All Americans Season 5 Episode 15, “United in Grief, ” was great. This was a phenomenal episode. I’ve been loving these past couple of episodes of All American Season 5. I don’t know if I would say this is my favorite episode, but I would definitely say this was a damn good one.
We’ve been having some really good episodes, of course, after the storyline that we’re in with Billy passing and everybody kind of recovering. And we have gone through every episode so far from each person’s perspective of how they are healing. It’s their kind of healing process. And what they’re going through in the midst of a kind of trying to heal after Billy’s passing and kind of trying to move on and come to terms with it. And I have really been loving it.
First things first we had Olivia’s Episode. Then we had Jordan’s episode, which was Episode 14. Then we had Spencer’s episode in Episode 15. And I really do love how Spencer is really struggling. And I mean he is kind of going day by day and kind of not really having anybody right now in his life with him. And his kind of, you know, preferring it that way, and kind of we just really get to be in his headspace.
All American Season 5 Episode 15 Review
We start off All American Season 5 Episode 15 where Spencer, of course, is at his old place and you know he is having breakfast with Grace, D’Angelo, and Dillon. It was really cool to see Dillon back. I’m really loving how we’re seeing him a lot more. It’s like because for a while we weren’t seeing Dillon at all and I’m really happy with the moments that we, where we do get to see Dillon.
It made sense why we haven’t been seeing him because Dillon has been living with Grace and D’Angelo out wherever D’Angelo made them move too. So it’s like it made sense that we haven’t seen Dillon. But the moment we see him I’ve been liking it.

But I was really worried about seeing Dillon in this episode because we saw in the promo for All American Season 5 Episode 15 that Spencer pretty much steps up to Dillon, looks like he’s about to fight him. Because we didn’t know what made Spencer so angry that it made him say things and go about fighting Dillon?
It turns out that Dillon accidentally spills orange juice on Spencer’s phone. And it kind of gets to the point where Spencer’s literally overreacting, but in a way he kind of, it’s because of the message that was on the phone. And I put it right away, like, Oh my God, if that phone breaks, he won’t have Coach Baker’s last message.
I understand why it’s kind of like upset about that. But of course, like Dillon said, “oh, don’t worry, man. Don’t act all overdramatic or whatever. You know, your message from Coach Baker will still be there or whatever.” And Spencer was like, “what did you say?”
Grace Tells Spencer To See Doctor Spears
I pretty much love it when Spencer did step up on Dillon and Dillon stood back up like, “oh, this isn’t what’s about to go down”. He wasn’t afraid. But it’s the fact of like Grace was really upset. I feel like the last kind of straw was when Spencer told D’Angelo, like, “stay out of this is his family business”. When D’Angelo was a part of that family and you can’t speak them like that. That’s your stepdad right there. You can’t speak to him like that, bro.
I’m glad we’re like Grace was like, “I was gonna let you have some time to before you went to counseling to go see Doctor Spears. But you’re gonna go see him right now because I’m not gonna have you step up on your younger brother, honestly about to go fight him. And you do not try to face your fears head-on. I’m not gonna let you run from that anymore. You need to literally go to a therapist and talk about how you’re feeling about Coach Baker’s passing. You gotta go do that”.

And I’m really happy because, he doesn’t want to do that and, of course, he walks out. She’s like, “if you’re gonna live in my house, you’re gonna go see Doctor Spears. And He’s like, “maybe I’ll need to live under your house any more”. And I was like, damn man. It’s sad because he’s just not the Spencer that we all know and love. And I’m so glad because there’s a moment in this episode where he literally punches a wall.
Spencer Sees Doctor Spears
I’m really happy in All American Season 5 Episode 15 that we understand now why Spencer’s been acting the way Spencer’s been acting about pushing people away. It’s mainly because he feels guilty. And I love the moment when Doctor Spears takes him, doesn’t wanna stay in the beach house with him while Spencer’s looking at the wall. Spence was kind of scared at the moment like,” what did I do? I scared my little brother and what’s happening?”
Spears went to get Spencer out of that environment and have Spencer connect again. Connect and be grounded again. Connect to himself again. Because Spencer told Doctor Spears he doesn’t feel connected anymore. He feels attached and he sees himself doing what he’s doing and he is almost like he doesn’t know who that is.
But then he realizes the decision that person is making is him. So it’s like he feels detached. And I love how he took Spencer back to the park out in Crenshaw, kind of getting him to connect to his roots again.

It’s really the problem that he feels like everybody leaves him. Because of the way he was talking about how his father left
Spencer’s like “But my father left”. It’s almost like Spencer doesn’t know the difference between “He passed and people leaving”. It’s like it’s really sad because we get down to the roots. We go to like the swing set and he’s like “oh like Sean passed”.
Spencer Touch Backs On Coach Baker
It all goes back to like Coach Baker. Spears asks Spencer “how you felt about Coach Baker? And he was like “Coach Baker left me” when he passed too like his father. And Spencer feels like people keep leaving him. When it’s even though people are gone and their physical presence is gone, it does not mean that their spirit isn’t still around. And I’m really glad that Doctor Spears was like, “it’s like it’s not your fault” when Spencer ends up breaking down about it.
Spencer felt like he could have saved Coach Baker if he would have just picked up the phone. He’s like, “I had it right there. I’m the one that hung up on the couch. I could have prevented him from getting on the bus if I would have answered him. I could have said goodbye”. And I do love when Spear said “You couldn’t have done anything and no one else could do anything to prevent that from happening”.
I do love that Spears says that “people didn’t leave Spencer. They passed on but they gave you gifts. Sean gave you the gift of looking out for your future, to give you a future. Your father brought people into your life, whether it be Darnell or Coach Kenny. I mean they, it’s gifts that they gave you”. I really do love the way Spears said that.

I thought that was really good and I was like no one else could have got Spencer through this other than doctor Doctor Spears. I remember Doctor Spears when Spencer was going through his injury. Like that’s what we had to go to kind of get through his mental block with his injury.
So I really did like how he came back around and he was the right person needed to get Spencer through this. And I’m glad that Spencer wants to go and kind of do therapy with Doctor Spears every week or every once a week. I can’t quite remember, but I was really happy.
Jordan And Coach Kenny Clashes
But going on to some other things and to some other characters in this episode where like everything’s going on with Spencer, to the lead up of him getting the help from Doctor Spears. We have Jordan working with coach Kenny, kind of, you know, coach Kenny being the coach while Jordan is trying to connect to the team. He’s no longer transferring to like UCLA and he is at GPU.
So he’s trying to connect as the captain of the football team, he is trying to connect with everybody and kind of like trying to make this team work. And it really annoys me when there’s this teammate that Jordan kept throwing to and I instantly thought that this must be Spencer’s replacement. Because he was doing wide receiver stuff, and he was defending and doing a whole bunch of shit like that.
I was like, this is probably a kind of replacement for Spencer. I was like, this dude is so bad and has butterfingers that he can’t catch worth a shit. And he is celebrating doing the gritty and Jordan gets on him about the same like “bro why are you celebrating? You’re not doing anything. You can’t catch shit. You didn’t see the field at all last year even though I made it into the game”.

That one Evan kid didn’t see the field at all. So it’s like that one kid started fighting Jordan and I was like, “what the hell?’ And then coach Kenny gets on Jordan for getting on his teammate for doing badly. Jordan has the right to try to get him to do what he needs to do so they can win games.
Jordan Is Doing Coach Kenny’s Job
So I thought it was dumb when coach Kenny was like yelling at him that way. But he was like saying to him, like, “oh, that this isn’t the way you should be coaching. You’re not coaching the way that you should be coaching. You’re coaching some other person’s way and you need to coach your way.
I understand that he’s kind of coaching how Billy would coach on getting on people hard about things. When in reality “you need to not try to be the coach of your fellow teammates. You need to be a leader to your fellow teammates and not try to be a coach. When I’m the coach”. And I was like coach Kenny wasn’t really doing any coaching, he was just letting that one Evan Kid goof off and do the gritty.
I was like “in reality, Jordan is doing your job” and Jordan called Coach Kenny out for it, saying like “I wouldn’t have to do coaching if you would do your job. Like I’m the captain of the team. I’m trying to get everybody ready and you’re not calling him out for doing all that. You’re not coaching. And I’m kind of doing both. I am being the captain and being the coach”. And yeah, Jordan was doing that while Coach Kenny just sitting back.

So I did like how he kind of like did this whole gritty competition. So I was like it makes sense to make sure everybody gets motivated. It is kind of like a way of getting them to practice their catching on the benefit of making it fun to please the one dude doing the gritty at the beginning of the episode.
So I thought it was kind of dumb. I was like they’re only doing this to benefit the one dude that couldn’t catch worth shit. So I was like I guess this is a good way to bond the teammates and stuff like that.
Over All Review On All Americans Season 5 Episode 15
All Americans Season 5 Episode 15 was such a great episode. Seriously what an Episode that was. Spencer is the MVP. It was a great Episode with great acting that Spencer’s actor Daniel Ezra. Daniel really did his thing in this episode, man. From the lashing out to the punching walls, there was just a lot going on in this episode. So what an episode this was, man. And the rest of this season is gonna be a rollercoaster, man. So let me know what you guys think about All Americans Season 5 Episode 15. For me, episode 15 was ridiculous.
Overall Rating: ⭐️ 3.2/5
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