House of the Dragon Season 2 Spoilers are in order and we are very much here for it. The show ended on a note with Rhaenyra finding out that her son has been killed. She obviously was retraining herself to a cold war situation and disagreed to land a blow first. Although, if the Greens would start the war, she will not hold back her forces as well. Now, the war has officially begun with Vhagar killing Lucerys while he was on Arrax and it was Daemon who gave her the news. By the look on her face, we just know that she is not going to stop and spill some more blood. Well, we have assembled some spoilers from Fire and Blood, the book by George Martin himself and if anyone is not comfortable with these, you can skip the article.
Well, season 2 will begin with Rhaenyra standing up for her son’s life and taking revenge of course. Here, the iconic “Blood and Cheese” will enter.
Blood is a former member of the gold cloak or the City Watch. As for Cheese, he works as a rat catcher in the Red Keep. They work for Rhaenyra and the Blacks. In order to avenge her son’s death, she sends them to keep to the chambers of Queen Haelena. Cheese obviously knows the dungeons and alleyways that lead inside the castle and it was not hard for them to reach her gates. Haelena has two sons and a daughter. She was about to put them to bed when the men arrived. They will tell her everything about the revenge and the fact that the Greens owe a debt, a son for a son.
Blood and Cheese – Their Story
Now, Blood and Cheese seemed so considerate as to let Haelena choose which son she wants dead out of the two. This obviously breaks her heart because she would obviously not want her child to be killed in the middle of the night. She will plead with them to let go of her children and instead, kill her. Although, the men refuse her offer and ask her to hurry up. In a frenzy of events, Haelena chooses her younger son, Maelor, thinking that he is so little he will not remember anything and has not even begun his life. She also thought that giving up the older son would be bad because he is the heir of Aegon.

Now, Cheese talks to the little boy whose mother has named him to die. In the meantime, without Haelena even noticing, Blood kills the older boy and the two men leave. The guards entered a little too late and found the head of the boy on the floor with Queen Haelena screaming for her son.
On the other hand, we see the Blacks are preparing to lay siege on the Iron Throne and the Red Keep and are thus, trying to build their army. Now that Daemon has claimed Vermithor, the second largest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms after Vhagar who is also seasoned in battle, he goes to Harrenhal. He starts circling the castle and out of fear, they strike their banners up and surrender to him and Rhaenyra.
Daemon Wins Harrenhal
This means that they now have access to the strongest castle in the Kingdom. On the other hand, Aegon is greeted by yet another grave news where he sees the loss of the Greens. In the last episode, we saw Jacaerys flying over to Winterfell to ask for their support. They have agreed and joined her cause. Even the Vale has declared for Rhaenyra given the fact that Jeyne Arryn is the real sister of Rhaenyra’s mother, Queen Aemma Arryn.
Aegon is a hot head and we know it too. He dismisses Otto Hightower as the Hand of the King. He will then appoint Ser Criston instead who will then advise him regarding the matters of war. He suggests that they should torch all the Black strongholds where Rhaenyra has her strongest allies. He marched the Green Army north towards Rook’s Rest. This castle is quite close to Dragon Stone. They start burning the town and the castle and the Lords living there ask Rhaenyra for help. Although, she does not reply for days as the army burns a lot of their lands.
A few days later, a dragon is sighted and Princess Rhaenys is riding Meleys. She starts killing the men in Cole’s army although walks right into a trap. There, we will see Vhagar and Sunfyre with their riders, Aemond and Aegon respectively. We know that Rhaenys is not a coward and thus, she did not flee the battle instead fought with all her might burning down Sunfyre. It is claimed in the book that people below could see a second sun because there was so much fire and light in the sky as the dragons fought dragons.
Will Rhaenys Die?
When the fight was over after a few hours and the dust settled, Vhagar and Aemond were undefeated with just a few scratches. As for Aegon, his bones were shattered and his body was burnt but he was not dead. People of Rook’s Rest claimed that his armor melted and got stuck to his skin because of all the heat. Sunfyre was also damaged as one of her wings was completely torn off. Aegon could now only survive with the milk of the poppy. Meleys died in the battle and Rhaenys has burnt apart and is just a pile of flesh now.
This war obviously scares Rhaenyra and she decides to ship her two sons off across the narrow sea for safety. Turns out that the way was just a trap. The youngest one was brutally injured and the elder returned on his dying dragon just a few days later. They were killed by an enemy fleet that was waiting for them to fly over the sea. Well, Jacaerys decided to take matters into his own hands and flew on his dragon Vermax in order to save his brother. Although, he took a blow as well as was killed by flying arrows toward him. In the end, Jacaerys Velaryon died and was sunk in the sea below.
Who are the Dragon Seeds?
Now, Rhaenyra will be seen as even more scared because in a matter of days she has lost sons and dragons. Well, there remain six unclaimed dragons on the land. She knew that there were Targaryen bastards all over the city in Dragon Stone and thus, announced that they will be allowed to have a dragon and claim the beast if they are able to train them. They were named the “dragon seeds” by her. Now, there were 6 dragons but only 4 of them accepted the dragon seeds, and the rest of them were killed. They were all now enlisted in order to help Rhaenyra and the Blacks.

In King’s Landing, Aemond has now taken the reign from his brother who is not in any condition, able to speak or walk or talk given the fact that he is only alive because of the milk of the poppy. He decides to take back the Stronghold which actually belongs to Lord Larys. Thus, he marches his army towards the castle with Ser Criston by his side. Well, when they actually entered the castle, there were no defenses against them. Upon finding out more, he understands that this was just a trap, and Daemon and his men have already left with the dragons to lay siege on King’s Landing now that the city is out of their defenses and the greatest threat, Vhagar.
Will Rhaenyra Ever Sit On The Iron Throne?
Now, Rhaenyra and Daemon rode their respective dragons and have come to the city for her throne. Given the fact that there was no point in fighting against them because their defeat was mandatory, the small council gave in and surrendered to Rhaenyra. Queen Mother Allicent and Queen Haelena, both broken, too knelt for their Queen. Although, when they tried to find Aegon, he was somehow gone and disappeared from the city even though he was injured and in no condition to walk.
With no enemies in front of her right now, Rhaenyra climbed the steps where once she was named the heir to the Iron Throne and sits where her father once sat. Now, Aemond finally comes to his senses. He was so drunk on power and the fact that he has the largest dragon, that he lost control over the Capital. Thus, he starts circling every town, village, and city which he thinks is disloyal to the greens and starts to rain fire on them.

Given the fact that Ser Criston has basically been abandoned, he lays a plan to get the city back himself with the Green Army. Well, this does not end well for him because on his way south, he is trapped. The Riverlords come out of nowhere and kill him making his army leaderless. Riverlands had already declared for Rhaenyra and now are supporting her claim by fighting with the Greens.
Why Did Dragon Seeds Betray Rhaenyra?
Later, we see that a new army has come forth who are planning to lay siege to the city. They will reach Tumbleton and start killing people. In order to take care of them, she sends two of her dragon seeds to protect her people from the men. Turns out that the Dragon seeds were never hers, to begin with, and they truly show their bastard nature when they burn the entire city and even the Black forces which were stationed there.
Later, they laid their seats in the city and enjoyed their time with the Green army in plundering all the wealth of the city and showing their dragon power. This made Rhaenyra furious and she mistrusted every one of her dragon seeds soon enough which was quite understandable on her side. One of them was a girl who was riding her dragon with Daemon in order to find Aemond in the Riverlands. The Queen then ordered her husband to send her the head of this bastard girl as she no longer trusts them.
Although, Daemon, who grew empathetic towards the girl as the two have been sleeping together, tries to send her away across the narrow sea on the first light the next day. Knowing that the war is not over until Aemond and Vhagar are gone and the threat still looms over her lady wife, the Queen, Aemond sends a raven to Aemond for a challenge at Harrenhal and flies over with his dragon to wait for him.

Who Will Win? Daemon or Aemond?
After two weeks, Aemond finally arrives on his dragon Vhagar. He mocks his uncle for even thinking about facing his wrath alone and the two dragons then rise up in the air. Although, Daemon had not tied the saddle to his dragon’s back which fixes a rider on the beast. Vhagar is obviously old and lacks speed. But for Caraxes, he swiftly rose up in the sky and above the black clouds. Soon, Vhagar followed slowly as his rider was trying to find the other Prince. Caraxes emerged from a cloud and held Vhagar tight on the neck, tight enough to break his muscles apart.
Vhagar is powerful and big as well and he rips Caraxes’ belly apart. As for Daemon, who never tied himself onto the saddle, jumped forward on Vhagar and used the advantage of Aemond’s blind side because of losing an eye. Daemon, in his hand, held high the shining Valyrian sword called The Dark Sister which once belonged to Visenya, Aegon I’s sister-wife and the original rider of Vhagar. He swept it across and killed Aemond by putting it through his other eye. Soon, the dragons and the riders hit the lake and it was bloody with dragon blood. Aemond died at 20 but Daemon Targaryen, the first of his name, died at 49 and Vhagar at 181.

Will Rhaenyra Survive?
As for King’s Landing, Queen Haelena kills herself. As the city was rioting against Rhaenyra in order to have just for Haelena, a man named Shepherd claimed that the Dragons were a problem with either Greens or the blacks. Thus, they said siege on the Dragon Pit as countless citizens died that day, along with the dragons inside. Joffrey Velaryon tried to save his birthright and flew toward the dragon pit on his mother’s dragon Syrax. Although, she did not want the little hoy riding her and got rid of him by throwing him down. Now, we hope that this plotline is shown in House of the Dragon season 2. If not, it could also stretch to the third season.
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