This is my Full House Of The Dragon Episode 6 Easter Eggs article. We’ll break down all the Easter eggs and references since there are many. If you haven’t yet watched episode 6, be wary of spoilers. There is a lot to discuss, so let’s simply start at the beginning and go over each scene while discussing Easter eggs and WTF moments.
House Of The Dragon Episode 6 had 10 years time jump, and there were a lot of children roaming around in the episodes. We talk about everyone and about their future and their Dragons. There is a Game of Thrones Easter Eggs in this Episode. We have a reference to Ned Stark, Harrenhal Castle, and Pentos where Daenerys was living at the start of the Game of Thrones. We have a lot of Dance of The Dragon references, foreshadowing, and Easter Eggs that will be the peak of the show.
Here is all the House Of The Dragon Episode 6 Easter Eggs:
The Princess and The Queen
So starting with the episode title, it was called “The Princess and The Queen”, which is a reference to the title of the original Dance of the Dragons short story that George RR Martin wrote chronicling the actual Dance of the Dragons, like the actual Targaryen Civil War. Obviously, it doesn’t officially begin here.

Because when we talk about the actual Dance of the Dragons like you’re talking about actual dragon battles between the different sizes of the greens and the blacks in the air, like them both going at each other literally. And I don’t think they’re really gonna set that off till either the very end of this season or the beginning of season two.
New Intro Change
There were a couple of changes to the intro, there were a couple more lines of blood coming from Daemon as well as Alicent and Rhaenyra’s lines because of all the children that have been born since the events of the last episode. It’s been a full 10 years, so like a bunch of the kids are much older, and new kids are being born.
And this isn’t even the end of it; there are other children like there’s one of Alicent’s children who has been born but wasn’t featured in this episode, so we might see him in future episodes or during season two.
So if you thought there were a lot of Dragon Riders now, just wait till season two. They also directly reference that during the episode, there are several moments when they talk about all the different children being Dragon seeds, claiming dragons, or already having them.
The Child Birth
The actual opening scene is of Rhaenyra in the childbirth of her third son Joffrey Velaryon, and it’s meant to be a parallel to her mother Aemma’s death during the attempted birth of her second son in the first episode. That child was named Baelon Targaryen and obviously only survived briefly after being born. There were a lot of different people having births in this episode, it was all meant to be a parallel for Aemma’s death in the events of that birth during the episode.

The contrast with Rhaenyra is that the whole thing with Viserys and her mother is that they couldn’t have a healthy son, but Rhaenyra has just given birth to three very healthy sons, and there’ll be more children eventually, like much later in the timeline. And if you think about all of Alicent’s children, like nowadays they’re handing around male children like their candy within the Targaryen family, like you need a son we got plenty of sons going around here.
The Greens And The Blacks
You notice that Alicent is being measured for a new green dress because basically, that’s her whole thing these last 10 years. Ever since the wedding, she’s been wearing a green dress. And when we talk about the Dance of the Dragons, the names of the two different sizes the realm calls them are the Greens and the Blacks.
That’s why later in the episode, you see all of Alicent’s children wearing Green under their armor and all of Rhaenyra’s children wearing Red and Black. It’ll also be an easy way to tell them apart when we actually start having dragon battles in the sky, like “who’s fighting who”, like “well who’s wearing Red and who’s wearing Green”.
The Dragon Pit
Then we finally get to see inside the actual Dragon Pit. And this will probably become a thing later in the series too as we’ll go back to the Dragon Pit. The whole idea here is that Rhaenyra’s oldest child Jacaerys Velaryon is claiming his Dragon Vermax, that’s who this is. It goes exactly the way it’s supposed to go as the dragon master here explains to him in high Valyrian. Notice that all the dragon keepers speak in High Valyrian because that’s the language the dragons respond to, it’s also part of their traditions.

And they play this up like a big prank against Aemond Targaryen, Alicent’s second son with Viserys, bringing him a new Dragon, The Pink Dread, just making fun of him because he hasn’t claimed a dragon yet. He will eventually, but they play it for a big thing during this episode like he goes down to the dragon pit himself into the dragon’s Chambers, and tries to claim Dreamfyre, that’s who this dragon is. It actually becomes Helaena’s Dragon later in the future.
Helaena’s Dragon Dream
There is so much we can talk about with Helaena’s character, like there are so many Easter eggs and foreshadowing that they include in this brief scene. And I love the way that Alicent reacts to all of her bugs like she’s just really entranced with it, talking about all these mysteries that they don’t comprehend yet.
When she says “one day he’ll have to close an eye”, talking about Aemond claiming a dragon eventually. He will claim a dragon, but he’s called Aemond One Eye, this is the older version of the character that we’ve seen in the trailers. So it means that she basically has Dragon Dreams, like Danis the Dreamer, because right after her scene, they show you the model of Ancient’s Valyria, and it’s a reference to the Targaryens escaping the Doom because Danis the Dreamer had a dragon dream of the Doom of Valyria and that’s why they left to come to Dragonstone.

Also them showing you the model of ancient Valyria right after talking about all of these Targaryen children on both sides having their own dragons, is another reminder is that that’s the way things would have been in ancient Valyria. Like all these different families, all the different dragon lord houses would have had children with a bunch of dragons, thousands of dragons.
Viserys And Ned Stark
You also notice that the model has gotten bigger, like this whole time all through the timeline Viserys has continued to get worse, he’s continued to work on his model adding pieces to it. So now they’re like little dragons all over these houses. All the different dragons on the buildings here are meant to denote the different houses of the dragonlords.
For instance one of the biggest dragons would be Balerion the Black Dread because he died when he was about 200 years old, which was long after the doom of Valyria. So when Viserys said he comes from before the doom, he’d be one of the last living things to remember ancient Valyria before the Doom. He’d actually been pretty young pretty small at that time.

Viscerys’ helper that he dismisses is also named Eddard, which is another callback to Ned Stark on the main show, his real name was Eddard. We haven’t seen a whole lot of the Starks during the series, but the current lord of the house actually swore fealty to Rhaenyra in episode 1, and they were at the tourney as well. When things start getting crazy with the Dance of the Dragons like in future seasons, they’ll probably get a little bit more involved.
Vhagar And Pentos
Then we finally see Daemon with the older version of Laena Velaryon at their house in Pentos that they’ve been staying at, flying on their dragons and now finally revealing Vhagar that she claimed when she was about 15 years old, she says. The whole idea with Vhagar is that she is a She Dragon, and she is now the oldest-biggest dragon. Vhagar is bigger than the other dragons that everyone’s riding right now.
At their banquet, you notice that they’re serving crab, that’s a call back to crab feeder in the war of the stepsons. Because they reference it later in the episode, like there’s a new war brewing with the triarchy down in the stepstones and now potentially Dorne and house Martel.

This new Prince character is the Prince of Pentos, it’s not an area that was controlled by the triarchy, so like it’s a separate force, and he’s trying to align them with Pentos and help them in the coming war that they think will eventually spill into the rest of Essos.
This will also remind you that Illyrio will eventually live in Pentos, and he fosters Daenerys and her brother Viserys in exile, along with a Targaryen restoration plan that he started with Varys. The whole idea is that he’s kind of been living in exile away from Westeros these last 10 years.
Daemon now has twin daughters with Larna; their names are Baela and Rhaena. They explain a little bit about them in the episode, but we might see older versions of them later in the timeline just because eventually we’re going to have so many Dragon Riders flying around on their dragons.
Ancient Valyria History And Daemon’s Daughters
Really cool history deep cut too when the Prince of Pentos references Aegon the Conqueror helping his ancestors fight off Atlantis during the century of blood. That was the period of civil unrest and war that took place in the East after the Doom of Valyria, with like all the remaining Empires that were left over fighting it out over ancient Valyria’s territory.

The whole thing that’s going on with Daemon in exile, though, is that he’s just meant to be kind of spinning his wheels, not really sure what he’s supposed to do with him himself, he talks about ancient Valyria being dead. Laena also says he spends all of his time not going into Pentos into the actual city but staying in the library reading about the dead dragonlords of old Valyria. If they do a prequel series on Aegon’s Conquest, they would probably do the Century of Blood during that.
You also see Daemon giving High Valyrian lessons to one of his daughters Baela, but his other daughter Reina who hasn’t claimed a dragon yet or doesn’t have a dragon yet, claims that he ignores her. It might be because she doesn’t have a dragon yet because he’s seen very attentive to his other daughter Baela who does have a dragon. Baela’s dragon is named Moondancer, and Rhaena’s dragon is eventually named Morning.
When Laena tells Daemon, she wants to die a dragon rider’s death, that’s also a reference to her death later in the episode. It’s also one of the many references in the episode to the actual Dance of the Dragons when many of the Dragon Riders die on the Dragon’s back. When she says about Dragon Rider’s death, she’s talking about dying in battle while flying on her Dragon.
The Harrenhal Castle
We get a bunch much more exteriors of Harrenhal and way more upgraded CG versions that are much more book accurate than we saw during the original series. We saw the inside of Harrenhal during episode 1 in the flashback to the great council 101 AC, it is massive. Larys Strong also gives Alicent a really cool history lesson about the origin of the Harrenhal castle too. And this is a Big callback to Aegon’s Conquest, like there are a couple of references to Aegon the Conqueror in the episode.

The Harrenhal Castle was created by Harrenhall as a monument to his greatness, it was like this big monument to Hubris, basically. It took many many many years to complete, and the day that it was completed was the same day that Aegon started the war of Conquest, making landfall in King’s Landing. What wound up happening is that Aegon the Conqueror flew Balerion the Black Dread to the Harrenhal castle and melted most of it with Balerion the Black Dread’s dragon fire.
The reason why they think the castle is cursed is that after that, pretty much anybody who eventually became lord of Harrenhal or was given the castle died a horrific death under really weird circumstances. And that continues into the present day of the main Game of Thrones series much later in the timeline too, like it’s still a thing, the people that hold it still wind up dying really mysterious, really tragic deaths. So Harwin Strong and Lyonel Strong’s death in the episode was meant to be a callback to that as well, the curse of Harrenhal.
Also Read: House Of The Dragon Episode 6 Recap: Important Characters Die A Firey Death