Love Island Season 10 has finally ended with the Reunion episode. I am going to be talking about the reunion and stuff that has happened since the reunion, the splits, rumors, podcasts, and all kinds of stuff.
Mitch says that he is totally fine with being the king of mess. He says that he has no regrets. His only regret is the fact that he could have handled the Ella B and Abi situation a little bit better.
Imagine being exclusive with a man who called you fake. Personally, it couldn’t be me, and it can’t be Abi, either. Because Abi, Abi was on smoke today. I don’t know who put a battery pack in her back, but she was on one. I liked it until she did the name-drop of Jesse’s brother being in her DMs. It was like, “Now, why would you say that?”
You could have left it at the blue ticks, even though the blue tick thing was a little bit weird to me too. Because it’s like, “Ohh Men of status want me”. So I was like, I love that she was on smoke, but then she lost me at the end.
Love Island Season 10 Reunion
Alright, so first on the couch is Molly and Zach. And I’m going to tell you right now, guys, the home visits, I wasn’t really paying attention. I think I skipped most of them besides Whitney and Lochan.
I did, however, notice that before the clip, Zach wasn’t showing Molly any physical affection, but then after the clip he was. And I’m not reading into it or anything, but I just thought that was important to note.

So Zach is saying, “Ohh well, you never know what’s going to happen between us,” as if he did not ask this girl to be his girlfriend. Isn’t that what happened at the finale? Because at first it was “I love you” but then it was girlfriend, right?
So I don’t know why he’s kind of being evasive with this whole “You never know what’s going to happen between us.” It should be longevity, and it should be relationship things. I don’t really know. That kind of confused me.
Kady was invited onto the couch, and she felt like she was kind of hurt by Molly’s words, saying that she was glad that Katie had left. She thought they had a friendship, obviously, they do not.
I think even if she and Molly had a friendship the way that she has been throwing shade at them as a couple or, more specifically, at Zach, as Molly, that would be enough for me to be like, “You know what, I’m just gonna pull back from you.”
The passive aggression from these two women is so palpable. Listen, one thing I will give these women is the corporate kind of shade, the passive aggression, the smile on your face. But you know they’re being nice and nasty.
Scott, Catherine, And Elom
Sam talks to Scott, Catherine, and Elom. Now, as we know, Elom and Catherine have been on some podcasts. It has been kind of awkward between them because he clearly is focusing on himself. So in this conversation with the three of them, he kind of looks like a bump on the log because all of the attention is on Scott and Catherine.
So Elom, a lot of us were saying love bomb. Whether or not that was true, who knows? But the fact of the matter is, I think he was in over his head on what this whole process entails and stuff. And we’re going to talk about Catherine’s interview later cause she says that she’s the one who actually ended it with Elom.
So now that it’s over, I think that on his side, maybe he just didn’t think it was gonna be that serious. Like, “Oh, you just play it cool. Maybe explore the options or whatever”. But it’s, like, “No, you in this, and it’s very intense. Are you able to Handle it?” And in my opinion, I don’t think that he was.

So seeing things after the facts, I’m just like, yeah, I’m glad that it’s not a thing. A lot of us were struggling to believe his actions toward Catherine anyways, and clearly, she was struggling to believe it, too, at some point.
Let Scott and Catherine, as of right now, I’d actually like it better if they were just friends for a while. If it develops into something, that’s cool, but because of everything that happened and how it happened and how their friends were in their ears and like jumping straight into something is kind of, I don’t know. However, that’s what everybody wants.
They’ve been putting up billboards in Times Square. They’ve been doing all this love. On edits on TikTok, and It’s been a lot.
For them, if they’re going to play into the fandom, I can’t blame them. I can’t blame them cause y’all go crazy for this world. But if they just say, “Listen, it’s just better as friends,” I’m cool with that too.
Elly And Tyrique
Ella and Ty’s section was annoyingly calm for me. Not that I wanted them to have a blowout, but and everybody else’s section, they brought in the other connections that, like Ty, had or something like that. They didn’t talk to Ouzy for Ella and Ty. They didn’t talk to the other Ella, Kady, or Leah. Like they didn’t do anything, and it was just like, “Wow, look at you guys, you guys are just so in love.”
Ella and Ty both claimed that the argument was just a villa thing and that now they’re on the outside, things are going to be a lot better, especially because they’re not on top of each other as they were before.
I do think that an element of that is true, and we can look at the pandemic. A lot of people who have been in either long or short-term relationships we’re finding it very hard to be with their partner 24/7.
However, these two want to move in. Literally, Ty said that is their next step moving in. So, I mean, all the best to you. I don’t know if this is going to be the end of the argument. Couples do argue, but I feel like they’re going to be arguing a lot more than regular couples. If it works for them, it works for them, and as long as nobody’s life is put in danger, then happy days.

I still believe in my heart that this is a canon event for both of them. This is a canon relationship, but only time will tell. And honestly, I wish everybody well, and that’s one thing about me that you’ll know about these shows. I watch them, and I give my Review, but in the end, I wish everyone the best.
Love Island Season 10 Ending Explained: Sammy And Jess
Speaking of losing me at the end, Sammy and Jess were on the couch. And apparently, in their little home visit, the friends and the family have been won over by Sammy, and I think that’s all I have to say. Ohh, and there they are acknowledging that Sammy has grown, and even he himself he’s proud of the growth that he has done.
I do believe that there has been some character development for Sammy 1000%. I do feel like there has been some character development for him in the villa. My only hope is that if things don’t work out for these two on the outside, it won’t be due to things like him having to force attraction for her.
I hope it’s things that weren’t an issue in the villa because then it would be like, “OK, but Jess, you saw the issue like the whole time, then why did we even proceed with this relationship?” It’s that, and it’s also there are times when he struggles to acknowledge Jess’ feelings. And if he is feeling something, his feelings trump what she is feeling. So I hope that they work on that as well.
I can, I guess, see the potential. I don’t know. I don’t know these people on a day to day life, so they could be married in a year, sho could even know, and we’re going to talk about that soon.

Lochan And Whitney
During Lochan and Whitney’s home visit, I noticed that Whitney wasn’t talking a lot, and I’m not sure what that was about, especially when they were sitting with Lochan’s friends. I don’t know if they’re just cutting out the parts where she’s talking, but she’s very like, “I’m just gonna be measured about what I say.”
At the reunion itself, she was a little bit shy, which we know she can be from time to time. Thank God she’s at least with Lochan, who’s OK with the giggles and whatever, unlike Mehdi. I cackled because I literally had to pause my video go to the kitchen, and get a creamsicle because she said, “Medhi? Who is that man? Don’t know him, and I don’t care”. I loved every second of it.
I don’t even know what Mehdi was talking about, ‘We’ll reconnect”. Even if that was before Lochan, he was chatting foolishness. They did it cordially to each other at the wrap party. So it’s not like there’s any bitterness between them or anything. She really does mean it when she says, “We’re cool, but I don’t really care.”
Also Read: How To Watch Love Island Season 10 Episodes? Streaming Guide