After episode 3 laid the foundation for the rest of the season, Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4, titled “Land of Opportunity,” seems like an opportunity for Tariq and the rest of the Crew to make some serious cash while business is booming. Because, after all, that’s what the land of opportunity is. So what’s the issue?
The issue is that they’re about to enter a territory that we never even saw Ghost and Tommy enter, transporting weapons. Transporting weapons is a completely different ball game compared to moving weight. So for the first time, we’ve learned something new about Mecca. He wasn’t just someone who was transporting drugs.
Mecca was someone who also transported weapons for Obi and Noma. And Obi will expect the same of Tariq, Brayden, Effie, Cain, and Dru, who’s joined this latest meeting. So how do they go about transporting weapons? Because that’s not something you can shift at Stansfield, nor can you pour under coffee cups on Wallstreet.
We’ll also see Blanco Rodriguez catching the tape on the gun deal. But who gave her this lead? While Detective Whitman continues to stalk Monet and what on Earth is Diana doing? Is she really about to snitch on her mum Monet to Detective Whitman? Something I think we need to be mindful of. Power does love to manipulate these Episode trailers.
So in this article, I’m going to look at two perspectives. How and why could Diana be informing, and how does Salim have a growing influence? But she might be doing the opposite and playing Detective Whitman to protect her family in Power Book II Ghost Season 3.
Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4 Spoilers
The title of Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4 is “Land of Opportunity, and its Synopsis reads: “The Tajada family and Davie are going to discuss how they will handle Whitman. Then there is Dru, who will be setting up a risky deal with a helping hand from a family friend. The RICO team will be getting a lead. Diana will be encouraged to break their relationship with her family.”
Now, what do they mean by the “Land of Opportunity”? It is to believe that America can provide unlimited opportunities for everybody to succeed, regardless of background or social status. Everybody has an equal opportunity to achieve their desires through hard work, determination, and willingness to take risks.
In other words, it offers opportunities for growth, money, and success. And so, in the drug game, it means power, powder, and respect. But Tariq St. Patrick wants more. And you could tell when he met RSJ. RSJ opened his mind up to what can be achieved.
I think Tariq looks up to RSJ and likes what he sees. And I think RSJ does as well, and he knows in the land of opportunity, you have to use people as much as they use him.
Tariq And Crew Will Need To Move Guns
But just as the Crew starts to sell in their rhythm and start to put an infrastructure in place in the streets with the Ivy Leagues and Wall Street, Obi will hit them with a bombshell.
Mecca also used to transport weapons, so Tariq and the rest of the Crew had to move guns. But as he says in the Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4 trailer, they’re built to move drugs and knock guns. And compared to episode 3, where Tariq said Tasha was the mastermind behind everything, I disagreed. This is something I do agree with. Tariq and the rest of the Crew are built to move guns.
So this will require a lot more strategic planning, but that’s not an obvious problem. In episode one, they said that they could replace Mecca, which Noma and Obi expect them to do, whether it be drugs or guns. Otherwise, Obi will kill Diana. So just like if they don’t meet Noma’s quota with the drugs.

If they don’t move their guns, then I’m sure Obi will have no problem pulling the trigger on Diana, and next on the list seems to be Brayden’s parents and then Grandma. So Tariq and the rest of the Crew have no choice.
The Gun Trade Will Go Side Ways
Now it seems like this exchange will turn left pretty quickly, and Lorenzo and the rest of the Crew will find themselves in a fierce shootout, which is something we did see in the Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4 Promo. But who’s at this gun trade? Let’s wait and see because, in the official season trailer, we did see Tariq and Brayden in the shootout. Whether that’s in episode 4, who knows? But **** is about to get real, especially for Lorenzo.
Lorenzo is closing in on the finishing line, and it is only a matter of time before we see his death. But the question is, who pulls the trigger? Although I don’t think we’ll see that in Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4.
In episode 3, reignite references Tasha being the mastermind and how he can be better and smarter than Ghost. And although I do disagree, something Ghost and Tommy never had to do was move guns. So we’re going to see something we’ve never seen before. We all know Tariq can create a sophisticated system to move away through Course Correct and now in Wallstreet with the help of Brayden and Effie. So let’s see how it tackles transporting guns.
Who Gave Blanca Rodriguez The Lead About The Gun Deal?
But law enforcement will be hot on Tariq and Crew’s trail. Blanca Rodriguez seems to have the tip on the gun deal upstate, which is happening tonight. And I think Jenny was surprised as we are. Ultimately, these guys are just kids, and I don’t think any of us imagine they’d be moving guns.

But one question I have is where did Blanca Rodriguez get the information that a gun deal was happening? Who gave her this tip? Because it must have come from somewhere, I feel there is a big choice coming our way with someone working on the cover other than Cooper Saxe.
We all know Jenny CI is Cooper Saxe, but I’m not sure this information has come from Saxe because Jenny sounds surprised. But whether or not we find out who gave her this tip. One person who we definitely can’t trust is Salim.
Salim Manipulating Diana
In the trailer for Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4, We see Salim and Diana in bed together, and he tells Diana, “Maybe you want to reevaluate your relationship with your family.” So he is going to encourage Diana to break ties with the Tajadas. But what kind of game is Salim playing? They’re all on the same page: nobody trusts Salim, and neither does Cain. He was someone that Google Diane has a family.
Salim knows about the history with Lorenzo and drugs, the manslaughter, and his getting out on a technicality. But did he really, or is that something he knew already working undercover? I go back to one of my earlier points where I said Professor Harper said she specifically chose this class, but we have Diana, Effie, Tariq, and Salim in one class, and maybe even Becca Weston sounds a bit suspicious to me. So let’s see what Salim’s game is because they can’t be good.
Monet And Diana Fixing Their Relationship
When Salim tells down to break ties with Tajadas, Monet comes to Stansfield to somewhat mend their relationship. This relationship is somewhat broken after the events of Season 2, and I think we all get the sense. Monet throws some blame on Diana for Zeke’s death.

So Diana feels on the out in the early parts of season 3 when he comes to her family. In episode one, she put together this memorial for Zeke, but Money didn’t even acknowledge or look at her.
But now Monet will need Diana more than ever before because even though Detective Whitman has been put on death duty, he isn’t letting up. We see him in Greg Knox style with his hood up outside the Tajadas, and she knows that she needs to make a play that Whitman can’t see coming. Because she says Whitman will do anything he can to frame her. But frame her for what, exactly?
His evidence shows that he’s not wrong about anything, as he said in episode 3. While talking to Monet, Withman said, “This vehicle taking on a Cam right outside your bars registered to Rico Barnes. The same street, This truck is headed to your bar less than an hour later.”
Monet did kill DC Joe. She also killed Rico and the Croc contractor in season 2. The only ones missing from the list are Mecca and the dead Guap, information that she slipped upon, which is why Davis wanted to keep her mouth shut. He knew Monet wouldn’t be able to hold back very well, and now she was in deep shit. So it seems like she’s comforting her for help.
Will Diana Snitch On Monet?
Monet says, “You know what? I have to visit Diana. I got to set up this whole game plan to remove Detective Kevin Whitman. He’s a huge threat, and he’s doing anything to take me down.” So why not go to Diana? She knows Diana knows how to work with people, and even though she’s always pissed off at Diana, she understands her value. She understands that Diana can get the job done. Especially when she’s motivated; we see that in the last two seasons.

Now, what do you all think is going to happen? Because Diana will talk to Detective Kevin Whitman, she’s telling him in the trailer that Monet sent her there to lie to him. So is this a part of the game plan, or is Diana trying to get at her mom? Diana, you all know she hasn’t been feeling Monet like that. But this season, she’s been trying to make up to her mom because she felt bad about what happened to your boy, freaky geeky.
But, of course, Monet hasn’t been giving her respect. The fact that she wants for her actions. So we’re going to see what your girl, dirty Diana, will do in this next episode. It doesn’t look like she’s about to do something stupid like she’s going against her mom, but I will give Diana the benefit of the doubt. I will say she will be a part of the game plan to help her mom get Detective Kevin Whitman. Because it is in the description, and I just can’t see Diana doing her mom like that.
But then again, I can hear snitching, you know, because we saw what happened to her last season. But we know she only did that because Monet came at her, and Diana said, “You know what? I’m dropping all the bombs off since you want to come at me. But it was consequences for those actions”.
What’s going to happen now? What would your girl Diana do? Would she snitch? Would she give witness some Intel? Or would she be the person that’s going to protect her family? That’s the Tajada family. Well, we are going to find out very soon.
But instead of Diana helping, it seems like she’s snitching on Monet. At least, that’s what the show wants us to think. I wouldn’t be surprised if this were a chess move from Monet and Diana playing her position for the greater good. Because if Monet goes down, so could Cain and the rest of them.

And I don’t think this relationship is broken to the point that Diana will snitch on her alone. Not yet, anyway. So I think the Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 4 Preview could be misleading. On the other hand, if Diana is stitching or Monet, all I have to say is wow.
Stakes Are Raising
But that’s a breakdown of the episode 4 trailer and one where we’ll see the stakes raise that much more with the Crew now moving guns along their way. Law enforcement seemed like they were closing in. But who gave Blanca Rodriguez this lead? Is Dina snitching? Or is she playing the Uno reverse on Detective Whitman?
Salim is a character who’s also going to be getting closer to Diana, where he’s a character who, in my opinion, could either be an informant or someone who knows Obi and Noma because he has an ulterior motive.
Theo And Saxe’s Case
Now moving on to Theo Rollins… We all know this isn’t Redman. I feel this was done on purpose. If you pay close attention to the Power Book II Ghost Season 3 trailer where Saxe was ambushed, this guy is posing as Theo. He is the Same person that held Gun to Saxe. Now I want to ask, “Will Saxe expose his old office? Does he have any evidence he took along with him to defend this case? Or Will Saxe be playing both Jenny and Davis simultaneously?”
I think Saxe will help Theo out. If you study one thing about Saxe, most times, if he finds himself in a tight corner, he says “Fuck” in some frustrating way. Let me know what you think about Saxe and Davis’s case about Theo.
Brayden’s Guilt
Now finally, let’s talk about Brayden. I think that Brayden is starting to feel like he owes Tariq his life after saving him from the Connect he was tasked to kill. This feeling is the beginning of Maximum betrayal because Tariq will constantly do things to show Brayden that he loves him as a brother and will not want to see him hurt.

But Brayden, on the other hand, feels more guilty because of what he and Effie did to Lauren. So Guilty conscience will become a pressure point for Brayden, and he will confess to Tariq about Lauren.
Dru’s New Match
Dru has been distracted throughout Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Episode 3 with his phone and the dating app. Even Cane noticed he was all on his phone. Since Everette broke up with him, he’s been looking for a similar replacement. Now after his first kick with this guy, he went looking at Everette’s post on Instagram, which suggests that he is stalking him in a way.
Then he got a notification from his dating app of a picture from a potential match. This potential match has a Tattoo of a card around his wrist. Now Fast forward, Dru met this person, but this person didn’t know it was Dru because they hadn’t yet exchanged facial pictures.
When the Tejadas met up with Uncle Frank’s boys, the one who seemed to be their leader was the guy who initially sent the picture to Dru. When he told Dru he had a trainer after Dru said he changed in size, he scratched his head, and in doing so, the tattoo showed. So if you notice, Dru saw it and remembered he was the one.
Now, what does this mean? It means Uncle Frank also had a son like Dru. What does this mean to Dru? Will he still proceed with the move? Do you think he will back out now that he has seen the person behind the picture? Well, We know that mixing business with pleasure has its consequences. But again, let me know what you think about this Dru situation.

How Tate Snitched On Tariq?
Tate told Blanca and Jenny that Tariq and Brayden could sell drugs at Weston Holdings. Remember when Saxe and Blanca were working together to get a search warrant to search Ghost’s apartment? Especially for Terry Silver’s murder. And Tate confirms their story about Ghost simply because it could give him a chance as the right candidate. Now, Tate has done the same thing here again with Tariq.
Blanca knows him to be shady and dirty. That’s why she even calls him Bendejo. And if you notice one thing about Tate, he is quick to give up and protect his campaign if he feels threatened. He will give every clue to make his ambition easily achievable. So, Blanca has every reason to think that Tariq is gaining weight at Weston Holdings. But let me know your thoughts about Tate’s situation.
Also, Read Power Book II Ghost Season 3 Spoilers: Lorenzo Is Going To Die