House of the Dragon Episode 6 needs an obvious explanation, and we are here for the same. The episode starts with a grown Princess, Rhaenyra, who is now giving birth and is in labor. She gives birth to yet another son. Soon, Queen Allicent demands the boy to be sent to her to look upon. Although, the Princess does not feel comfortable in the same and asks her maid to put on a dress so that she can go to the Queen’s chambers herself.
Midway, Rhaenyra is joined by her husband, Ser Laenor. They seem to hate that the Queen did not have the decency to come to them. When they meet, the Queen immediately seems to know that he is not Laenor’s child but Ser Harwin by looking at the color of his hair. As for the King, he seems to be overjoyed by looking at his grandson. Later, Ser Harwin meets with the child, with a certain level of fatherly look in his eyes.
The scene then shifts to Daemon, living in Pentos at a wealthy merchant’s residence. From what it looks like, it has been 10 years since he and Lady Laena married. They have two little girls together while the third is on their way. The merchant offers Daemon a huge house with all the riches in the world in exchange for the family using their dragons to protect them, and the Prince agrees. Although, Laena wants to go back to Westeros and live at Driftmark and have her children grow up there.

House of the Dragon Episode 6 Explained
As for Allicent, she is furious because the King will not hear her about the allegations she makes against Rhaenyra. The people have eyes, and she says that Rhaenyra’s children are bastards born to Ser Harwin Strong. Later in the arena, we see the boys, both Allicent’s and Rhaenyra’s, having a sword fight session while the King watches by.
Ser Criston is partial towards Rhaenyra’s kids, angering Ser Harwin. Further, he is disrespected by Ser Harwin when Ser Criston claims that a father can only show this affection to his children. Harwin beats Criston up, for which he gets expelled as the Lord Commander of the City Watch. Ser Lyonel, the Hand, asks for resignation from his post because of how his son behaved. Although, the King refuses to do the same. Instead, they mutually agree to send Ser Harwin back to Harrenhal to take care of the family seat.
The Queen is pissed that everything worked out in Rhaenyra’s favor. She has dinner with Ser Larys and wishes that someone should have heard her too. This prompts Ser Larys Strong to orchestrate a fire using the prisoners at King’s Landing. This fire burns Harrenhal, where Ser Lyonel and Ser Harwin both die. Allicent is shocked because she does not want to kill somebody. Although, Larys suggests that Allicent should now write to his father to come back and become the Hand of the King.
What Happens to Lady Laena?
As for Rhaenyra, we see that she is troubled by the accusations made toward her at the Red Keep. She hears people whispering about her children. Although it was never confirmed in the episode whether or not Rhaenyra’s kids are with Ser Harwin or not, it was subtly implied that the same was true. The way Ser Harwin bid the kids goodbye was one way of knowing. Rhaenyra divides to move to Dragonstone with her family and kids to live a peaceful life away from politics.
Across the narrow sea, Lady Laena has trouble during childbirth as the baby refuses to come out of the womb. The master presents Prince Daemon with two choices: he could save the mother or the baby. Meanwhile, Laena escapes to her dragon, Vhaegar, and asks him to kill her. After much hesitation, Vhaegar responds on her final call, “Dracarys,” as Daemon watches.