House of the Dragon saw the two most powerful Targaryens marry each other, and fans want to know why did Daemon leave Rhaenyra in the brother earlier in the season? Well, let us break down all that information for you guys. We know that Rhaenyra and Darmon have always had chemistry since day 1.
It was the moment when the two talked to each other in high Valyrian, and he brought her a necklace made of Valyrian steel. The initial episodes of this season were a time when both Rhaenyra and Daemon were causing trouble for Viserys and were not being tamed and responsible, befitting their royal position. As for Daemon, he was screaming for attention as he had lost all hopes of getting the Iron Throne.
It is obvious that he would never kill for it because he is very protective of his own blood. As for Rhaenyra, she does not want to marry someone and feels like her father is only supporting her because he does not have any other heir right now.
In her own words, she feels like a “political headache,” to which Viserys confirms that she is. It was the 4th episode that truly confirmed them growing their hell up and taking duties seriously but not without some brothel session in order to declare that Rhaenyra finally is a grown woman.

Daemon and Rhaenyra – History
We see that Daemon has returned to King’s Landing after the brutal battle at the Stepstones and declared his fealty to the King and his brother. The environment is really happy as Viserys takes his brother back and is very happy to boast about his victories. Now, we see that Rhaenyra and he talk about marriage and what it feels like to her.
At night, Daemon reveals a secret pathway from her own chambers that would lead her to the city with him. We see the two covering their heir and identity to enjoy the nightlife of King’s Landing. They try different cuisines and see different people. It is all new to Rhaenyra because she obviously has not been outside of the castle without security.
As the night begins to darken, we see that Daemon takes Rhaenyra to a brothel. He introduces her to the concept of pleasure. Soon, he starts seducing her, and when Rhaenyra returns the same feelings, he leaves her in utter disbelief on her own. So, why does he do that? Why Did Daemon Leave Rhaenyra in the Brothel? Let us break down the reason that we see fit here the best.

Why Did Daemon Leave Rhaenyra in the Brothel?
Daemon leaves Rhaenyra in the brothel because he simply cannot bear to sleep with her as she is so young. We see the two in the 7th episode as they marry. But before, while walking down the beach, the two talked about being together, and Rhaenyra assures Daemon that now she is “old” enough for him.
This is literally our greatest non-pedophile prince here, and I don’t know what you all are doing but let us have a round of applause. Daemon stops mid-way because he simply could not do this to Rhaenyra when she was a teenager and a child, despite the fact that they had chemistry. Well, we adore a prince who waits for his princess to grow up first before making any moves, and this is what Daemon did.
The two marry when Rhaenyra has already had three children and is a mature adult. She desperately needs his help as the Greens will destroy and usurp her throne (as they did in episode 9), and it will surely be harmful to her and her kids. Everyone is challenging her claim and her kids’ parentage, and with Darmon, she has emotional support being. Together, we see them having three kids together.
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