If you recently started playing Pokemon X and Y or any other Pokemon games and now wondering what fairy type is weak to in Pokemon, you came across the perfect place for that. Follows this today’s article explaining What Fairy Type is weak to in Pokemon.
The myths of fair folk from across cultures and around the world are filled with deceptively deadly tricksters leading the unwary with illusions, disguises, and dazzling lights and, as such, some fairy-type Pokemon, and often delve into the darker side of fairy lore.
Most of the Pokemon in the Fairy Type is similar to the fairies in fairy tales, novels, stories, and lore. They are like the spirits of nature that love living in nature and hate to live in an environment surrounded by metals and the pollution of industries. But there are also some other fairy Pokemon that are familiar and like to live alongside humans.
Some Fairy Pokemon That Lives Along Side Humans
Not all, but most of the Pokemon of the Fairy Type can be divided into two subgroups. One, in which they live in a co-ordinate relationship with other Pokemon and humans, and on the other hand, those that prefer to live away from humanity, and prefer only the wildest of barbarian habitats and fiercely defend nature from man. Which gives us some semblance of categories to work with.
What could be better than the very first fairy Pokemon that was introduced very first in the franchise of Pokemon, yes, you guessed it!! Sylveon. If you take really nice care of your Eevee, and teach it a fairy-type move, thus have it tapped into the sacred, mysterious magic of the fairy realm, then it will evolve into a Sylveon, clearly a domesticated fae creature.

The name Sylveon came from Sylvan, which means ‘forest dweller’, and also from Sylph, which is the sky fairy that has the ability to purify the air and also has wind magic.
Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff
The fan-favorite family of Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff, which are a cross between moon rabbits, singing fairies, and balloons. As seen in the Detective Pikachu Movie, Jigglypuff actually has soft fur like a rabbit. These Pokemon can inflate their bodies like frogs, puffer fish, and Kirby; they do this do float around the air.

As for some old fairy stories that don’t actually fly on their own accord but in fact, they can ride to the wind. You could also think of Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff family as ballons but with minds of their own. There are few folk tales of performing fake creatures who would curse any human who is not impressed by their performance.
Mine Jr. and Mr. Mime
Illusionist mage fairies who can create illusions and bring them to life. However, for their street performances, they prefer much tamer acts of imitation and pantomime, but Mr. Mime is very proud of its acts and will slap an unruly or bored audience member for their disrespect.

Their fairy type likely stems from their use and mastery of magic, illusion, and trickery, all commonly associated with fairies, and they are also pink. They may be dolls or marionettes that came to life due to some curse, sort of Pinocchio style.
What Is Fairy Type Weak to in Pokemon
Steel Type: Faries are believed to be allergic to Iron, which could explain why fairy type is weak to steel. This is why Fairy-type Pokemon are weak against Steel Type Pokemon like Steelix, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Metang, Jirachi, Bronzor, Meowth, and others.
Dark Type: Good always triumphs over evil, and with fairies being considered as good and dark type translating into evil type in Japanese, is no wonder why Fairy Types are super effective against Dark. This is why Fairy-type Pokemon are stronger than Dark Type Pokemon like Persian, Umbreon, Absol, Darkrai, Zarua, Sneasel, Geyninja, and others.

Poison Type: Fairies are weak against Poison due to balancing, and a common trope in Fairy Tales is that the protagonists get poisoned. This is why Fairy-type Pokemon are weaker than Poison Type Pokemon like Ekans, Arbok, Nidorina, Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Gulpin, Zubat, and others.
Fighting Type: Fighting is weak to Fairy because fairies are considered to be quick, agile tricksters, and a fighting type would be outmatched, which is interesting. But against some strong fighting Pokemons, like Tauros, Zapdos, Lucario, Pangoro, and Sneasler, Fairy could be weaker.
Dragon Type: Fairy is strong against Dragon, maybe because in every Fairy Tale, the Dragons are weaker when compared with the Fairies, and Dragons always die. This is why Fairy-type Pokemon are stronger than Dragon Type Pokemon like Dratini, Bagon, Axew, Goomy, Sliggoo, Goodra, Dragonite, and others.
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