noivern (Flying + Dragon)
823: Corviknight (Flying + Steel)
845: Cramorant (Flying + Water)
962: Bombirdier (Flying + Dark)
973: Flamigo (Flying + Fighting)
Secondary Flying-Type Pokémon
006: Charizard (Fire + Flying)
012: Butterfree (Bug + Flying)
016: Pidgey (Normal + Flying)
017: Pidgeotto (Normal + Flying)
018: Pidgeot (Normal + Flying)
021: Spearow (Normal + Flying)
022: Fearow (Normal + Flying)
041: Zubat (Poison + Flying)
042: Golbat (Poison + Flying)
083: Farfetch’d (Normal + Flying)
084: Doduo (Normal + Flying)
085: Dodrio (Normal + Flying)
123: Scyther (Bug + Flying)
127: Pinsir (Bug + Flying)
130: Gyarados (Water + Flying)
142: Aerodactyl (Rock + Flying)
144: Articuno (Ice + Flying)
145: Zapdos (Electric + Flying)
146: Moltres (Fire + Flying)
149: Dragonite (Dragon + Flying)
163: Hoothoot (Normal + Flying)
164: Noctowl (Normal + Flying)
165: Ledyba (Bug + Flying)
166: Ledian (Bug + Flying)
169: Crobat (Poison + Flying)
176: Togetic (Fairy + Flying)
177: Natu (Psychic + Flying)
178: Xatu (Psychic + Flying)
187: Hoppip (Grass + Flying)
188: Skiploom (Grass + Flying)
189: Jumpluff (Grass + Flying)
193: Yanma (Bug + Flying)
198: Murkrow (Dark + Flying)
207: Gligar (Ground + Flying)
225: Delibird (Ice + Flying)
226: Mantine (Water + Flying)
227: Skarmory (Steel + Flying)
249: Lugia (Psychic + Flying)
250: Ho-Oh (Fire + Flying)
267: Beautifly (Bug + Flying)
276: Taillow (Normal + Flying)
277: Swellow (Normal + Flying)
278: Wingull (Water + Flying)
279: Pelipper (Water + Flying)
284: Masquerain (Bug + Flying)
291: Ninjask (Bug + Flying)
333: Swablu (Normal + Flying)
334: Altaria (Dragon + Flying)
357: Tropius (Grass + Flying)
373: Salamence (Dragon + Flying)
384: Rayquaza (Dragon + Flying)
396: Starly (Normal + Flying)
397: Staravia (Normal + Flying)
398: Staraptor (Normal + Flying)
414: Mothim (Bug + Flying)
415: Combee (Bug + Flying)
416: Vespiquen (Bug + Flying)
425: Drifloon (Ghost + Flying)
426: Drifblim (Ghost + Flying)
430: Honchkrow (Dark + Flying)
441: Chatot (Normal + Flying)
458: Mantyke (Water + Flying)
468: Togekiss (Fairy + Flying)
469: Yanmega (Bug + Flying)
472: Gliscor (Ground + Flying)
479: Rotom Fan (Electric + Flying)
492: Shaymin Shaymin (Grass + Flying)
519: Pidove (Normal + Flying)
520: Tranquill (Normal + Flying)
521: Unfezant (Normal + Flying)
527: Woobat (Psychic + Flying)
528: Swoobat (Psychic + Flying)
561: Sigilyph (Psychic + Flying)
566: Archen (Rock + Flying)
567: Archeops (Rock + Flying)
580: Ducklett (Water + Flying)
581: Swanna (Water + Flying)
587: Emolga (Electric + Flying)
627: Rufflet (Normal + Flying)
628: Braviary (normal + Flying)
629: Vullaby (Dark + Flying)
630: Mandibuzz (Dark + Flying)
642: Thundurus (Electric + Flying)
645: Landorus (Ground + Flying)
661: Fletchling (Normal + Flying)
662: Fletchinder (Fire + Flying)
663: Talonflame (Fire + Flying)
666: Vivillon (Bug + Flying)
701: Hawlucha (Fighting + Flying)
717: Yveltal (Dark + Flying)
722: Rowlet (Grass + Flying)
723: Dartrix (Grass + Flying)
731: Pikipek (Normal + Flying)
732: Trumbeak (Normal + Flying)
733: Toucannon (Normal + Flying)
741: Oricorio (Psychic + Flying)
774: Minior (Rock + Flying)
797: Celesteela (Steel + Flying)
905: Enamorus (Fairy + Flying)
931: Squawkabilly (Normal + Flying)
940: Wattrel (Electric + Flying)
941: Kilowattrel (Electric + Flying)
993: Iron Jugulis (Dark + Flying)
18. Dragon Type Pokémon
The Dragon-type moves are super effective against Dragon-type Pokémon while Dragon-type pokémon are weak to Dragon, Fairy, and Ice-type moves. The popular Dragon-type pokémon that you may know of are Dragonair, Axew, Dragonite, Kyurem, etc.
As of Generation IX, there are a total of 70 Dragon-type pokémon. Here is the entire list:

Pure Dragon-Type Pokémon
147: Dratini
148: Dragonair
371: Bagon
372: Shelgon
610: Axew
611: Fraxure
612: Haxorus
621: Druddigon
704: Goomy
705: Sliggoo
706: Goodra
782: Jangmo-o
895: Regidrago
Half Dragon-Type Pokémon
Primary Dragon-Type Pokémon
149: Dragonite (Dragon + Flying)
334: Altaria (Dragon + Flying)
373: Salamence (Dragon + Flying)
380: Latias (Dragon + Psychic)
381: Latios (Dragon + Psychic)
384: Rayquaza (Dragon + Flying)
443: Gible (Dragon + Ground)
444: Gabite (Dragon + Ground)
445: Garchomp (Dragon + Ground)
643: Reshiram (Dragon + Fire)
644: Zekrom (Dragon + Electric)
646: Kyurem (Dragon + Ice)
718: Zygarde (Dragon + Ground)
783: Hakamo-o (Dragon + Fighting)
784: Kommo-o (Dragon + Fighting)
885: Dreepy (Dragon + Ghost)
886: Drakloak (Dragon + Ghost)
887: Dragapult (Dragon + Ghost)
967: Cyclizar (Dragon + Normal)
978: Tatsugiri (Dragon + Water)
996: Frigibax (Dragon + Ice)
997: Arctibax (Dragon + Ice)
998: Baxcalibur (Dragon + Ice)
1005: Roaring Moon (Dragon + Dark)
Secondary Dragon-Type Pokémon
230: Kingdra (Water + Dragon)
329: Vibrava (Ground + Dragon)
330: Flygon (Ground + Dragon)
483: Dialga (Steel + Dragon)
484: Palkia (Water + Dragon)
487: Giratina (Ghost + Dragon)
633: Deino (Dark + Dragon)
634: Zweilous (Dark + Dragon)
635: Hydreigon (Dark + Dragon)
691: Dragalge (Poison + Dragon)
696: Tyrunt (Rock + Dragon)
697: Tyrantrum (Rock + Dragon)
714: Noibat (Flying + Dragon)
715: Noivern (Flying + Dragon)
776: Turtonator (Fire + Dragon)
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