The first season of House of the Dragon had one of the highest ratings since Game of Thrones, and viewers can think back on the characters they got to know so intimately and lost so soon in addition to the show’s overall quality. Despite not spending enough time with each individual, season 1 had a number of significant deaths that moved both viewers and other characters.
Even deaths that viewers were aware were coming were handled in a way that left viewers heartbroken, which is a tribute to the writing and acting of the show up to this point. Numerous main character deaths were shocking and upsetting to people who weren’t familiar with the books throughout this time.
Every Major House Of the Dragon Death
The first season of House of the Dragon is over, and there were many character deaths during this time. House of the Dragon was anticipated to go in the same style as Game of Thrones, a series with a number of deaths that surpasses any other show. The first season of House of the Dragon did not let fans down in that regard, as it featured a number of deaths over the span of its 10 episodes that were essential to the destruction of House Targaryen, which the series is portraying.
The Dance of Dragons, which would undoubtedly bring the main characters of the show much more death and destruction, was set up in House of the Dragon season 1. But with Lucerys Velaryon’s murder, the finale of House of the Dragon episode 10 brought an entire season of death to a close. The first season of House of the Dragon included a significant number of character deaths on television, starting with the passing of Baelon Targaryen and Queen Aemma in episode 1 and Laena Velaryon, Joffrey Lonmouth, and many others in the subsequent episodes.
Here are all the Every Major Death In House Of the Dragon Season 1 Ranked:
13. Lord Allun Caswell And Lord Lyman Beesbury
The ninth episode of season one of House of the Dragon centered on the Hightowers’ coronation of Aegon and opened with Otto requesting court fealty from every Lord. Lord Lyman Beesbury, who served as the Small Council’s master of coins, was the first to object to this and reject Aegon’s claim to be king.

Criston Cole killed Beesbury by smashing his head into the Small Council table when he passionately opposed Otto’s plans to crown Aegon king during the meeting. Soon after, Lord Allun Caswell—who had always remained devoted to Rhaenyra—tried to escape the Red Keep to warn the Princess, but Larys Strong caught him and hanged him.
12. Rhea Royce
The next significant death in House of the Dragon was similarly caused by Daemon Targaryen. Rhea Royce, the Lady of Runestone as well as head of House Royce, made her appearance in the opening scene of House of the Dragon episode 5. She was Daemon Targaryen’s wife, however the couple was estranged as a result of Daemon’s unhappiness with the Vale and their mutual hate for one another.

Rhea ran across Daemon while out hunting in the Vale, as seen in the opening scene of House of the Dragon episode 5. Daemon made Rhea’s horse fall, knocking her off balance and fracturing her spine. After that, although it is not explicitly shown in House of the Dragon, Daemon used a rock to smash Rhea’s head, murdering her so he could inherit the Runestone.
11. Leanor Velaryon’s Fake Death
Aside from Rhaenyra and Daemon, no one in Westeros believed Laenor was still alive when House of the Dragon episode 7 revealed he had fled to Essos with his lover, Qarl. Daemon and Rhaenyra wedded to express their love for one another and to stand together against the greens.
The couple staged Leanor’s death, enabling them to get married and Laenor to spend her life peacefully across the sea, but this was necessary for it to be accepted by the rest of the kingdom. As a result, Laenor was mistakenly thought to have been killed by the Targaryens, Velaryons, and Hightowers, when in fact a Velaryon squire was slaughtered in his place.

In contrast to the Fire & Blood book, Laenor Velaryon did not literally die in House of the Dragon, but his death was nonetheless significant and had an impact on individuals who were unaware of it.
Fans were happy to learn that Laenor was still alive and had gained his freedom, but for his parents, Corlys and Rhaenys, who had just recently lost their daughter, it is still a sensitive matter. It is devastating to lose both children in a couple of days and see their sorrow hurt people’s hearts, especially when they saw Laenor’s alleged burned body.
10. Lyonel Strong
Ser Lyonel Strong, among all his advisers, spoke to the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms with the true interests of both Viserys and the kingdom in mind.

He seemed to be a good man, unlike others, thus it was unfortunate that he died. His death in Harrenhal due to a fire was undoubtedly overshadowed by the other fatalities in the event. However, Strong’s departure was bittersweet for fans, especially those who supported Rhaenyra and opposed Otto Hightower coming back to power.
9. Craghas Drahar (The Crabfeeder)
Episode 3 saw the conclusion of the initial battles in the Stepstones and the first significant villainous death in House of the Dragon. Three years after the conclusion of its predecessor, House of the Dragon episode 3 picks up with Daemon Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon still engaged in the battle against the Triarchy led by Craghas Drahar. The villain was known as Crabfeeder because of his habit to feed prisoners of war to the Stepstones’ crabs.

The third episode of House of the Dragon concluded with Viserys trying to send help to his brother’s war, but Daemon turned him down out of spite. Then, Daemon devised a scheme and offered himself as bait. He pursued the Crabfeeder into a cave during the subsequent battle and murdered him there, pulling out the upper half of Drahar’s body as a sign of the Velaryon victory.
8. Baelon Targaryen
Viserys’ first male heir, born during the procedure that killed Aemma, was successfully delivered outside of her womb. The infant, who Viserys named Baelon, tragically passed away shortly after his mother. The two were then burned alive by Rhaenyra’s dragon Syrax as they were burnt together. Viserys was forced to choose Rhaenyra as his heir when Baelon died soon after birth, leaving the princess as the sole living member of the family. This decision began the first House of the Dragon’s storylines.
7. Aemma Arryn
House of the Dragon’s debut episode featured the show’s first death. When Viserys Targaryen was crowned king of seven kingdoms in the first episode of season one of House of the Dragon, the story picked up 9 years later with the Queen and his wife Aemma Arryn expecting what Viserys hoped would be the long-awaited male heir. Aemma experienced labor during the first episode, giving birth to a child who was breech. After that, Viserys was given two options: risk both of their lives by continuing the normal birth, or try to save the infant by cutting Aemma’s link to it. Viserys regrettably went with option 2, and Aemma died as a result.

She immediately struck me as a wonderful woman who would make a wonderful wife and mother to her family. Fans immediately bonded with her because of her grace. Given that she begged for her life and suffered the entire process in pain, her terrible death from the fatal treatment was heartbreaking. Even more tears and anguish were shed at her funeral scene with her kid on the pyre by both the characters and the viewers, who understood she had not deserved this.
Also Read: House Of The Dragon Season 2 Expectations: Dragons Will Be Everywhere
6. Ser Harwin Strong
Harwin “Breakbones” quickly won the hearts of his fans. Strong, not only because of his somber good looks and remarkable power but for his character and his devotion to Rhaenyra. As a result, many people were upset when he passed away since they thought he deserved to have more time on screen in House of the Dragon.

It was heartbreaking to watch him burn to death as he desperately and bravely tried to save his father as Harrenhal melted to the ground all around him. The saddest part of it all, maybe, was that he was never able to witness his kids’ growth or provide for them and Rhaenyra the way he would have done to the very end.
5. Vaemond Velaryon
Another horrifying death occurred in the same room as Joffrey Lonmouth’s Death in House of the Dragon episode 8. Vaemond Velaryon, Corlys Velaryon’s brother, was running against Lucerys Velaryon for the seat of Driftmark, fully stating that the latter was a bastard son of Harwin Strong.

King Viserys, together with his daughter Rhaenyra, strongly denied the allegations despite this, allowing Lucerys to continue as the heir to Driftmark and the Lord of the Tides. Vaemond was angry and called Rhaenyra’s three kids bastards in front of the court, which prompted Daemon to decapitate him.
4. Laena Velaryon
In House of the Dragon, House Velaryon experiences a lot of hardships, including wars, deaths, and public ridicule of family members, whether they are legitimate or not. The loss of Laena was one of the worst things that could have happened to them.

Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon’s wedding was also hinted at in House of the Dragon episode 5, and a 10-year time jump in episode 6 shows the couple married and with children. Laena was carrying their third child when Episode 6 of House of the Dragon began. Sadly, Laena’s labor was painfully prolonged, and Daemon was forced to make the same decision that troubled Viserys in episode 1. Laena, on the other hand, desired to die a dragonriders death and walked outside to Vhagar, who, upon her request, burned both her and her unborn child alive.
She wanted to die like a dragon rider, thus the heartbreaking sight of her sobbing and pleading with Vhagar to burn and put an end to her suffering was heartbreaking. Her death had a significant impact not just on her children and her parents but also on the Rogue Prince. Laena’s fans didn’t spend a lot of time with her, but they valued her compassion, and it is regrettable that her time as a character came to an end so early.
3. Joffrey Lonmouth
Joffrey Lonmouth’s murder at the hands of Ser Criston Cole was among the more horrifying episode endings to House of the Dragon. Laenor Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen were married in House of the Dragon episode 5. Criston Cole, Rhaenyra’s ex-boyfriend, and Joffrey Lonmouth, Leanor’s secretive lover, were both in attendance at the wedding.

Joffrey learned that Criston Cole and Rhaenyra were having a sexual relationship and made an effort to make things friendly by telling Criston Cole that Rhaenyra and Laenor should maintain their secrets. Criston, however, mistakenly interpreted this as a threat, and in the midst of the wedding ceremony, he cruelly killed Joffrey.
2. King Viserys
King Viserys tragically passed away in House of the Dragon episode 8 after the show had shown his illness throughout season 1 of the show. In a final act of bravery, Viserys backed Rhaenyra and Lucerys’s claim to Driftmark and shared one last meal with his loved ones. Viserys made an effort to mend his family’s shattered history at the supper, and for his daughter, Rhaenyra, and wife, Alicent, it briefly succeeded. But as Viserys’s strength faded, he was placed in bed. That evening, the king passed away, enabling Alicent and Otto to remove Rhaenyra and appoint Aegon as his heir.

Fans knew Viserys would die throughout the entire season, yet they were nonetheless saddened when it actually occurred. This is a credit to Paddy Considine’s superb performance, which is a guarantee for nominations during award season. He made every effort to maintain moral principles so that he would be known for furthering the Targaryen dynasty and carrying on the peace tradition.
He made some mistakes that triggered the Dance of the Dragons and passed away tragically. All he wanted was for his family to be together and for the realm to be at peace. He will go down in history as being about as morally upright as a King could be while yet being viewed as an incompetent leader in the House of the Dragon. The King’s final words of “my love” to Aemma as he succumbs to his failing health are the saddest part of his death.
1. Lucerys Velaryon
Rhaenyra’s second son, Lucerys Velaryon, died at the end of Season 1 of House of the Dragon. Lucerys Velaryon traveled to Storm’s End in the season 1 finale to convince Borros Baratheon to back Rhaenyra’s claim. Aemond Targaryen, Aegon’s younger brother, was already present at Storm’s End without the queen or the prince’s knowledge.

When receiving a rejection from Lord Borros, Lucerys quickly left for Dragonstone when Aemond demanded the boy’s eye as payback for their earlier fight. Lucerys and his dragon Arrax were being chased by Aemond and his dragon Vhagar. Arrax blew fire at Vhagar in self-defense, which infuriated the battle-hardened dragon. In spite of Aemond’s commands, Vhagar pursued Arrax and killed the dragon along with Lucerys Velaryon.
While each of the deaths depicted in Season 1 of House of the Dragon was important to the plot as a whole, Prince Lucerys Velaryon’s death will be the event that truly ignites the Dance of Dragons’ civil war. The final scene of season one showed Rhaenyra in a particularly vengeful light, showing that she will ultimately wage war against the greens for stealing both her crown and killing her son, even though this was achieved through numerous regrettable mistakes.
The fact that this death was merely the most recent in a string of tragic events from HBO’s most recent journey into Westeros shows that House of the Dragon has just as much suspense and death as Game of Thrones did, carrying on the tragic legacy of A Song of Ice and Fire.
Also Read: House Of The Dragon Season 1 Ending Explained: Did Aemond Mean To Kill Lucerys?