It’s time to cover Big Brother Season 24 Episode 8 recap. This week, the all-girls alliance intensifies after the vetoes from last week. The girls saw what happened to Pooch and were rallying the troops and getting ready to prepare for anything as a solidified front. On another point, we see how Ameerah will plot and connive, and we’ll see much more from Turner in the following days.
The Wednesday night episode begins immediately following the award presentation. Tuner recently nominated Michael and Brittany, and he informs us that Brittany would be the target if his nominations remain the same, but that Taylor might be a bigger problem. Nicole explicitly states that as her aim. She wants Taylor gone and wants whatever advantage or reward she would receive if she made it through the eviction and lost her Festie Bestie. Now, let’s take a look at this week’s episode.
Big Brother Season 24 Episode 8 Recap
Turner nominates a girl to be eliminated from Big Brother at the start of the episode because of what the girls did to Pooch. Only if she and Michael prevail in the Veto will Brittany feel secure. They are two people who have supported Turner since the start of the game, so Turner is sad to see them on the chopping block. She is appreciative that she is off the block, though. Ameerah goes to speak to Turner because she doesn’t want to see her and Terrance on the market. Ameerah mentions Taylor and advises him to backdoor her because she is a wild card and wants to get rid of a guy. Turner wonders if Ameerah is correct and if there won’t be as much blood on his hands.

Turner informs Nicole that he is considering putting her and Taylor up, but she is not the target because everyone in the house wants it. Nicole is excited about the idea and favors it because she believes that Julie will grant her some authority when Taylor leaves. When Taylor confides in Monte that she occasionally struggles to fit in due to her skin color, they develop a close relationship.
On Allies And Taking Sides
The men start talking about the women and how they see them as allies and want to start picking fights with them. And because those girls despise Taylor, Kyle believes that she only needs to find an alliance to join, perhaps theirs. Ameerah’s name is mentioned concerning how fierce of a rival she is. Kyle suggests that Turner erect Terrance and Ameerah as the dragon’s heads. Turner likes the concept because he thinks Ameerah thinks she is in charge of how the game is played.
Time to select the players with Veto. Turner puts his hand in the box to select Nicole and Taylor, the other pair of competing best friends. Nicole informs Turner that she will throw the competition but is unaware that she will aid Ameerah’s backdoor entry. Nicole enters the bedroom and begs everyone to let her use it before breaking down in tears. Daniel enters and offers consolation. The other HGs are concerned because they are unsure if Nicole’s mother is ill. She is currently sobbing because she feels pressured to forfeit the Veto competition. According to Daniel, Taylor is the only person in the house with whom they have no connection, so they should kick her out. They both agree that Nicole threatens their game and that they don’t think she’s a good person.
Turner is nominated to remove one of the girls from the group at the start of tonight’s episode in retaliation for what they did to Pooch. Only if she and Michael prevail in the Veto will Brittany feel secure. They are two people who have supported Turner since the start of the game, so Turner is sad to see them on the chopping block. She is appreciative that she is off the block, though. Ameerah goes to speak to Turner because she doesn’t want to see her and Terrance on the market. Ameerah mentions Taylor and advises him to backdoor her because she is a wild card and wants to get rid of a guy. Turner wonders if Ameerah is correct and if there won’t be as much blood on his hands.
Turner informs Nicole that he is considering putting her and Taylor up, but she is not the target because everyone in the house wants it. Nicole is excited about the idea and favors it because she believes that Julie will grant her some authority when Taylor leaves. When Taylor confides in Monte that she occasionally struggles to fit in due to her skin color, they begin to develop a close relationship.
Nicole enters the bedroom and begs everyone to let her use it before breaking down in tears. Daniel enters and offers consolation. The other HGs are concerned because they are unsure if Nicole’s mother is ill. She is currently sobbing because she feels pressured to forfeit the Veto competition. According to Daniel, Taylor is the only person in the house with whom they have no connection, so they should kick her out. They both agree that Nicole threatens their game and that they don’t think she’s a good person.

Big Brother Season 24 Episode 9 Release Date
Big Brother Season 24 Episode 9 will release on July 28, 2022, on CBS at 20:00 hrs, Eastern Time, United States. This episode corresponds to week 4 in the house. Join us next week for another Big Brother recap here at Otakukart.
Where To Watch Big Brother Season 24?
This show airs on CBS at 20:00 hrs, Eastern Time, United States. Alternatively, you can stream the show from Fubo TV, Paramount+, DirecTV Streaming, and Pluto TV. Lastly, you can buy the episodes from Apple iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, and Vudu Fandango.
Also Read: What Happened To Paloma On Big Brother 24?