Gintama fans idolize Gintoki. Despite being one of the not-so-serious characters, fans are head over heels for him. Wonder why? A character who makes you feel ‘Ah, this is so me’ will obviously be loved. Gintoki may seem like he does not take life, and himself seriously, but he does. His vibe and his way of expressing himself, have wrapped many in his palm. The whole anime series, Gintama, consists of his childishness. It is rather common to see Gintoki being all serious and finally breaking the ice by saying something so stupid that it, sometimes, feels a wastage of emotions!
The Gintama series has long been concluded. The story, by Sorachi Hideaki, tells about the life of the samurai, named Gintoki, who lived in Edo city. His rule is to follow no one and live life as fun-lovingly as possible. Taking upon any job, Odd Job business, which will make him money, Gintoki works as a freelancer who does any kind of job, from bringing back a run-away cat to finding a family.
Because Edo was attacked by aliens, named Amanto, the samurai had completely been wiped out, except for Gintoki. And here the fans are, fanning over Gintoki. Not every anime character can pull out a quote as deep as Gintoki. There are many, amongst which some of his quotes have been listed.
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10 Best Quotes by Gintoki Sakata
There are many fans who seriously look up to Gintoki’s words. There are also many who make their day fun by following and making the best out of some of Gintoki’s quotes. Truth be told, Gintoki has the ability to make you think hard about your life. With that in mind, here are 10 of the best quotes by Gintoki Sakata from Gintama.
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10. Slash a Girl’s Innocence No More.
Gintoki quoted this, in anime only, to Hijikata. What does it mean? The actual quote is “You can slash away any number of men, but you can never betray a girl’s innocence.” Sure this may sound cheesy, but it’s not. Respecting a girl’s, or anyone elses’, innocence and thinking of never betraying them, takes a lot of courage than one may think. A friend can talk with you as if you have been the best of friends forever. But, it doesn’t even take a moment to break that trust and be with someone else, especially wherever one finds more profit.

9. Sake sure is nice.
Sake, a type of Japanese alcoholic drink, is nice, is what Gintoki says. Well, alcohol is nice after all, for all. But ever wondered why? Because it makes you feel as if every problem of yours has vanished into the thin air. Any people think of how to survive today, then how to train themselves for tomorrow and how will things turn out to be in the future. However, alcohol and other such addictions are the only ones that will make you forget every other problem that has been a problem ever since. (Note: Do not, however, get addicted to addictions. After all, every one of us is the product of the present and, therefore, has to live in present)

8. The truth of Strawberry milk.
Nothing beats having your favorite drink late at night, before going to bed. What’s more, is that none of us realizes how the outcome of drinking would be, late at night. Once you drink it, you have the urge to pee; but getting up from the blanket that has kept you warm, is hard labor. And the urge to pee is so strong, that you finally make up your mind and get out of your bed, just to realize that you aren’t in the toilet and still in bed! Gintoki, henceforth, can be so relatable and funny, that even a funny quote feels like a tragedy for many.
7. Open your legs for me.
One quote and meanings are as far-fetched as one can be. You might have the wrong idea first and then revolt, thinking there’s no way Gintoki could say something like this. Well, Gintoki is after all Gintoki. And his words can be as inspiring as they can be erotic. But, sure the Gintama fans would know what it really means. Others, let’s keep our perspective intact and enjoy thinking and believing what we want, just like Gintoki!

6. We are stupid, so know it.
Do not ever, I repeat, do not ever underestimate an idiot who can call themselves an idiot. True that most of us are idiots in some aspects of our life. However, there’s a rare chance that you would find anyone saying they are idiots, proudly! Gintoki is a proud man. He takes pride even while calling himself an idiot. A lesson to be learned – one should always accept and take pride in whatever they are.
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5. She’s grown now.
Many parents can not let go of their children. Even when their child may be at the age of 40, for parents they would still be a child who knows nothing. Apart from the most basic fact, that we all love our family and always want them to pamper us, there are certain limitations to when one should interfere with their child. When Gintoki asks Ryuzan to let go of his little child and let her grow, this may have hit hard for many fans who can relate the most.

4. People know more than people who have more.
The title itself speaks. Instead of treasuring the things we have, we end up losing the knowledge of their true value. Once a person reaches the position, where they tend to over delude themselves that they are everything now, that is when they lose. Because they forget the place they have come from, the owner of the spot changes. People who know more about the things which are important, don’t exactly have those things.

3. Change yourself and everything around you will change.
One of the best Gintama quotes, by Gintoki, is this – “You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you.” No wonder many people can’t get things right. Because no one dares to change themselves, for a change, they end up not changing at all. Changing oneself doesn’t require changing every aspect of ‘myself.’ One should be flexible enough to change their personality a bit more towards the way they want to change.

2. Life is like a mountain…
Do you personify something or anything? Have you ever tried to compare life with things around you? Gintoki has rightly quoted “Life is like a mountain…, you can say you climbed it only after you climb it down.” Gintoki’s quotation has brought many to rethink, ‘have I still not climbed the mountain of my life?’ When you want to achieve something, you have to work hard for it. After working hard, you may get what you wanted. And that is when you say, ‘ah, I have achieved it after all. It took me a whole lot of effort to do so. I have, for sure, come far enough. Looking back now, I have reached the top of the mountain in my life.’
1. What I protect has never changed.
This quote of Gintoki is one of the most famous out there. This quote basically sums it up all. According to Gintoki, happiness is subjective. Some are happy to live in a shattered house with their lover. Whereas, some can still not be happy after living in a house that is a fortune for many. If one knows where their happiness lies, they are sure to find the right way to success. Not only success, but even the right way to live a good life lies in a person’s perspective towards life. All in all, Gintoki has rightly quoted when he quoted this- “Then and now, what I protect has never changed.” Looking forward to even the tiniest of things, it’s good to lead a life that will ensure our happiness than anything else.

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