After Marjan threatened Nahid’s life, Faraz knew who Marjan truly was, and Tehran didn’t let him down during their first encounter. Even when the tennis match was canceled, Tamar remained close to Peyman. Ali’s death was ruled a suicide in last week’s episode. Tamar and Faraz remember all the people they’ve lost in this conflict. Milad tries to assassinate The General by wiring “Betty.” The scheme fails, and Peyman is killed in the effort to assassinate The General. There were several deaths, surprises, and twists in Episode 8, which served as the season finale.
In the season finale, Tamar is informed that The General is approaching and that she must depart. The guards, on the other hand, appear to be keeping a watch on her. Peyman’s mother confronts The General before falling in grief when she learns of his death. Tamar is fortunate in that everyone is ordered to return home, and she is free to escape. However, nothing adds together for Faraz’s superior. He thinks it’s strange that Peyman, a gifted driver, could kill himself or that Ali was suicidal.
Tehran Season 2 Episode 8 Recap
Milad calls Tamar and informs her of the awful news in Episode 8 of Tehran Season 2. Mohammadi is on her way, and she must go immediately. The problem is that the area is well guarded. Tamar makes her best “I’m really suspicious” look as she ducks out of the way of the security guards and observes as The General’s wife weeps as she learns of Peyman’s death. As Tamar returns to visit Milad & Marjan, the story spreads like wildfire; she is furious. After that, Faraz shows up at this apartment, yelling at Marjan and saying to her that she had to finish the job.

It’ll only be a matter of time until they find out that everything was a setup and Peyman’s death was not accidental after their failed attempt on Mohammadi’s life. Faraz advises that they take advantage of Peyman’s burial to gain the upper hand. When Mohammadi is alone with Peyman’s body, they can utilize an underground tunnel to reach him and extract the man. Brilliant. Mossad, on the other hand, disagrees and orders them to leave. After her secret call, Marjan violates her superiors and informs the group that they have been given the go-ahead.
Tamar’s Plan To Kill The General
Faraz begs Nahid to accompany him to Peyman’s burial now that the plan is in place. Tamar is briefed by Marjan, who gives her a weapon with which to kill Mohammadi. This is an aerosol that is inhaled and enters the bloodstream via the respiratory system. Tamar arrives at the funeral with this in her pocket, but her surname isn’t on the list. Thankfully, Faraz was on the security team, and he let her in after checking her suitcase. Yulia sees Tamar arrive at the villa and quickly calls Marjan to demand an explanation. Because she can’t get through, she sends Amir outside to scare Marjan and Milad, who are waiting.

Yulia gives Marjan the phone and tells her she only has fifteen minutes to get Tamar out. If she doesn’t, she’ll destroy her husband’s name and turn him into Iran’s biggest traitor. Meanwhile, the disaster engineers have discovered something that resembles a Mossad layout (which we know is the bug placed on Betty). Faraz is summoned to the outer checkpoint to examine where Marjan is waiting to enter. Faraz hesitantly allows her in, and she quickly goes over to check on Nahid, who is inside but struggling. She is, of course, present to ensure Tamar completes her mission. Tamar will be killed if he does not follow.
Tehran Season 2 Episode 8 Ending: Marjan Dies Choking
Vahid, on the other hand, is kicked out of the building after almost ruining Tamar’s cover. Marjan pulls Tamar aside and tells her she needs to leave, explaining that Yulia hasn’t given her permission for this operation. Tamar is taken aback and chooses to pursue “Plan B.” Nahid double-crossed Marjan and sprayed the aerosol in her face, which led to this. Mohammadi discovers the device planted in Peyman’s car as Marjan goes away. Tamar answers Peyman’s phone and clicks a button that totally blows up the phone and the entire room.

Faraz and Nahid are reunited, and Faraz notices Marjan on the floor, choking and struggling for air. They locked the door behind her and left her to die. Milad & Tamar leave in their car. The two arrive at a parking area where a silver vehicle is waiting for them. But there’s one more twist in store. Tamar exits the vehicle, ready to retrieve her belongings from the trunk, but as Milad enters the silver vehicle, the entire thing explodes. Milad is no longer with us. Tamar, on the other hand, is forced to run.
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