It’s hard to believe Andor Season 1 was so good and wrapped up in 2022. The Rogue One prologue has breathed new life into the Star Wars universe, and now we have to say goodbye already? Rumor has it that Andor Season 2 will drop soon, and we’re here to deliver all the tea.
Let’s talk about when Season 2 will be released and what story it might follow. Tony Gilroy’s Andor story completely changed the definition of what Star Wars can do, both in terms of television and story writing. That’s why fans are desperate to know when they’ll be able to see the rest of the story play out. Don’t worry; we have your back.
Andor Season 1 is completed, and Season 2 is probably two years away at least, but that doesn’t mean I don’t already have thoughts, hopes, dreams, and fears about it, so let’s dive in.
Andor Season 2 Production Details
Gilroy has finally revealed some key moments in the production timeline. They will help us estimate when the story is supposed to be released. He said that they started shooting for Andor Season 2 at the end of 2022 and that, most likely, shooting will not end anytime before August 2023. Such a long production period is standard for a show of this caliber. But it does make us a little sad, not gonna lie.
But there’s more; after this, the show will go into post-production too. While most shows can edit the episodes pretty quickly and have everything on air in a matter of months, that’s not gonna happen here.

Andor has many fantasy elements that will need extensive VFX to make them even slightly believable. They could expedite the process that comes with a heavy price tag and, by that, on top of an already heavy VFX price tag. So it’s safe to say that’s probably not happening. Although doesn’t Star Wars have decades worth of money from the fandom? But Gilroy confirmed that money is tight Right now. So sorry, guys, we’ll have to wait for this one out.
When Be Will Andor Season 2 Released?
Another problem is that perfection takes time. You can do VFX fast, but there’s a higher chance of it having flaws. This isn’t the 90s anymore. People are now used to flawless special effects. In the end, Andor will likely have the same timeline for both seasons. Season one took three years to make. That’s counting from the first day of filming to the premiere. If you factor in the writing and pre-filming stuff, that total just gets even worse.
Gilroy predicts that the next season will come out two years later. This is a considerable improvement considering how long it took them to make the first season movement. After all, they’ve done this before; shouldn’t they have the hang of it by now?
But in all honesty, we are probably not seeing our beloved characters return till late 2024. If things are kept on a super tight schedule, they might delay until 2025. Sorry guys, we hate to be bearers of bad news, but that’s just the way it is. Hopefully, the more time they spend on the season, the better it is. We’ve got high hopes for you, Tony.
Andor Season 2 Teaser Breakdown
Andor Season 2 Teaser was also shown at Star Wars Celebration, so let’s talk about that. Even though the second season is still in production, and we already know it will be the last, they nevertheless gave us a brief teaser. The Andor Season 2 teaser displayed a number of sequences that have already been shot in a manner similar to that of the Season One trailer. In the trailer, Cassian was seen engaging in intense rebelling while on missions and wearing fancy disguises.

Most significantly, it does look like Andor and Bix will get back together at some time in the early half of season 2, which was a definitive issue for a lot of fans after the conclusion. An Imperial officer was also heard in the trailer discussing how everyone had a personal rebellion, which contributed to the trailer’s overall mood.
Additionally, Syril Karn made multiple appearances, and it appears that he has been given a little more authority now that he has won a little favor with Dedra, who also made several appearances in the trailer. Additionally, a Luthen was in the elevator, pointing a blaster at someone.
Important Details At The End Of Andor Season 1
We’re still recovering from that Season 1 finale. We’ll need to break it down and get it out of our system before moving to Andor Season 2. Lucasfilm decided to make the new show a slow-burn and politically charged story. No more fan service and Easter eggs, and they mean business now.
The show is a character piece with metaphors about the 21st century’s fight against fascism. And all these details meant that the finale had to be grand. And boy, oh boy, it was. The tension had been building for some time now, and finally, everyone showed up at Marva Andor’s funeral, and everything exploded. Marva’s last message sparked an impromptu rebellion.
Meanwhile, Cassian used this time to break Bux from jail. He also decided to meet Luthan and convinced him to recruit him into the rebel alliance. Meanwhile, Mon Mothma has her problems. She paid the price for supporting the rebellion with her family. She now has to sacrifice her daughter Leida to Davo Sculdun. She must marry Sculdon’s son for the sake of the rebellion. Now it makes sense why her husband and daughter didn’t support her when the war finally broke out.

At the same time, Dedra Meero is rescued by Syril Karn after she gets caught up in riots. We get a rare moment of true vulnerability from her when she’s truly grateful to be safe. But what does this mean for the future? The most important moment comes in the post-scene. It confirms a fan theory that Narquina 5 helped build the Death Star. Things are getting spicy, indeed.
What Will Happen In Andor Season 2?
Tony will probably follow the same three-episode blocks to tell the story’s next chapter. Now that Marva has passed on the torch to her son, it’s his time to shine. In Andor Season 2, Andor becomes a major intelligence operative for the rebel alliance. He’ll slowly work against the Empire with his allies.
We think the show will end right before the start of Rogue One, as Cassian discovers the Death Star. But just because we know what happens in Rogue One doesn’t mean there’s no suspense. We know that the Death Star means the end of the Empire. It was created for the Empire to control the Galaxy, but it became why it was destroyed.
But this is probably the second Death Star, though the first one was already almost complete in the final scenes of Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith. So this has to be another one.
Another thing that will probably happen is Dedra and Syril’s love story. The last episode laid the groundwork for it, but we’ll see their relationship evolve into something more. How it will end, though, is anybody’s guess.

The most important part of the mystery is how Andor gets to know of the Death Star, though. We know he’ll eventually die to get the Death Star’s plans. Well, we don’t know anything that happens before it. Luthan is also not in Rogue One, so we might also get to see his death in the series. Although maybe they have A twist up their sleeve, we won’t put anything past Tony.
Burning Question In The Andor World
Well thought out, as the story may be, some loopholes remain to be explained. That’s why Gilroy sat down to answer them for the fans. After all, they’re the reason the franchise exists. The first question that fans have asked is, “Do the people of Ferrix know who the Jedi are?” And he says no. The simple reason is that the royal family isn’t really on their mind.
The Galaxy is so big that most people have no idea about the Jedi and their lightsabers. As criminal as that sounds, it does make sense. How many people on our planet know everything happening in the lives of rich people on the other side of the world? Now multiply that a few billion times, and then you’ll get it.
The people don’t know much about the elites, but the Jedi are an essential part of the universe. It was strange for fans to find them absent from the new series. But Andor was always supposed to be different, and it was darker and more violent. It was marketed as something new for the fans. New faces, new stories, and a new world. And this world is very different from the One we grew up in. But you know what? We like it, 10 out of 10, no doubt about it.
Sorry, Gilroy should have never doubted you.
Why Is The Writer Making Andor Show Different?
Alright, we get everything is different. But why? We swear if they’re just doing it to be edgy, we’ll send them hate mail. But as always, the writers have thought it all out. The 66-year-old writer says that he did all this deliberately, not just for the heck of it, but to push the boundaries of the Star Wars Cinematic universe a little bit.

The stories until now have been so focused on a few characters it’s refreshing to remove them altogether. So many new avenues open up. He wants other writers to do the same with their Star Wars projects. They have a Galaxy on their hands, endless opportunities, and a dedicated fan base. Take the leap of faith, guys.
For him, it’s Andor over the universe. He is committed to telling the story of these characters first and then dealing with the rich lore that comes with the Star Wars world. That’s why there are so few references. Ferrix is a secluded corner of the Galaxy. It has to tell its tale before it gets tied up in the wider net of tales that came before and after it.
The art department snuck in some of the Easter eggs and Lutheran’s Art Gallery without Gilroy’s knowledge. He got to know the Easter eggs with the audience well, one art department. It all makes sense if we’re being honest. Well, the child, and we want one tiny reference to our childhood heroes. Pretty please. But what do you think will happen in Andor Season 2?
Worries About Andor Season 2
I’ll start with my fears surrounding the format. The original plan was to make Andor five seasons. Each season covers a year of Cassian’s life. But obviously, this show is a ton of work, and I believe they whittled it down to three and then two seasons. When I read about that, I was like, “OK, that sounds neat.” Now that we’ve seen the entire season, first of all, I’m just sad we’re not gonna get four more, but I understand and respect the decision to cut it down.
I’m mostly just worried that it’s all going to feel different. I liked the slow and deliberate pacing of season one, and in season 2, we’re going to have to cover a lot of ground. Mon Mothma’s story feels like it’s only just beginning, and yet she’s gonna have to rise to become the leader of the Rebel Alliance by the second or third arc of the season.

I think it can be done; I just hope we don’t lose some of the meticulously planned character beats we got in Season One. I have full faith in the writers at this point. They have earned my trust. If they think this is the right move, I think they also know how to pull it off.
Time Jumps In Andor Season 2
The fact of the matter is season one could have spanned any amount of time. The only reason we know it covered about a year is that we were told in interviews. But really, the only amount of time we know past in the show is Cassian spending about a month on Amos and another month or so in prison. The time jump on Narcina 5 could have been a year or something if the riders wanted.
I have it in my mind that every three episodes, we’re gonna get a one-year-later title card, and maybe we will, but we don’t have to. Andor Season 2 could theoretically flow exactly like Season One. Leave the timing a little vague, and then let the fans who feel the need to put it all on a timeline later.
More Time With The Main Characters
My primary hope for Season 2 is that we simply get to spend more time with Mon Mothma. She was described as the Co-lead of the series, and I didn’t really feel that. I loved her scenes, but she didn’t appear until episode 4, and then sometimes she would just have one or two scenes per episode. They were great scenes, and I just wanted more.
But the series is, of course, called Andor. He should be the focus. Andor and Mon Mothma’s storylines will converge in season 2, so hopefully, that means more screen time for Genevieve O’Reilly. I could say the same for several characters, Syril Karn, Dedra Meero, Bix Caleen, and of course, B2EMO. Give me more of that perfect little gentleman.

As for Cassian himself, I think my next hope has already been addressed, but I want to see him as a more active character in season 2. Early on in the series, I pointed out that Cassian is passive. He affects the story, but things seem to just happen to him. Marva takes him from Kanari. Luthan takes him to Aldani. The Empire arrests him, and then in prison, we see him start to be more active, and that continues on into the finale.
I think that was absolutely meant to be part of his character arc, to learn that you can’t be passive in the existence of the Empire and you can’t sleep through it, the way Marva says. You have to be awake, as Nemik describes. And we see that sleeping metaphor come up throughout the series. I wanted Cassian to be a more active protagonist, and by the end of season one, I think he is. So I no longer have that criticism, and I don’t think it’ll be an issue in season 2.
Now that Cassian has teamed up with Luthan, I think he’ll start to act more like him. In hindsight, shooting Tivick to keep a bit of information safe is a very Luthan thing to do. So I think we’ll see Cassian working directly with his new mentor, doing some rough stuff in the name of the rebellion, exploring those lines he had in Rogue One about doing terrible things and needing them all to matter.
Andor Season 2 Should Be A Bit Wierd
Next, I hope Andor Season 2 is just a little weirder. I also think that’s likely, inevitable even. Andor seems to be following the pattern of Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Resistance, and the Mandalorian. We meet a bunch of new characters and get to know them and their world, and each season that world grows.
We meet the Lothal Rebel cell, and then they’re brought into Baylon and Asoka’s at the end of season one. Or we meet the citizens of the Colossus in resistance, and at the end of season one, they’re forced to flee. Or we meet the Mandalorian, a loner with a child who gets thrust into the more connected Galaxy in season 2.

I don’t see how and or can tell its story without connecting more strongly to other stories. Whether people want to call them cameos or Easter eggs, I think we will have to see certain characters and events. Bail Organa, K2SO, Draven. I hope we get to see Melshi and Cassie and reunite. I’d love to see more from Trivik.
Season one dropped enough hints about the Gormans that I think we will see Mon Mothma’s speech about the Gorman massacre that leads to the actual creation of the Rebel Alliance. Seeing that pivotal moment from Star Wars Rebels, but through Cassian’s eyes, wherever he was at the time… Yeah, I want that.
I think the more and more Andor connects with familiar Star Wars stuff, the weirder and pulpier it will have to become. I welcome that, and I think they can balance it with a more serious tone just fine. After all, they could pull it off with Doctor Quadpa and the Narkins.
I think those are all of my hopes for season 2 of Andor. Really, all I hope is that it turns out to be just as good as season one. I hope it engages me and moves me in all the same ways. But that’s all I’ve got for today. Let me know what you want out of season 2.
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