If the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem Ending left you all confused, this is the article for you. I think the mutants are brilliant too, and they really add to the film with their little quips and jokes. I’ve always been used to Bebop and Rocksteady being bad guys, but I think they work really well-swapping sides and joining up with the turtles.
They might change them out in the future, though, and potentially the pair could end up siding with Shredder in a feature film, so they’re more in line with their original takes.
I also really like the central story around the teens too, and watching them longingly want to have a normal life adds so much to the movie. Just seeing them hanging out, you know, it builds on their characters, and I like that we got lots of scenes where they were just chatting rubbish and doing dumb stuff.
Really makes this movie more than what could have been just another turtles film, and with there being so many depictions, they do need to add their own style and flair to it, which I definitely think they bring.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem Ending Explained
It was even more surprising what they do at the end of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem with all these villains. Because I was not expecting 90% of them to turn good by the end of the movie. So while like Ice Cube Superfly, who was definitely menacing, a big threat.
It was fun watching him fight off against the turtles. He sticks to his plan all the way through until he becomes, you know, a gigantic Kaiju. And the turtles are put into this position where they have to take him down, even making a reference to Attack on Titan. Really cool now that Donatello is an anime boy.
Yeah, all those action scenes are fun. We also get the Mr. Beast cameo in there. I was even happy to see them use Vanilla Ice’s Go Ninja Go song at the beginning. I thought they even worked in them well then how humans would start to help out the turtles. It kind of reminded me of a scene from Spiderman.
But I wasn’t expecting all the villains to then kind of be on the side of the Turtles. The cockroach mutant had a romantic relationship with Splinter that was kind of funny and random. And they’re all just gonna be living down in the sewer with the turtles. I was like What?
That’s one of those things that I’m kind of mixed on what they did with the villains in here. Because Bebop and Rocksteady, I wanna see them fight the Turtles. I wanna see them be henchmen and idiots trying to fight them.
Now, a lot of these villains are the friends of the Turtles, and they’re hanging down there in the sewer with them. It’s not that I hate the idea, I’m just waiting to see where you go with that. What does that mean for the next movie? Because let’s talk about then how the turtle story ends here. That was also a big surprise to me.
Turtles Moving Into The Outside World
So a big part of it again, is Splinter, not wanting to let the turtles go above ground, is scared that, you know, humankind is gonna reject them. And I thought it was even so funny and heartbreaking with Splinter, tries to create their own human world in the sewer with cutouts of three different Chris, Chris Evans, Hemsworth, and Chris Pine. That was just funny that they threw that in there.

Oh, and I definitely got to mention how Splinter’s action scene felt very much inspired by traditional Jackie Chan action scenes where yes, he’s fighting people, but he’s also using his environment as weapons. I’m so glad Splinter got a little bit to do in here because a lot of times in the movies he’s pushed off into the background. The arcs they gave him as the worried parental figure and then just embracing the turtles went out Great.
But then that is how the story for the Turtles end is that they end up going to high school. The world knows they exist, they’re gonna accept them into society. And now we’re finally gonna get turtle stories where the turtles are in traditional high school settings.
That has always been the part where you kind of separate from the Ninja Turtles. The whole thing is that they’re “Teenage” Mutant Ninja Turtles. That’s what Seth Rogen really wanted to focus on with these movies. And I feel like you always can only go so far with that teenage aspect if they’re just living in the sewer if they’re just learning everything about teenagers through their phones or through the media.
Let’s put them in teenage situations, have them go to high school, have them take classes, and find out what it’s like to get bullied. Maybe separate from your brothers a little bit, do homework, or maybe have worries about growing up in a career. I know it sounds wild for the Ninja Turtles, but I’m open to those story potentials that are so different and we haven’t really seen that done before.
So while yes, it might seem a little weird, especially looking at the costumes and clothing that they wear, I think it lends the opportunity for some fun story potentials.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem Review
I love the claymation animated style of the movie, and though it’s definitely inspired by Spider-Verse, I don’t feel like they’re ripping it off. I don’t think the movie quite lived up to the heights of that. And honestly, if you’re an adult, I don’t know if you can find this quite as enjoyable as those movies are.
This is clearly aimed at kids, but yeah, it’s an animated film, so you can’t really blame it for that. And honestly, I think kids should have animated movies for them too. I think adults are still gonna have a good time.
But being almost 21 years old, I was kind of like, yeah, this is fine. I think kids will enjoy it a lot though. And yeah, if I’m sounding like I hated it then that’s not the case at all. And I want to make sure that and I’ll let you know that I did have fun with it.
One thing that really sells this movie is of course its voice cast and I couldn’t believe how stacked it is. So many big names in it, and they all bring their A-game to it with them providing nuanced performances that really sell the movie.
I was saying that unfortunately, I didn’t feel like April really worked for me, but I’m not sure if that’s because I’m too attached to the older versions of the character. She’s clearly been brought in as an awkward teen rather than what I always viewed her as, which was a woman in her 20s covering this story for the news network.
They’re obviously leaning toward the teenage part of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles thing. And keeping her more around that age than she originally was. Your mileage may vary on that, but yeah, this is clearly the direction they want to go with that. And to be fair, in the context of the movie, you know it does work.

I think just when you have an attachment to all the versions of characters, you know, that becomes what you think the character should be. And it’s difficult for new versions to break that. So yeah, if you disagree, let me know.
Excited For The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem Sequel
Now, though, I haven’t talked about Jackie Chan‘s Splinter much, but I think he does an incredible job and he really delivers the kind of disapproving dad who just wants the best for his kids. He also has a great moment where he gets to shine at the midpoint of the movie.
Yeah, it’s one of my favorite depictions of Splinter that we ever had. Glad they got such a big martial arts actor to do it as well and it adds some extra authenticity to what’s already a stacked movie.
So yeah, I think they’ve accomplished everything they set out to do and they gave us an enjoyable movie that’s got some really good animation and characters within it. They’ve also got some great Easter eggs in it too, and hearing Vanilla Ice’s “Go Ninja, go ninja, go” on the radio at one point, you know, it made me crack a smile.
There are also lots of interesting ways that they can take a sequel. And I think in the end, we’ve got a solid start to the franchise. Paramount is clearly confident too to be investing so much into its future and I am excited to see where things go from here. So yeah, let me know your thoughts on the film and also what you want to see in the future of the franchise.
Also Read: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie Review: How Good is it?