What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 31? We started off with Will talking to Layla again, and at this point, he cannot realize that she was working on him. So I could have the read on Will all the way off. But I feel like because he’s more of the quirky kind of guy, maybe to like fit in with other men, he wants to come up with one of the lads. So, when Layla challenges him, he does oblige, you know what I mean?
Because, like, I didn’t take him for a guy who would like to follow the flock (Pun intended). I didn’t take him for that kind of guy. I thought he was OK with just being the quirky guy. But every time Layla calls him out, like, “Yeah, you become lame. Yeah, you’re not the cheeky chat that I thought you were”. And it’s almost like he’s like, “no, I can be. I’ll prove it to you.” And I’m like, Will, you don’t have to do that, especially not for Layla.
What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 31?
Sanam is talking to Kai, and he seems very smitten by her. Sanam is full-on, a lot more full-on than I expected her to be. And didn’t Kai have the same issue of “Oh, Tanyel is just too much to handle”? I think it’s interesting that I feel there are parallels between Tanyel and Sanam, but he’s really into her, so we’ll see where that goes.
Olivia is having a conversation with Martin. He is giving her advice, basically saying, “hey, Kai has you on a roster, and you are not on the top.” Martin said to Olivia that she was not Kai’s Number 1 or Number 2 but Number 4. And I found it very interesting how she was like, “Oh my gosh, well, if I’m not on his list, then maybe I need to have some more options or whatever.”

I really feel like when it comes to the two of them. Kai has more interest in Olivia than Olivia does in Kai. So it’s interesting now how, if the perception, allegedly, is that Kai is taking around a trip and she needs to cast her net wide. But I feel like she’s the one taking Kai on a trip like she’s the one which is coupled up with him for the game.
And some other people in the villa do point it out later on in the episode. And I’m like, “yeah, Olivia isn’t really into Kai the way that she’s saying, but Kai is her lifeline, so she needs to hold on to that until she finds another one.”
Jessie And Lana Stay Loyal
Jessie hasn’t talked to Frankie, and the more she talks to him, the more she realizes that she really likes Will. While speaking to Lana, she says, “the more he [Frankie] talks to me, it’s doing more harm than good. And it just makes me miss Will.” Then she goes on to say, “I just really think that what Will and I have is special, and I do trust Will.
A lot of people who watch Love Island’s Australian version feel like the way she moved to Casa then is how she’s moved to Casa now. Well, surprise, surprise, honey, maybe she has learned from her lesson. Maybe now she’s older, she doesn’t feel like she has to explore as much as she used to. But this is a very different Casa for Jessie. She’s very loyal this time around, and she is completely sold on Will.
The more I hear her talk, the more I feel that she’s all into Will. She opened up about her insecurities and how she hasn’t found somebody who’s as quirky as she is or accepts all her quirks, and it seems like Will is that guy. What will happen to Jessie when she finds out what Will has done in the main villa?
Samie said that she was a slow burn and that she missed Tom. So, we will never be released from the shackles of Tom because I feel like the general public does like Samie for the most part. So I can see them wanting to keep her around. And if she is a part of Tom, that means Tom is not going anywhere anytime soon.

And then later on in the episode, he says that she got the ick from Rayn. I wanted to see Rayn in the main villa and how he and Samie looed together. But it seems like she’s going to go back with Tom, so let’s see if Tom is going back with her.
Terrace Tom Is Back
Lydia has made it very clear that she is into Tom. But the way that Tom explains his connection with Lydia and Samie, I’m just like, “Where are the personality traits? Where are the characteristics outside of physical that you like about these women?” Tom, wasn’t it the last episode where you were talking that you wanted to look for a wife? But now you are comparing the two girls just based on their bodies.
This is why I can’t trust Tom. He is so wishy-washy. One day he’s all in on you, and the next day he is like, “Who are you? Never met you before”. One day he is looking for a wife, next day he is stuck on a girl who’s just like a worldly”. And all this doesn’t make any sense, and there’s no continuity with him. One day he is the villain, and the next day he is the voice of reason.
I don’t know if because of the way the show makes edit the episode or if it’s just a Tom thing. But he’s just so hot and cold, on and off, yes and no, that I cannot support him. Unless he’s partnered up with Samie because I like her, and I feel like that’s the only way we can have her around. Terrace Tom has taken yet another woman onto the terrace, and well, you could assume what happened after that.
Tom is such an interesting one for me because, personally, he’s very unlikable. Like, I don’t like the way that he moves into the villa. But he’s so easily vibey with anyone because at first I was rooting for him and Samie, and then I was going for him the other Sammy. And now I’m rooting for him and Lydia, and I’m just like, “how does he do it?”

I want to learn how do you have these strong connections with so many different kinds of people that get sold every time on the connection itself. How does he do it? That’s a skill, really, and he needs to teach me.
Tanya Kisses Martin
Tanya is still working really hard for affection from Martin. Tanya says to Martin that he is the best-looking guy in the villa. But I don’t really like Martin for Tanya. And what makes it worse is the fact that I feel like he responds to her advances, and rarely does he actually put himself out there for her.
We later learn in the episode that it might be due to the fact that she was intimate with Shaq so quickly, and he’s like, “I don’t really know if I want to go down that road.” And maybe Martin was being hesitant because she had already had sex with somebody else, and he didn’t want to deal with that whole thing. So the fact that he brought it up, I was like, “Oh, OK.”
Tanya did say that typically on the outside, she would have already jumped his bones. And I’m like, “Girl, don’t you want to do something different?” You don’t have to be looking for a serious relationship. Because the way that you’ve handled things in the past hasn’t worked out, so why are you going to do the same thing? And then here she is in bed with him at night, already kissing, and was like, “Oh my gosh.”
Is Casey Genuine With Cynthia?
Casey and Cynthia are having a conversation, and at first, I was into it until the end of the conversation. I was like, “I don’t really think I like that as much as I thought I would.” Casey asks Cynthia if she is leaning toward him, and she says kind of says yes. Then Casey goes on to say to Cynthia, “I feel you definitely deserve one kiss as well.”

The two issues for me that I have in this conversation are one, him calling her a minx, and two, him saying that she deserved her kiss. I can’t fully tell you why those two things did not sit well with me, but I’m just like, “is it giving fetish?”
I don’t know, and I hate that every time a black woman is in the villa, I have to question things like this, but that’s the reality. So I just hope that there’s a genuine interest and it’s not just like, “I wonder what it would be like to engage with her in the bedroom, and then after that, that’s it. The connection doesn’t go anywhere”. I really, really, really hope Casey sees more in her than just a conquest.
Will Comes Back To His Senses
Lana and Jessie have decided that they are all in on their man in the main villa and will not be indulging in all that Casa has to offer. Lana says to Jessie, “Although I tried to be open in here, my decision was kind of made [to stay loyal to Ron].” Then she goes on to say that “out of everyone in that villa, including Ron, Will is the one that’s staying loyal.”
I’m sorry, no offense Lana, but I feel like your pick didn’t pick you, and maybe that’s why you’re not fully engaging in Casa. Because you wanted Rayn, and Rayn wanted Samie. So I don’t really know if you really made the decision not to engage in Casa, but OK. Jessie at least like made it a point to be like, “I don’t like you. I like my man, and I’m stuck beside him”.
Will has a come to Jesus moment and has realized that his encounter with Layla wasn’t worth it, and he needs to bury that before Casa is over. While talking to Will, he says, “I felt really guilty and as I cheated in a way. I find you [Layla] very attractive, and I think you’re a very, lovely girl [but I want to stay with Jessie]”.

This is a tough one for me because I never expected Will to be in this situation. And if it was anybody else, I feel like I would be so upset at him. But this is the one-in-a-million chance where I really hope the person who made a big blunder in Casa can work things out with their main person in the main build. Like, I really hope he and Jessie can get back in good graces. I’m so sold on Will and Jessie’s connection that if he breaks Jessie’s heart, I will actually be sad.
Olivia Was With Kai Just For The Game
Casey and Cynthia have a kiss on the terrace again. I was like, “whatever,” but at this point, I just want to see that you’re genuine. Once you’re genuine, then I’m going to continue to really root for this connection. But as of right now, I don’t know what to say.
I like Casey, and I like Cynthia, but there’s just something in me that feels like it’s an opportunistic pursuit, and it’s not a genuine one, but only time will tell. Ron has become the Voice of Reason child, and he was talking to Kai with Tom on his side, letting him know that Olivia might have chosen you for the game rather than actual attraction.
Well, no more about playing a game than Ron and Tom, so if anything, I would fully believe what they’re saying. And I do think that Olivia chose Kai for benefit, and now that she sees that “he’s not really doing great in the ranking,” she doesn’t know what to do.
She’s flying in the wind, trying to look for something else to latch onto, and I don’t see her turning her head back to Kai. I think the Kai boat is going to be what she’s gonna ride out to the end, and then she’s going to realize that the problem wasn’t Kai. The problem was her.

Who Will Recouple, And Who Stay Loyal?
There wi be a Casa recoupling in the next episode. What are my predictions for Love Island Season 9 Episode 32? I feel like Kai is going to recouple with Sanam. Will, it’s not going to recouple and will go back to Jessie. Ron will also not turn his head and will go back to Lana. Then Shaq will also not recouple and will want to go back to Tanya. I think Casey is going to recouple with Cynthia. Then lastly, Tom will also not recouple.
As for the OG girls, Samie will also not turn his head and will go back to Tom. Jessie will also not turn his head and will go back to Will. Lana will also not turn his head and will go back to Ron. Obviously, Olivia is going to recouple with Maxwell. I
think there is a 50-50 as to whether Tanya will recouple with Martin or will want to go back to Shaq. So I’ll be interested to see how this pans out because, you know, Casa Fallout is where the drama begins.
Also Read: What Happened Last Night On Love Island Season 9 Episode 30? Will Kisses Layla