The well-known Japanese light novel series Classroom of the Elite was written and illustrated by Shogo Kinugasa and Shunsaku Tomose. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, a student at the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, is the series’ main protagonist.
In this article, we will be discussing the 26 best quotes from Classroom of the Elite. These teachings and life lessons, by characters like Horikita Suzune and Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, will have a long-lasting impact on readers. I present the top 26 quotes from Classroom of the Elite without further ado. I hope you will enjoy it!
Here are the 26 Best Quotes From Classroom Of The Elite
“If you worried too much, you’d likely miss out on something important and suffer for it.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Another important figure in the Classroom of the Elite is Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. He is renowned for his analytical mind and composed manner. He frequently gives his classmates sage counsel in the series. This quote of his stands out.

This quote serves as a reminder that worrying excessively can be harmful to one’s mental health and well-being. While worries and apprehensions are normal human emotions, giving in to them might cause us to miss out on life’s richer joys.
In the context of the show, Ayanokouji’s quote is particularly appropriate. Striking a balance between hard work and self-care is essential, as Ayanokouji’s advice serves as a timely reminder. We shouldn’t let our anxieties prevent us from living in the now and grasping opportunities when they arise.
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“If I may be so bold, defective merchandise can often be fixed with the slightest of alterations. That is my feeling on the matter.”
– Suzune Horikita
This quote of Suzune Horikita reflects her analytical and practical character. She is forthright about the condition of affairs and constantly seeks ways to improve them.

In the context of the episode, Suzune’s quote is extremely relevant. Students in high school are regularly assessed and graded. Because they are expected to perform at a high level, any errors or flaws are considered defects. Everyone has flaws, but with the right mindset, those flaws can be fixed, as Suzune’s quote serves as a timely reminder.
The Suzune quote also emphasizes that despite our flaws, we are worthwhile. Although imperfect products may not be ideal, they nonetheless have value and can be improved. Everyone who believes they are inadequate or that their flaws define them should heed this lesson. It acts as a reminder that despite our flaws, we are still valuable as people.
“Most people possessed both a public face and a private inner self, after all.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
The quote by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka illustrates how complicated and multifaceted people are. We all have different personalities that we exhibit to different people and in different situations.
In the context of the show, Ayanokouji’s quote is particularly appropriate. High school students are constantly attempting to navigate a complex social system. The Ayanokouji quote serves as a timely warning not to judge a book by its cover. A person’s outward demeanor does not always reflect their true personality.

Ayanokouji’s quote highlights the need for empathy and comprehension. Even if we may never fully grasp someone else’s innermost selves, we may try to be nice and accepting of them. By accepting this, we may create a more tolerant and inclusive society.
“I, for one, feel no need to make friends.”
– Suzune Horikita
This Suzune Horikita’s quote reflects her reclusive demeanor. She is not the kind to deliberately seek out conversation or the limelight. In the context of the episode, Suzune’s quote is extremely relevant. The Suzune quote is a gentle reminder that not everyone benefits from being sociable or having many close friends.
It’s okay to be timid or to prefer quiet times. It is crucial to recognize and respect each person’s individuality and requirements. Independence and self-reliance are also discussed in the Suzune quote.

“Your shortcoming is that you assume others will hold you back and put them at a distance from the start.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
In this quote, Ayanokouji laments the introversion of another character. He explains that this is not a reflection of their ability but rather an assumption that they will be held back by others. This quote highlights the need for self-awareness in avoiding the harmful impacts of one’s prejudices and assumptions on relationships with others.

Ayanokouji’s observation serves as a warning tale about making snap judgments about other people; instead, it is preferable to approach situations with an open mind. This character stifles their growth and misses out on opportunities to learn and collaborate with others because they fear others will hold them back.
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“I’ve never once thought of you as an ally. Not you. Not Kushida. Not Hirata. All people are nothing but tools. It doesn’t matter how it’s done. It doesn’t matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end…That’s all that matters.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
This quote reveals Ayanokouji’s view of people as just tools rather than allies or companions. Even if it means prioritizing the needs of others, he is determined to succeed. In a world where winning is everything, he believes there is no place for sentimentality or loyalty. He disregards common decency and treats people like commodities; he is a merciless opportunist.

“Normally, I dislike playing with others as a team, but miraculously, I was able to make it work in the case of basketball.”
– Ken Sudo
Ken Sudo is a character who dislikes collaborating with others in a team setting. He loves to work alone since he believes he can produce greater outcomes that way. In basketball, though, he can put aside his individual preferences and cooperate with his colleagues to reach the team’s objective.
This quote implies that even those who are accustomed to working independently can flourish in a team environment, provided they are willing to exert effort and make concessions.

“Self-centered people could be hard to handle, even if they have superior talent. However, people who could follow instructions would always be in demand, a highly sought-after resource.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
In his book Classroom of the Elites, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka makes a remarkable observation regarding the relationship between skill and personality. Ability is a tremendous asset, but when combined with egotism, it may be dangerous.
There are many instances of talented people who are challenging to deal with because of their narcissistic tendencies in the real world. Yet, Ayanokouji reminds us that those who can follow instructions are always in demand, regardless of their talent level. Even the most talented individual cannot compete with a well-functioning team.

Consequently, it is crucial to hone not just our talent but also our capacity for collaboration. The capacity to accept guidance and contribute to a team effort is a highly sought-after quality that can lead to success and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.
“The more one is confident in their own skill, the more they will despair upon sensing the difference in power.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
This quote by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka demonstrates how overconfidence can have devastating consequences. This research suggests that the stronger one’s perception of their ability, the steeper their fall when challenged by a more skilled opponent. In a highly competitive environment like Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School, this may be a problematic quality.

The quote implies that confidence may have negative repercussions. While confidence in one’s talents is essential, entering into a situation unprepared can be disastrous. When confronted by a more formidable adversary, the characters in the program swiftly begin to question their abilities.
Recognizing that there is always space for growth and being receptive to advice from others are both crucial. If we keep our composure and remain receptive, we can continue to advance and grow.
“Information is something that should be hidden, and information that is not hidden will be doubted.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
This quote underlines the importance of keeping knowledge secret and how information may be used to acquire power. Ayanokouji is aware that information is valuable precisely because it is concealed and that once it becomes widely known, its value and legitimacy may be questioned.
According to Ayanokouji, the most effective individuals in this situation may be those who can maintain the secrecy of their information while concurrently acquiring information about others.

The morality of secrecy and the manner in which it can be used to dominate and manipulate others are also brought up by this quote. It prompts us to consider the relevance of openness and candor in our own lives and to consider if the quest for power and success justifies the use of lies and manipulation.
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“People with low communication skills tended to be highly reactive; They’d act before thinking.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
The comment made by Ayanokouji regarding communication skills and reactivity serves as a timely reminder of the importance of cautious and deliberate action. The students in the Classroom of the Elites are frequently under enormous pressure to make hasty decisions.

Ayanokouji warns that rash actions frequently have negative consequences. This highlights the significance of communication skills and the ability to think critically and strategically under duress. By taking a more methodical and deliberate approach, we may enhance our performance and lessen the number of times we must start over.
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“People show their true colors when they’re in jeopardy.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Ayanokouji’s words on showing one’s true colors when one’s safety is threatened serve as a timely reminder of the value of honesty and moral rectitude. The characters in Classroom of the Elites are frequently challenged to think critically about their morals and convictions.

According to Ayanokouji, adversity reveals our actual nature. This emphasizes the need to cultivate a solid sense of identity and stick to our principles, no matter how challenging life may get.
“If you won’t be friends with anyone, you’ll be alone for the next three years, I’ve been alone for the last nine years, so I don’t mind.”
– Horikita Suzune
Horikita Suzune is a determined and sensible student who prioritizes her education before establishing friends. Her quote indicates her down-to-earth outlook, which places a premium on individual initiative and responsibility.
Horikita knows that her independent nature may result in loneliness, but she is willing to endure it if it means achieving her goals. Her remarks serve as a gentle reminder that success can be achieved in a variety of ways and that chasing one’s aspirations isn’t always easy.

“If you betray me, I’ll make you pay.”
– Kikyou Kushida
Kikyou Kushida is an extroverted and popular student who places a premium on establishing new friends. This quote seems to counter her upbeat nature at first glance, but closer inspection exposes a more complex side of her character.
Kikyou’s threat of revenge implies that she is not as tolerant and understanding as she seems. Her statements emphasize the potentially disastrous effects of treachery and the extent some people will go to protect themselves.

“It’s my goal to become friends with everyone at school, even outside classes.”
– Kikyou Kushida
Kikyou Kushida’s quote displays her desire to be liked and accepted by people. Her objective of befriending everyone, especially those in the “outer classes,” displays her welcoming mentality and willingness to overcome social boundaries.
Her statements also suggest that she may feel compelled to keep up appearances in order to escape social exclusion. The quote by Kikyou serves as a sobering reminder of how our pursuit of popularity can cause us to hide parts of our genuine selves.

“I’m going to crush Class D, then Class B, and before it’s getting done, I’m coming for Class A too.”
– Kakeru Ryuuen
Kakeru Ryuen is a fierce competitor at school who is always seeking a method to win. If utilizing brutal force is necessary to achieve his goals, he is not opposed to doing so. This quote illustrates his drive and self-assurance in his talents. He believes he can climb the ranks by conquering weaker classes one at a time. Because of his drive and competitive nature, he is an extremely difficult opponent to beat.

“As one of your fellow students, I cannot allow violence to be perpetrated on this campus.”
– Honami Ichinose
Honami Ichinose is a well-respected student who fights for rigorous obedience to school regulations. This quote demonstrates both her adamant opposition to violence and her concern for the welfare of her peers. Many pupils look up to her as a leader because of her strict adherence to school policy.

“What an unsightly scene; a fight between two lower classes is just pathetic.”
– Arisu Sakayanagi
Arisu Sakayanagi is a clever and sensitive student who scrutinizes the behavior of her classmates. This quote illustrates her scorn for the lower classes and her confidence in the superiority of her own class. She thinks it’s sad that people from lower socioeconomic statuses resort to violence. Several students despise her because of her attitude and snobbery, but her brilliance and strategic planning skills make her a formidable opponent.

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“For better or for worse, I’ve lived my life making sure not to stir anything up. Being a ‘role model’. Being ‘exemplary’. I believed that to be the right thing to do and never once questioned it. As a matter of fact, until I graduated, I had already given up on taking action. I had failed to make a friend I could say I trusted from the bottom of my heart. I have yet to comprehend it.”
– Manabu Horikita
Manabu Horikita is a character in the anime Classroom of the Elite, and his quote reveals much about who he is. Horikita is described as a reserved and focused student who aspires to academic achievement. Horikita, however, realizes as he reflects on his life that he has never questioned this conviction. As a result, he now leads a mundane existence devoid of any excitement or satisfaction.

Many people can connect with Horikita’s quote since they have spent their lives seeking to fit in with traditional beliefs and values without ever questioning them. Only by trying new things and taking calculated risks can we truly determine what we want in life and generate the courage to pursue it.
“I’m living as my ideal self. I always knew I was blessed, even when compared to my peers. I have a good memory, and so I excelled in academics. I’m also good at sports. I’m also confident when it comes to socializing. I’m also a very flexible person and can adapt to almost any situation. So. “Am I a perfect human being?” If you ask me that, the answer would be ‘no’.”
– Kikyo Kushida
Kikyo Kushida is another character in Classroom of the Elite, and her quote underlines how dissimilar she is to Horikita. Kushida, in contrast to Horikita, is extroverted and gregarious, succeeding in school, sports, and other hobbies.
Despite what may appear to be a faultless existence, Kushida is aware of her weaknesses. Kushida’s quote teaches us that it is acceptable to acknowledge our gifts and blessings, but it is also essential to acknowledge our limitations and mistakes. Being aware of our limitations enables us to work on them and grow as individuals.

“No matter what happens to someone else, as long as in the end you win, that’s fine.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
This quote by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, one of the main characters in the anime Classroom of the Elites, emphasizes how cutthroat and competitive the situation is. This quote captures the school’s philosophy, which the characters attend.

They are regularly judged on their performance, and those that stand out are given special recognition and benefits. This generates a competitive environment in which students will use all means required to attain their goals, including the suppression of their classmates. Although this quote may appear cold and self-centered, it also emphasizes the need for individual thought and action.
“Confessing your feelings to someone isn’t an easy thing. You spend every day in anguish, yet you still can’t do it. The words “I love you” hang in your throat, and you can’t seem to force them out. I think her earnest feelings deserve a proper answer, don’t you?”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
In this quote, Ayanokouji acknowledges the difficulty of disclosing one’s emotions to another, revealing his more sensitive side. He tells his friend to respond appropriately to someone who has revealed their sentiments honestly because he is aware of the emotional turmoil this procedure produces.
It reveals that despite his frigid exterior, Ayanokouji is capable of empathy and understanding when it comes to matters of the heart.

“I will always do my very best to answer the calls of everyone else, no matter who they are. Even if one day, I may end up getting strangled by it all.”
– Honami Ichinose
Honami Ichinose is a character from the anime series Classroom of the Elite who is well-known for her strong work ethic and dedication to assisting others. The aforementioned quote illustrates her propensity to go above and above for those around her, regardless of their social status or background.
Honami’s commitment to assisting others comes from her conviction that everyone has something to contribute and that, together, they can accomplish incredible things. She places a great deal of strain on herself since she loves so deeply about people and wants to ensure their happiness.

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“The natural course of action is to have as much insurance on your side as possible after all.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a character in Classroom of the Elite who is recognized for his sharp intellect and smart planning skills. The aforementioned quote reflects his opinion that having a strong strategy and being prepared for any potential difficulties is essential.
Ayanokouji based his emphasis on preparation on his understanding of how competitive society is. He recognizes that taking reasonable risks and planning for the worst is essential to achieving success. This quote by Ayanokouji emphasizes the need for independence as well. He is aware that nobody else will rush to your aid when things appear dark.

“Many people disguised them as good people. And it is difficult to find one that truly did have a good heart.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
The core premise of Classroom of the Elite is encapsulated in this quote by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka: that things are not always as they appear. According to Ayanokouji, not everyone in this position is who they appear to be.
According to the quote, many people with seemingly good intentions have ulterior motives. Discovering people with genuinely good hearts is uncommon, and those who do typically stand out from the herd. The show teaches us that genuine goodness is uncommon and ought to be valued and that true character is shown via actions.

“Hiding the ugly truth any playing the saint is also a human nature.”
– Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
This quote by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka emphasizes both the intricacy of human nature and the ways in which we frequently conceal our true selves behind a façade. Several of the show’s characters appear immaculate and gorgeous on the outside, but they hide horrific secrets and inner troubles.
This quote also relates to the show’s underlying topic of deceit. As a result, students develop a sense of suspicion and skepticism since they are unclear about whom to trust.

Although this quote emphasizes the less commendable qualities of human nature, it also highlights the importance of compassion and understanding. By acknowledging that everyone has their challenges and flaws, we can begin to view one another with more compassion.
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