The fan following of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has only seen a significant surge in the last ten years with the release of Iron Man installments and the introduction of the most cheered-upon Avenger, and one can never get enough of Marvel.
For many, seeing Marvel Comics being turned into a reality with the most unforgettable characters, plotlines, and, most importantly, futuristic graphics, VFX, and concepts.
The Marvel Universe has known to incorporate the most unimaginable machines, suits, and theories in their movie, which have a way of interlinking with each other in the most flawless way. Phase, One of the Universe was the first phase of the Infinity Saga.

Everyone loved Phase One of the Cinematic Universe with Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk released in 2008, Iron Man 2 in 2010, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger in 2011, and The Avengers in 2012.
This phase starred and marked the debut of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johannson, Mark Ruffalo, and Jeremy Renner, playing their superhero roles that will be highly loved in the next decade and more.
Captain America, About The First Avenger
There is no doubt that despite being the fifth movie released in Phase One, Captain America is chronologically ahead in terms of timelines as it is set in the year 1943 during World War II when a feeble and timid Steve Roger, played by Chris Evans who always wished to join the Amry but could not due to his physical conditions.
He was then enrolled in Strategic Scientific Reserve to be a part of an experiment called the “Super-Soldier Experiment” that was conducted by a scientist Erskine.

The results of the experiments worked out in favor of Rogers, making him physically super strong and equipped to fight any battle on his own. He sets out on a mission to find his friend Barnes knowing that he has been MIA ever since the war, and also then destroys the Hydra bases one by one.
We see an enormous journey ahead of him as he works on multiple missions and executes them simultaneously. He comes to be known as Captain America by his peers and gains popularity as well.

He is suited by the one and only Howard Stark, who is the father of Tony Stark. Stark and Roger shared a very deep friendship all through the time work together, and he also is the one who made and designed Captain America’s signature shield made out of Vibranium.
In the final battle to save the tesseract from their enemies, which is a blue-colored blue cuboid containing godly powers that they are yet to realize, they crash down in the Artic and are presumed to be dead. Later ahead in Phase Two is revealed that the tesseract is actually one of the five infinity stones-The Space Stone.

Stark tries to find the aircraft and the tesseract but can only find the latter in the ocean and comes to the conclusion that Rogers is dead. In the present time, that is seventy years later to the crash, the scientist discovers the frozen aircraft in the Artic containing the frozen body of Rogers untouched by any kind of decay.
Roger then wakes in a 1940s-style bedroom keeping in mind that the last time he was alive was in mid the mid of decade, and grows suspicious slowly as he hears the radio blaring about the match that he himself went to see in 1941, considering that year he had a crash was much later.
He, who is baffled and enraged, meets Nick Fury, portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson, and tells him that he has been asleep for seventy years.
Why Did Captain America Give Money To Fury?
The money that is involved in the discussions is not the rich, some amount of millions or billions; rather, the money that is being talked about is only ten dollars.
In The Avengers (2012), when Nick Fury comes to visit Rogers, who is still trying to adjust to modern life and wraps his head around the fact that he has been in a coma for seventy years and all his loved ones are no longer alive.
He is furiously trying to comprehend his last few memories as the Captain as he aggressively punches a gym punch bag, tearing it apart from the impact.

Fury enters and asks him if he should go out and look around in the world, knowing the world, to which Rogers replies that when he went under the ocean, they were at war, and now they tell him that they’ve won, but never mentioned what they have lost.
He persuades Captain to come and be part of the Avengers and work for S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to procure the tesseract from Loki, who is playing the villain in The Avengers. The Captain is reluctant, but Fury tries to explain to him that this is their chance to save the world and famously quotes, “The world has gotten stranger than you already know.”
Rogers replies confidently, “At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me,” and this is where he bets him ten dollars stating, “Ten Bucks says that you’re wrong”. Captain America loses the bet.
After when Rogers accompanies him and the other members to the mega Helecarrier, that was something that Steve has not expected, he finds himself surprised, and this only increases when the Carrier goes into stealth mode, making it invisible to the normal and naked eyes.
This is where Rogers quietly pulls out ten dollars from his pocket and hands it to Fury, confirming that he has won the bet.
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