All this time the women have been shouting, you know, “women empowerment. We can’t stand these men. Throw them in the trash. They don’t deserve our forgiveness”. But Tanya has been sitting in the room doing the same thing that the men have been doing and receiving no retribution whatsoever until today.
In Love Island Season 9 Episode 35, Tanya says “I can’t forget the red flags that Shaq had”. To this Lana says, “I know, but right now you’re in the wrong”. I’m just like, OK, finally somebody is calling Tanya out on her behavior. Because if y’all are gonna have all this vim for the men, you better have the same VIN for Tanya who was moving the same way. And Tanya was really showing how out of touch she is with her behavior in this episode because she truly believes Shaq is the only one with red flags.
And even with the whole red flags, the red flags are subjective. Because when I look at Shaq as a person, like in whole, as we’ve gotten to know him, I think the behavior he’s been exemplifying to me is more of amber flags than red flags, depending on who you are and Tanya also has red flags. Well, shake takes Jesse to the terrace.
What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 35?
Will takes Jessie to the terrace. And Will, I’m so sorry, when a woman is crying and is heartbroken over you, this is not the time to say “I’m falling in love with you”. So Wills says to Jessie, “I am really, really sorry. And that this honestly crushed me.” Then Jessie goes on to say “Layla felt like you were into her. You played her and you played with me too”. To this Will says “You’re not gonna wanna hear this, I don’t want this to feel like an excuse, but I am falling in love with you”.

I do appreciate that Will took complete responsibility, and he’s been doing that from the get-go. But I’m pretty sure that was just to avoid Layla giving him the smoke because she was giving it to everybody. But yeah, I’m just like, this is not the time to be like “I was gonna tell you I love you”. Jesse did it too, so it’s fine, I guess it’s equal since they both did it.
Jessie was saying that she was upset for Layla because Layla got played. But we know that Layla did not get played. Layla came to play the game and won. She couldn’t have had a better run, because even if she didn’t come back to the main villa, her mission was accomplished. Ain’t nobody got played, but you Jessie.
Claudia is grilling Casey about Cynthia and I was just like “Stop pretending like you’re mad. You’re not mad”. While speaking to Casey Claudia says that Cynthia told her that Casey told her that there was a lot in common between them and that they were similar. And Claudia is angry because Casey said the same thing to her as well. Then she was also mad that Casey said “I’m sorry” to Cynthia when he didn’t pick her. But when Casey explains her a bit and asks “Can I have a kiss?” Claudia forgives him and give him a kiss.
Claudia’s biggest frustration with Casey is that he had empathy for Cynthia being emotional at the recoupling. That’s what you’re choosing to be upset about? That’s what you’re gonna be pissed off about? Claudia is such a bad vibe, I don’t like her. I don’t like her. And unfortunately, the longer Casey stays with her, the more I’m disgusted by him, too. We need them gone. I’m trying to decipher who I dislike more. Is it Claudia or Olivia? Just sent her home.
Samie Cries Because Of Tom And Ron Is An Instigator
Lana tells Ron that he was exposed as the instigator in Casa Amor. There’s an instigator or not, these are grown people, somewhat. Every decision that they chose to make was theirs alone. Nobody can push you, or force you to move mad in Casa. And then you look at them and say “I only did it because… they did it too”.

You know, every mother has said to their child, if John jumped off a bridge or John told you to jump off a bridge, you gonna jump? No, you make your decisions yourself. Now, was Ron being an instigator? Yes. You don’t get me wrong, we have seen worse, but he definitely was instigating.
Samie has had her walls up pretty much the entire time she’s been in the villa, but slowly they’ve been coming down, until Casa where she built that thing back up. While speaking to Tom Samie says, “We cuddled and kissed last night. I feel like a prick. You downplayed it massively. That to the point where I actually felt, OK.” To this Tom says, “Maybe the downplaying, maybe for me wasn’t that deep.” Then Samie leaves Tom and walks off crying. Then all the girls follow her one after the other to console her.
Am I the only one who is annoyed that Lana was the one to first chase Samie when she was upset? And let me explain to you why. When Zara was in the villa, Lana would kind of like be two-faced when it came to Zara. On Zara’s face, Lana was like, “Oh my gosh, sis, I’m so sorry for you” Behind Zara’s back she was like “Zara is doing too much. Tommy even like her like that”.
And I feel like I’m seeing the same thing here again. Because let’s be honest, Samie did hear that Ron was an instigator, but she wasn’t even like irate about it, and she wasn’t mad about it. Like we haven’t seen her really blow up about that situation.
So I don’t understand why Lana was kind of stroking a fire between Samie and Ron that just wasn’t there. And now she’s gonna be the same one who runs after Samie, having sympathy as if she did not just Prime Ron for a fight that probably wasn’t even gonna happen. I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one, but that was weird to me.

And Lana did speak to Ron, and Ron told her “I would never do that”. I’m like “Ron, Are you not the same man who basically insinuated that Samie was fast?”. During Casa, Ron said “A woman like that is definitely gonna move mad in Casa. So you [Tom] need to do what you need to do.” The show is recorded, we saw it on tape, and Ron You were caught in 4K, literally. So why are you lying Ron? And again, Samie was barely pressed in this conversation. So I’m wondering what was Lana on about.
Kai Won’t Apologize
In the morning debrief, honestly, nothing really stuck out to me besides Olivia talking about Kai saying that she needs an “apology”. While talking to the girls, Olivia says “He [Kai] just seems really different and awkward. I love to chat with him at some point. Maybe that’ll help, but I would need an apology for the way he spoke to me.”
Listening to her I’m like “Apology for what?” The man does not care about your silly drama. I don’t know how clearer he could be and he does not give a damn. He does not care about you at all, so just move on. She cannot move on, of course, because Olivia does what Olivia does by keeping people’s names in her mouth.
Then Sanam says to Kai that Olivia wanted an Apology. But Kai says, multiple times, that he is not apologizing to this woman. He would rather die than apologized to Olivia. So I’m just like, Olivia’s delusion is through the roof.

I found it so funny that even in the morning debrief, the women were basically saying how Kai has changed and they’re saying he’s changed for the worst. Ironically enough, we are here really loving this version of Kai. Kai has never been more enjoyable to watch than now. I am liking this new version of Kai. And I love that he is standing 10 toes down. He did what he did. He said what he said, and he’s standing firm. I never thought I would be a Kai fan.
Tanya Gets Emotional
Then Shaq tells Tanya that there are no hard feelings between them and that she should continue to be the happy, bubbly person that she is, but this made her emotional. Shaq tells Tanya, “Whatever happens here, I don’t like seeing you upset.” Then Tanya gathers all the girls and cries about Shaq.
Like I said earlier, did Shaq have red flags? Yes. Even though the red is subjective, it could be amber for some people, and red for others. But Tanya’s lack of self-awareness is really just alarming to me. Because she does not see herself as being in the wrong ever. Let me not say ever, because when he called her out on the whole “ex-boyfriend thing”, she saw in retrospect that maybe she shouldn’t have said it that way.
But in some of the ways that she speaks, she’s so blunt. And sometimes you respect it because you want an odyssey, you want somebody who’s clear and concise about how they feel about things. But also have some care, have some finesse with your work Tanya. At least with Shaq, you can see him always trying to like cushion a harsh statement or a harsh opinion that he has like he will try to sum up the blow. But Tanya will not do that. So I’m just like, “How have we gotten into a space where Shaq is the one who now has to grovel for Tanya when Tanya’s been the one moving mad?”

Then we see Tom and Will, and they are on a mission to get their girls back because well, What else are they gonna do? It blows my mind how it has taken Tom this long to realize that all he needs to do, Is apologize. And accept responsibility and take accountability. At least Will did that from the onset, again, probably trying to, you know, avoid Layla’s lashing.
So Tom decides to do something that he has not done for anyone, recite Samie a poem about how he feels about her. And Will also plan something, but bigger. He, later in the episode decides that he will take Jessie to the terrace and say “I love you” to her. Honestly, at this point, guys, we’re gonna have to start drinking game drinks every time Shaq says “I’m in love with the girl.” When Kai asks Shaq if he is gonna go back for Tanya, Shaq says “I’m still in love with her and not seeing that I’ve just forgiven and forgotten what she’s done”
Jessie Forgives Will
Then while speaking to Tanya, Martin says “I’m trying to reach out to someone that doesn’t want me to reach out to them.” To this Tsnya says “you’re trying to get something out of me that’s not there. You’re not gonna have 100% of me because I’m already half over there [with Shaq].
I do think Tanya is probably coming off as distant. She was trying the first day and Martin was not giving her the time of day at all. So now that it seems like she has ironed through the issues that they should be having. But Martin’s trying to find some more issues so that he can drop her like a sack of potatoes. We all saw it coming and I’ve been saying that he responds to her advances, but he doesn’t ever really put in that Effort.

Now, he’s not putting in the effort, he’s being clogged on it, and so he needs to find another excuse for why things are not working out. Because he can’t use the whole “well, you’re giving Shaq the attention” or “you called me a speed bumper”. Tanya explained all of that, and rationed it all out to Martin, very bluntly, because that’s what Tanya does. But yeah, I feel like Martin is trying to create issues that are not there.
Then we say Tom reciting his poem to Samie. It was wack, but Samie forgave him. Then at the end of Love Island Season 9 Episode 35, Will plans sometimes with Lana to make Jessie happy. They decide that he will write 13 lines about how he feels about Jessie and then gives one to all the Islander each.
Then Will takes Jessie to the Terrace where she sees all the other Islanders loudly saying these lines while Will is standing beside Jessie on the terrace. Then at the end of these 13 lines, Will says “I love you” to Jessie”. And then Jessie forgives him and they share a kiss.
Also Read: What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 33? Jessie Cries